学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示
作 者: 杨艳艳
导 师: 谢亚琴
学 校: 天津大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 文化 翻译 文化缺省 补偿 功能翻译理论
分类号: H315.9
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2010年
下 载: 238次
引 用: 0次
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摘要 3-5 ABSTRACT 5-7 Contents 7-9 Chapter I Introduction 9-14 1.1 The Tendency of Current Translation Studies 9-10 1.2 Significance and Necessity of the Study 10-12 1.3 Research Objective 12-13 1.4 The Structure of the Thesis 13-14 Chapter II Theoretical Framework: Functionalist Translation Theory 14-22 2.1 Historical Overview of Functionalist Translation Theory 14-15 2.2 The Development of Functionalist Translation Theory 15-19 2.2.1 Katharina Reiss and Her Functionalist Translation Criticism 15-16 2.2.2 Hans J. Vermeer’s Skopostheorie and Its Extensions 16-18 Skopos Rule 16-17 Coherence Rule or Intratextual Coherence 17 Fidelity Rule or Intertextual Coherence 17-18 2.2.3 Justa Holz-Manttari’s Theory of Translational Action 18 2.2.4 Christine Nord’s Model of Function plus Loyalty 18-19 2.3 The Nature of Translation—A Form of Mediated Intercultural Communication 19-22 Chapter III Cultural Default 22-35 3.1 Survey on Previous Study of Cultural Default 22-23 3.2 Definitions of Default and Cultural Default 23-25 3.2.1 Default 23-24 3.2.2 Definition of Cultural Default 24-25 3.3 Formation Mechanism of Cultural Default 25-26 3.4 Patterns of Cultural Default 26-31 3.4.1 Absolute Cultural Default 27-28 3.4.2 Relative Cultural Default 28-29 3.4.3 Equivalent Cultural Default 29-31 3.5 Translation Compensations for Cultural Default in Translation 31-35 3.5.1 Necessity for Compensating Cultural Default in Translation 31-32 3.5.2 Two Main Compensation Strategies—Foreignization and Domestication 32-35 Chapter IV A Case Study: Compensation Methods for Cultural Default in A Dream of Red Mansions 35-63 4.1 Functionalist Analysis of A Dream of Red Mansions 35-37 4.1.1 Roles of the Agents in the Translational Action of A Dream of Red Mansions 35-36 4.1.2 Skopos and Translation Brief of A Dream of Red Mansions 36-37 4.2 Cultural Default and Its Compensation Methods in A Dream of Red Mansions 37-63 4.2.1 Absolute Cultural Default and Its Compensation Methods 38-52 Absolute Cultural Default Reflected in Ecological Culture 38-41 Absolute Cultural Default Reflected in Material Culture 41-42 Absolute Cultural Default Reflected in Social Culture 42-47 Absolute Cultural Default Reflected in Religious Culture 47-49 Absolute Cultural Default Reflected in Linguistic Culture 49-52 4.2.2 Relative Cultural Default and Its Compensation Methods 52-60 Relative Cultural Default Reflected in Ecological Culture 52-56 Relative Cultural Default Reflected in Material Culture 56-58 Relative Cultural Default Reflected in Social Culture 58-60 4.2.3 Equivalent Cultural Default and Its Compensation Methods 60-63 Chapter V Conclusion 63-67 5.1 Major Findings of the Study 63-65 5.2 Limitations of the Study 65-67 Bibliography 67-72 Acknowledgement 72
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