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作 者: 王美岭
导 师: 李艳
学 校: 延安大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 文化缺省 目的论 翻译补偿 《水浒传》 加注
分类号: H059
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2011年
下 载: 130次
引 用: 0次
阅 读: 论文下载




Acknowledgements  5-6
Abstract  6-8
内容摘要  8-12
Chapter One Introduction  12-16
  1.1 Research Background: Cultural Turn in Translation Studies  12-13
  1.2 Necessity of the Research  13-14
  1.3 Research Objective  14-15
  1.4 Layout of the Thesis  15-16
Chapter Two An Overview of Skopstheorie  16-30
  2.1 Background of the Emergence of Skopstheorie  16-17
  2.2 Skopstheorie  17-30
    2.2.1 Introduction  17-18
    2.2.2 Basic Rules of Skopstheorie  18-20 The Skops Rule and Translation Brief  18-19 Coherence Rule and Fidelity Rule-Two Subordinate Principles  19-20 Relationships among the Three Rules  20
    2.2.3 Nord’s Revision of Skopstheorie  20-24
    2.2.4 Contributions of Skopstheorie  24-28
    2.2.5 The Controversy Caused by Skopstheorie  28-30
Chapter Three A Study on Cultural Default and TranslationCompensation  30-44
  3.1 Cultural Default  30-38
    3.1.1 Definition  30-31
    3.1.2 Values of Cultural Default  31-32
    3.1.3 Classification of Cultural Default in Shui Hu Zhuan  32-36 Ecological Culture  33 Material Culture  33-34 Language Culture  34-35 Social Culture  35 Religious Culture  35-36
    3.1.4 Cultural Default Studies in China and Abroad  36-37 Cultural Default Studies Aboard  36 Cultural Default Studies in China  36-37
    3.1.5 Necessity of Compensation for Cultural Default  37-38
  3.2 Translation Compensation  38-44
    3.2.1 Definition  38-39
    3.2.2 Relevant Study on Translation Compensation  39-44 Translation Compensation Studies in Western Countries  40-41 Translation Compensation Studies in China  41-42 Summary  42-44
Chapter Four Application of Skopstheorie into Cultural Default and Translation Compensation  44-54
  4.1 Understanding Translation in Terms of Skopstheorie  44-45
  4.2 The Feasibility of the Skops-Theoretic Analysis of Translation of Cultural Default  45-47
  4.3 Requirements for Translators’Cultural Compensating Competence  47-48
  4.4 Compensation Methods of Cultural Default from the Perspective of Skopstheorie  48-52
    4.4.1 Cultural Compensation with notes outside the text  48-49
    4.4.2 Cultural Compensation with notes within texts  49-50
    4.4.3 Other Methods in Dealing with Cultural Default  50-52 Free Translation  50-51 Cultural Omission  51-52
    4.4.4 Summary of these methods from the Perspective of Skopstheorie  52
  4.5 Problems to be avoided  52-54
Chapter Five An Analysis of Shapiro’s Outlaws of the Marsh from the Perspective of Skopstheorie  54-69
  5.1 Introduction to Shui Hu Zhuan and Its Translation  54
  5.2 Introduction to Shapiro and Outlaws of the Marsh  54-56
  5.3 Shapiro’s Translation Skops  56
  5.4 Cultural Default and Its Compensation of Shapiro’s Outlaws of the Marsh from Skopstheorie  56-69
    5.4.1 Cultural Compensation with notes outside the text  57-61
    5.4.2 Cultural Compensation with notes within texts  61-63
    5.4.3 Literal Translation  63-69
Chapter Six Conclusion  69-71
  6.1 Major Findings of the Thesis  69-70
  6.2 Suggestions for Further Study  70-71
Bibliography  71-73
Projects and Publications  73


  1. 目的论视角下河南自然景观景介的英译,H315.9
  2. 后殖民译论视角下英译《水浒传》中的译者主体性研究,H315.9
  3. 从功能主义视角看文化翻译策略,H315.9
  4. 翻译目的论视角下的英文电影片名的汉译,H315.9
  5. 功能主义翻译目的论指导下的中式菜名英译,H315.9
  6. 目的论视角下的《唐诗300首》诗名英译分析,H315.9
  7. 目的论视角下《汤姆索亚历险记》两个汉译本的对比研究,I046
  8. 法律文化缺省及翻译补偿,H315.9
  9. 跨文化视角下《水浒传》中粗俗语的翻译研究,I046
  10. Translator\'s Subjectivity Seen from the Perspective of Skopostheorie,H315.9
  11. 目的论视角下的英语影视字幕汉译策略研究,H315.9
  12. 化妆品广告汉译的目的和策略,H059
  13. 在麦金太尔美德伦理视阈下的一种整合,B83-05
  14. 赛、沙《水浒传》英译本文化因素的翻译策略对比研究,I046
  15. 目的论观照下服装英语翻译研究,H315.9
  16. 功能理论下文化缺省翻译补偿研究,H315.9
  17. 目的论视角下的电影字幕翻译,H315.9
  18. 从“以画言事”到“以言行事”,H059
  19. 从目的论看中国宾馆名称的翻译,H059
  20. 目的论在中英广告跨文化翻译中的应用,H315.9

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