学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 徐海霞
导 师: 张志敏
学 校: 延安大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 言语反讽 语言顺应论 《傲慢与偏见》 语言选择 语用功能
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2011年
下 载: 227次
引 用: 0次
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Acknowledgements  5-6
Abstract  6-9
内容摘要  9-14
Chapter 1 Introduction  14-18
  1.1 Background of This Thesis  14-15
  1.2 Significance of This Study  15-16
  1.3 Objectives and Research Questions  16
  1.4 Methodology of This Thesis  16-17
  1.5 Layout of This Study  17-18
Chapter 2 Literature Review  18-27
  2.1 The Basic Concepts of Irony  18-19
    2.1.1 The Definitions of Irony  18-19
    2.1.2 The Classifications of Irony  19
  2.2 Pragmatic Study of Verbal Irony  19-23
    2.2.1 Grice’s Account of Verbal Irony  19-20
    2.2.2 Sperber & Wilson’s View of Verbal Irony  20-21
    2.2.3 Clark & Gerrig’s Account of Verbal Irony  21-22
    2.2.4 Limitations of the Previous Studies  22-23
  2.3 Previous Studies on Pride and Prejudice  23-26
    2.3.1 The Studies Abroad  23-24
    2.3.2 The Studies in China  24-25
    2.3.3 Comment on the Previous Studies  25-26
  2.4 Summary  26-27
Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework  27-35
  3.1 An Introduction to Adaptation Theory  27-28
    3.1.1 The Perspective View of Adaptation Theory  27-28
    3.1.2 The Theoretical Origin of Adaptation Theory  28
  3.2 Contents of Adaptation Theory  28-32
    3.2.1 Making Choices in Language Use  28-29
    3.2.2 Three Notions in Language Use  29-31 Variability  29-30 Negotiability  30 Adaptability  30-31
    3.2.3 Four Angles Concerning Adaptation Theory  31-32 Contextual Correlates of Adaptability  31 Structural Objects of Adaptability  31 Dynamics of Adaptability  31 Salience of the Adaptation Process  31-32
  3.3 The Framework of the Present Study  32-34
    3.3.1 Verbal Irony as Adaptation to Contextual Correlates  32-33
    3.3.2 Verbal Irony and the Structural Objects of Adaptability  33
    3.3.3 Verbal Irony and the Dynamics of Adaptability  33
    3.3.4 Verbal Irony and Salience of the Adaptation Processes  33-34
  3.4 Summary  34-35
Chapter 4 An Analysis of Ironic Narration in Pride and Prejudice with Adaptaion Theory  35-49
  4.1 About Pride and Prejudice  36-38
    4.1.1 A Brief Introduction to Pride and Prejudice  36
    4.1.2 Types of Language Material in Pride and Prejudice  36-38
  4.2 Ironic Narration as Adaptation to the Communicative Context  38-44
    4.2.1 Adapting to the Social World  38-41 Adapting to the Characters’ Views on Marriage  38-40 Adapting to the Social Hierarchy  40-41
    4.2.2 Adapting to the Mental World  41-44 Adapting to Austen’s Intentions to Convey Criticism  42-43 Adapting to Austen’s Intentions to Convey Sympathy  43-44
  4.3 Structural Correlates of Ironic Narration  44-48
    4.3.1 Cues at Lexical Level  45-46
    4.3.2 Cues at Syntactic Level  46-48
  4.4 Summary  48-49
Chapter 5 An Analysis of Ironic Utterances in Pride and Prejudice with Adaptation Theory  49-79
  5.1 Ironic Utterances as Adaptation to the Communicative Context  49-61
    5.1.1 Adapting to the Social World  49-54 Adapting to the Unequal Power Relations  49-51 Adapting to the Close Social Distance  51-53 Adapting to the Social Conventions  53-54
    5.1.2 Adapting to the Mental World  54-61 Adapting to the Characters’ Emotions  54-57 Adapting to the Characters’ Intentions  57-60 Adapting to the Characters’ Personalities  60-61
  5.2 Structural Correlates of Ironic Utterances  61-67
    5.2.1 The Cues of Incongruous Vocabulary  62-63
    5.2.2 The Cues of Some Interjections  63-65
    5.2.3 The Cues of Incongruous Intonation  65-66
    5.2.4 The Cues of Syntax  66-67
  5.3 The Dynamic Adaptive Process of Ironic Utterances  67-73
    5.3.1 Elizabeth and Darcy  68-71
    5.3.2 Elizabeth and Lady Catherine  71-73
  5.4 Ironic Utterances and the Salience  73-77
    5.4.1 The Generalization of Salience  74
    5.4.2 Degrees of Salience in the Realization of Ironic Utterances  74-77 Ironic Utterances and Individual Salience  74-75 Ironic Utterances and Social Salience  75-77
  5.5 Summary  77-79
Chapter 6 Conclusion  79-82
  6.1 Summary of the Findings  79-80
  6.2 Limitations of the Study  80
  6.3 Suggestions for Further Research  80-82
Bibliography  82-85
Publication  85


  1. 文学语言的模糊修辞研究,H05
  2. 形式、意义、运用相结合的高中英语语法教学研究,G633.41
  3. 《水浒传》、《西游记》、《金瓶梅》、《红楼梦》语气词比较研究,H146
  4. 从语境顺应看《傲慢与偏见》两个中译本,I046
  5. 《老友记》中口语标记语的关联视角研究,H313
  6. 论话语标记语语用功能在英译汉中的再现,H315.9
  7. 小说风格翻译的顺应性研究,H315.9
  8. 俄语空间范畴及其在存在句中的运用,H35
  9. 以“转移”为中心研究中国人在日语方面的误用,H36
  10. 从Lefevere的操纵理论评《傲慢与偏见》的两个中文译本,H315.9
  11. 接续助词“けれども”的语用功能,H36
  12. 英汉广告文本互文性的顺应性研究,H052
  13. 冷笑话的语言学分析,H05
  14. 现代汉语中字母词的语用分析,H136
  15. 中国英语专业研究生活话语标记语Well,So,Like,You Know的习得研究,H319
  16. 从语用角度分析广告英语中的模糊限制语,H315
  17. 隐喻认知理论和中国经典诗词意境的跨域产生,H15
  18. 乌鲁木齐市维吾尔族城市居民语言选择调查研究,H102
  19. Verbal Irony: A Relevance Theory Perspective,H05
  20. 对PETS口试中的话语标记语的语用分析,H313

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