学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示
作 者: 李腾
导 师: 高鹏
学 校: 大连理工大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 叙事研究 教师专业发展 教师共同体 实践知识 反思
分类号: G451
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2011年
下 载: 125次
引 用: 0次
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摘要 4-5 Abstract 5-8 1 Introduction 8-11 1.1 The origin of the research 8-9 1.2 The aims of the research 9 1.3 The structure of the research 9-11 2 Literature Review 11-21 2.1 Teachers' professional development 11-17 2.1.1 The definition of teachers' professional development 11-12 2.1.2 The stages of teacher development 12-14 2.1.3 The significance of teachers' professional development 14-16 2.1.4 Researches into teachers' professional development 16-17 2.2 Literature review of narrative inquiry 17-21 3 Methodology 21-25 3.1 Narrative inquiry as a methodology 21-22 3.2 My understanding of narrative and narrative inquiry 22 3.3 Why do I use narrative inquiry as my methodology? 22-24 3.4 Data collection 24-25 4 Narrative Accounts 25-43 4.1 Story one:Experience before being a teacher of English 25-27 4.2 Story two:Educational experience in China and abroad 27-29 4.3 Story three:Decision to carry out the model of learner autonomy 29-32 4.4 Story four:Happiness and sadness from the change of teacher's roles 32-34 4.5 Story five:Who am I? 34-35 4.6 Story six:The construction of teacher learning community 35-37 4.7 Story seven: To be or not to be? 37-38 4.8 Story eight:Voices from the students 38-43 5 Interpretation and Reflection 43-53 5.1 Reflective experience can be a powerful impetus for teacher development 43-46 5.1.1 Critical reflection increases democratic trust between teachers and students 43-44 5.1.2 Critical reflection enlivens the classroom 44-45 5.1.3 Critical reflection helps teachers to seek their identity 45-46 5.2 Teachers' practical knowledge is the base of teachers' professional knowledge 46-49 5.2.1 Knowledge of curriculum 47-48 5.2.2 Knowledge of education 48-49 5.3 Teacher community can enhance teachers' professional development 49-51 5.4 Teacher autonomy plays a key role in teachers' professional development 51-53 6 Implication and limitation 53-58 6.1 Implication 53-57 6.1.1 Teacher development and teacher's educational philosophy 53-54 6.1.2 Education as a way of life 54 6.1.3 Teacher evaluation 54-56 6.1.4 School-based curriculum 56-57 6.2 Limitation 57-58 Bibliography 58-62 攻读硕士学位期间发表学术论文情况 62-63 Acknowledgements 63-64
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