学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示
作 者: 王美岭
导 师: 李艳
学 校: 延安大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 文化缺省 目的论 翻译补偿 《水浒传》 加注
分类号: H059
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2011年
下 载: 130次
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Acknowledgements 5-6 Abstract 6-8 内容摘要 8-12 Chapter One Introduction 12-16 1.1 Research Background: Cultural Turn in Translation Studies 12-13 1.2 Necessity of the Research 13-14 1.3 Research Objective 14-15 1.4 Layout of the Thesis 15-16 Chapter Two An Overview of Skopstheorie 16-30 2.1 Background of the Emergence of Skopstheorie 16-17 2.2 Skopstheorie 17-30 2.2.1 Introduction 17-18 2.2.2 Basic Rules of Skopstheorie 18-20 The Skops Rule and Translation Brief 18-19 Coherence Rule and Fidelity Rule-Two Subordinate Principles 19-20 Relationships among the Three Rules 20 2.2.3 Nord’s Revision of Skopstheorie 20-24 2.2.4 Contributions of Skopstheorie 24-28 2.2.5 The Controversy Caused by Skopstheorie 28-30 Chapter Three A Study on Cultural Default and TranslationCompensation 30-44 3.1 Cultural Default 30-38 3.1.1 Definition 30-31 3.1.2 Values of Cultural Default 31-32 3.1.3 Classification of Cultural Default in Shui Hu Zhuan 32-36 Ecological Culture 33 Material Culture 33-34 Language Culture 34-35 Social Culture 35 Religious Culture 35-36 3.1.4 Cultural Default Studies in China and Abroad 36-37 Cultural Default Studies Aboard 36 Cultural Default Studies in China 36-37 3.1.5 Necessity of Compensation for Cultural Default 37-38 3.2 Translation Compensation 38-44 3.2.1 Definition 38-39 3.2.2 Relevant Study on Translation Compensation 39-44 Translation Compensation Studies in Western Countries 40-41 Translation Compensation Studies in China 41-42 Summary 42-44 Chapter Four Application of Skopstheorie into Cultural Default and Translation Compensation 44-54 4.1 Understanding Translation in Terms of Skopstheorie 44-45 4.2 The Feasibility of the Skops-Theoretic Analysis of Translation of Cultural Default 45-47 4.3 Requirements for Translators’Cultural Compensating Competence 47-48 4.4 Compensation Methods of Cultural Default from the Perspective of Skopstheorie 48-52 4.4.1 Cultural Compensation with notes outside the text 48-49 4.4.2 Cultural Compensation with notes within texts 49-50 4.4.3 Other Methods in Dealing with Cultural Default 50-52 Free Translation 50-51 Cultural Omission 51-52 4.4.4 Summary of these methods from the Perspective of Skopstheorie 52 4.5 Problems to be avoided 52-54 Chapter Five An Analysis of Shapiro’s Outlaws of the Marsh from the Perspective of Skopstheorie 54-69 5.1 Introduction to Shui Hu Zhuan and Its Translation 54 5.2 Introduction to Shapiro and Outlaws of the Marsh 54-56 5.3 Shapiro’s Translation Skops 56 5.4 Cultural Default and Its Compensation of Shapiro’s Outlaws of the Marsh from Skopstheorie 56-69 5.4.1 Cultural Compensation with notes outside the text 57-61 5.4.2 Cultural Compensation with notes within texts 61-63 5.4.3 Literal Translation 63-69 Chapter Six Conclusion 69-71 6.1 Major Findings of the Thesis 69-70 6.2 Suggestions for Further Study 70-71 Bibliography 71-73 Projects and Publications 73
- 目的论视角下河南自然景观景介的英译,H315.9
- 后殖民译论视角下英译《水浒传》中的译者主体性研究,H315.9
- 从功能主义视角看文化翻译策略,H315.9
- 翻译目的论视角下的英文电影片名的汉译,H315.9
- 功能主义翻译目的论指导下的中式菜名英译,H315.9
- 目的论视角下的《唐诗300首》诗名英译分析,H315.9
- 目的论视角下《汤姆索亚历险记》两个汉译本的对比研究,I046
- 法律文化缺省及翻译补偿,H315.9
- 跨文化视角下《水浒传》中粗俗语的翻译研究,I046
- Translator\'s Subjectivity Seen from the Perspective of Skopostheorie,H315.9
- 目的论视角下的英语影视字幕汉译策略研究,H315.9
- 化妆品广告汉译的目的和策略,H059
- 在麦金太尔美德伦理视阈下的一种整合,B83-05
- 赛、沙《水浒传》英译本文化因素的翻译策略对比研究,I046
- 目的论观照下服装英语翻译研究,H315.9
- 功能理论下文化缺省翻译补偿研究,H315.9
- 目的论视角下的电影字幕翻译,H315.9
- 从“以画言事”到“以言行事”,H059
- 从目的论看中国宾馆名称的翻译,H059
- 目的论在中英广告跨文化翻译中的应用,H315.9
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