学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 谢瑞芹
导 师: 陈惠芬
学 校: 南京财经大学
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 广告文本互文性 语言顺应论 需求层次理论 顺应模式 互文功能
分类号: H052
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2010年
下 载: 120次
引 用: 0次
阅 读: 论文下载




Acknowledgements  4-5
Abstract  5-7
摘要  7-10
Chapter One Introduction  10-13
  1.1 Background of the Study  10
  1.2 Objectives and Research Questions of This Study  10-11
  1.3 Theoretical and Methodological Orientations of the Present Thesis  11-12
  1.4. Data collection and Organization of the Present Thesis  12-13
Chapter Two Literature Review  13-18
  2.1 The Nature of Advertising  13-14
  2.2 Characters of Advertising Language  14-15
  2.3 Previous Studies on the Intertextuality in Ads  15-18
Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation  18-25
  3.1 Verschreren’s Adaptation Theory  18-23
    3.1.1 A Brief Introduction of Adaptability  18-19
    3.1.2 Three Fundamental Concepts of Adaptability  19-20
    3.1.3 The Four Angles of Investigation  20-23
  3.2 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs  23-24
  3.3 Implications for the Present Studies  24-25
Chapter Four Adaption Approach to the Intertextuality of Advertising Text  25-64
  4.1 Adaptation Model for the Intertextuality in Ads  25-27
  4.2 A Data-based Analysis of the Intertextuality in Ads  27-40
    4.2.1 The Adaptation-based Understanding of Intertectuality in Ads  28-37 Specific Intertextuality  28-30 Generic Intertextuality  30-33 Cultural Intertextuality  33-34 Media Intertextuality  34-37
    4.2.2 The Relative Nature of Intertextuality  37-40
  4.3 Adaptation Analysis to the Operating Mechanism of Intertextuality in Ads  40-59
    4.3.1 Intertextuality Formation under the Framework of Adaptation Theory  40-55 Adaptation to the Contextual Elements  41-50 Adaptation to the Structural Elements  50-52 Dynamics of Adaptation  52-54 Salience of Adaptation Processes  54-55
    4.3.2 The Interactions of the Factors Influencing the Generation and Interpretation of Intertextuality in Ads  55-56
    4.3.3 The Interpreting Process of Ads Intertextuality  56-59
  4.4 Pragmatic Effects of Ads Intertextuality under Adaptation Theory  59-64
    4.4.1 Capturing the Consumer's Eyes More Quickly  60
    4.4.2 Providing Added Value for Products  60-61
    4.4.3 Enhancing the Potential Persuasive Power of Advertising Texts  61
    4.4.4 Shouldering Social Responsibility  61-64
Chapter Five Conclusion  64-67
  5.1 Main Findings of the Thesis  64-65
  5.2 The Limitations of the Research  65-66
  5.3 Further research  66-67
Bibliography  67-70
攻读硕士期间所发表的论文  70


  1. 顺应论视角下《傲慢与偏见》的言语反讽研究,I561
  2. 后奥运时代大学生体育意识与体育行为之研究,G807.4
  3. 关联—顺应框架下《儒林外史》杨宪益夫妇译本中明喻翻译的认知过程研究,H315.9
  4. 冗余性的语言顺应论分析,H13
  5. 顺应论视角下大学英语教学中语用模糊的研究,H319
  6. 关联—顺应理论框架下英汉语义缩小与扩大的动态语用研究,H13
  7. 关联—顺应模式下电视访谈应答语信息过量现象的研究,H030
  8. 外交语言中模糊语的顺应论分析,H030
  9. 博客篇章中汉英语码转换研究,H313
  10. 电视广告语用策略的顺应性分析,H030
  11. 网络语言汉英语码转换的顺应性模式研究,H313
  12. 海尔网站广告隐喻的顺应论研究,H15
  13. 新闻标题的顺应性研究,H03
  14. 完善我国个人所得税申报制度的研究,F812.42
  15. 关联—顺应模式下非真实性话语的研究,H030
  16. 公益广告语篇中汉英语码转换的顺应性研究,H052
  17. 幸福视角下女性劳动供给行为选择影响因素分析,F241.4
  18. 国有企业员工工作满意度影响因素研究,F272.92
  19. 奥巴马教育演讲的语用阅读,H313
  20. 关联—顺应模式下中国外交部发言人答记者问探究,H030

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