学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示
作 者: 谢瑞芹
导 师: 陈惠芬
学 校: 南京财经大学
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 广告文本互文性 语言顺应论 需求层次理论 顺应模式 互文功能
分类号: H052
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2010年
下 载: 120次
引 用: 0次
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Acknowledgements 4-5 Abstract 5-7 摘要 7-10 Chapter One Introduction 10-13 1.1 Background of the Study 10 1.2 Objectives and Research Questions of This Study 10-11 1.3 Theoretical and Methodological Orientations of the Present Thesis 11-12 1.4. Data collection and Organization of the Present Thesis 12-13 Chapter Two Literature Review 13-18 2.1 The Nature of Advertising 13-14 2.2 Characters of Advertising Language 14-15 2.3 Previous Studies on the Intertextuality in Ads 15-18 Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation 18-25 3.1 Verschreren’s Adaptation Theory 18-23 3.1.1 A Brief Introduction of Adaptability 18-19 3.1.2 Three Fundamental Concepts of Adaptability 19-20 3.1.3 The Four Angles of Investigation 20-23 3.2 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 23-24 3.3 Implications for the Present Studies 24-25 Chapter Four Adaption Approach to the Intertextuality of Advertising Text 25-64 4.1 Adaptation Model for the Intertextuality in Ads 25-27 4.2 A Data-based Analysis of the Intertextuality in Ads 27-40 4.2.1 The Adaptation-based Understanding of Intertectuality in Ads 28-37 Specific Intertextuality 28-30 Generic Intertextuality 30-33 Cultural Intertextuality 33-34 Media Intertextuality 34-37 4.2.2 The Relative Nature of Intertextuality 37-40 4.3 Adaptation Analysis to the Operating Mechanism of Intertextuality in Ads 40-59 4.3.1 Intertextuality Formation under the Framework of Adaptation Theory 40-55 Adaptation to the Contextual Elements 41-50 Adaptation to the Structural Elements 50-52 Dynamics of Adaptation 52-54 Salience of Adaptation Processes 54-55 4.3.2 The Interactions of the Factors Influencing the Generation and Interpretation of Intertextuality in Ads 55-56 4.3.3 The Interpreting Process of Ads Intertextuality 56-59 4.4 Pragmatic Effects of Ads Intertextuality under Adaptation Theory 59-64 4.4.1 Capturing the Consumer's Eyes More Quickly 60 4.4.2 Providing Added Value for Products 60-61 4.4.3 Enhancing the Potential Persuasive Power of Advertising Texts 61 4.4.4 Shouldering Social Responsibility 61-64 Chapter Five Conclusion 64-67 5.1 Main Findings of the Thesis 64-65 5.2 The Limitations of the Research 65-66 5.3 Further research 66-67 Bibliography 67-70 攻读硕士期间所发表的论文 70
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