学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示
作 者: 齐杰
导 师: 任承科
学 校: 沈阳师范大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 电视广告语言 顺应论 目标消费群体
分类号: H052
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2011年
下 载: 91次
引 用: 0次
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Acnkowledgements 6-7 Abstract 7-9 摘要 9-13 Chapter 1 Introduction 13-17 1.1 Background of the Research 13 1.2 Significance of the Research 13-14 1.3 Purpose of the Research 14-15 1.4 organization of the Thesis 15-17 Chapter 2 Literature Review 17-44 2.1 A Brief Introduction of Advertising 18-25 2.1.1 The Definition of Advertising 18-20 2.1.2 The Classification of Advertising 20-22 2.1.3 The Functions of Advertising 22-24 2.1.4 The Components of Advertising 24-25 2.2 Approaches to Previous Researches on Advertisement 25-37 2.2.1 Semiotic Approach 25-26 2.2.2 Stylistic Approach 26-28 2.2.3 Discourse Analysis Approach 28-30 2.2.4 Sociolinguistic Approach 30-31 2.2.5 Pragmatic Approach 31-37 2.3 Achievements and Limitations of Previous Researches 37-38 2.4 Theoretical Framework of the Thesis---Adaptation Theory 38-44 2.4.1 The Concept of Choice Making 39-40 2.4.2 Three Key Notions in Adaptation Theory 40-41 2.4.3 Four Angles of Adaptation Theory 41-44 Chapter 3 Methodology 44-46 3.1 Research Hypothesis 44 3.2 Research Questions 44 3.3 Research Method 44-46 3.3.1 Data Collection 44-45 3.3.2 Data Classification 45-46 Chapter 4 Analysis and Discussion from the Perspective of Adaptation Theory 46-66 4.1 Adaptation in advertising 46-52 4.1.1 Adaptation to the Mental World 47-49 4.1.2 Adaptation to the Social World 49-50 4.1.3 Adaptation to the Physical World 50-52 4.2 Advertisements analysis 52-66 4.2.1 Advertisements for Consumers of Different Genders 52-58 For Male 52-55 For Female 55-58 4.2.2 Advertisements for Consumers of Different Ages 58-66 For Babies 58-60 For Teenagers 60-62 For Adults 62-63 For the Old 63-66 Chapter 5 Conclusion 66-69 5.1 Major Findings 66-67 5.2 Limitation of the Study 67-68 5.3 Suggestion for Future Study 68-69 References 69-72 个人简历及在学期间的研究成果和发表的学术论文 72
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