学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示
作 者: 徐海霞
导 师: 张志敏
学 校: 延安大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 言语反讽 语言顺应论 《傲慢与偏见》 语言选择 语用功能
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2011年
下 载: 227次
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Acknowledgements 5-6 Abstract 6-9 内容摘要 9-14 Chapter 1 Introduction 14-18 1.1 Background of This Thesis 14-15 1.2 Significance of This Study 15-16 1.3 Objectives and Research Questions 16 1.4 Methodology of This Thesis 16-17 1.5 Layout of This Study 17-18 Chapter 2 Literature Review 18-27 2.1 The Basic Concepts of Irony 18-19 2.1.1 The Definitions of Irony 18-19 2.1.2 The Classifications of Irony 19 2.2 Pragmatic Study of Verbal Irony 19-23 2.2.1 Grice’s Account of Verbal Irony 19-20 2.2.2 Sperber & Wilson’s View of Verbal Irony 20-21 2.2.3 Clark & Gerrig’s Account of Verbal Irony 21-22 2.2.4 Limitations of the Previous Studies 22-23 2.3 Previous Studies on Pride and Prejudice 23-26 2.3.1 The Studies Abroad 23-24 2.3.2 The Studies in China 24-25 2.3.3 Comment on the Previous Studies 25-26 2.4 Summary 26-27 Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework 27-35 3.1 An Introduction to Adaptation Theory 27-28 3.1.1 The Perspective View of Adaptation Theory 27-28 3.1.2 The Theoretical Origin of Adaptation Theory 28 3.2 Contents of Adaptation Theory 28-32 3.2.1 Making Choices in Language Use 28-29 3.2.2 Three Notions in Language Use 29-31 Variability 29-30 Negotiability 30 Adaptability 30-31 3.2.3 Four Angles Concerning Adaptation Theory 31-32 Contextual Correlates of Adaptability 31 Structural Objects of Adaptability 31 Dynamics of Adaptability 31 Salience of the Adaptation Process 31-32 3.3 The Framework of the Present Study 32-34 3.3.1 Verbal Irony as Adaptation to Contextual Correlates 32-33 3.3.2 Verbal Irony and the Structural Objects of Adaptability 33 3.3.3 Verbal Irony and the Dynamics of Adaptability 33 3.3.4 Verbal Irony and Salience of the Adaptation Processes 33-34 3.4 Summary 34-35 Chapter 4 An Analysis of Ironic Narration in Pride and Prejudice with Adaptaion Theory 35-49 4.1 About Pride and Prejudice 36-38 4.1.1 A Brief Introduction to Pride and Prejudice 36 4.1.2 Types of Language Material in Pride and Prejudice 36-38 4.2 Ironic Narration as Adaptation to the Communicative Context 38-44 4.2.1 Adapting to the Social World 38-41 Adapting to the Characters’ Views on Marriage 38-40 Adapting to the Social Hierarchy 40-41 4.2.2 Adapting to the Mental World 41-44 Adapting to Austen’s Intentions to Convey Criticism 42-43 Adapting to Austen’s Intentions to Convey Sympathy 43-44 4.3 Structural Correlates of Ironic Narration 44-48 4.3.1 Cues at Lexical Level 45-46 4.3.2 Cues at Syntactic Level 46-48 4.4 Summary 48-49 Chapter 5 An Analysis of Ironic Utterances in Pride and Prejudice with Adaptation Theory 49-79 5.1 Ironic Utterances as Adaptation to the Communicative Context 49-61 5.1.1 Adapting to the Social World 49-54 Adapting to the Unequal Power Relations 49-51 Adapting to the Close Social Distance 51-53 Adapting to the Social Conventions 53-54 5.1.2 Adapting to the Mental World 54-61 Adapting to the Characters’ Emotions 54-57 Adapting to the Characters’ Intentions 57-60 Adapting to the Characters’ Personalities 60-61 5.2 Structural Correlates of Ironic Utterances 61-67 5.2.1 The Cues of Incongruous Vocabulary 62-63 5.2.2 The Cues of Some Interjections 63-65 5.2.3 The Cues of Incongruous Intonation 65-66 5.2.4 The Cues of Syntax 66-67 5.3 The Dynamic Adaptive Process of Ironic Utterances 67-73 5.3.1 Elizabeth and Darcy 68-71 5.3.2 Elizabeth and Lady Catherine 71-73 5.4 Ironic Utterances and the Salience 73-77 5.4.1 The Generalization of Salience 74 5.4.2 Degrees of Salience in the Realization of Ironic Utterances 74-77 Ironic Utterances and Individual Salience 74-75 Ironic Utterances and Social Salience 75-77 5.5 Summary 77-79 Chapter 6 Conclusion 79-82 6.1 Summary of the Findings 79-80 6.2 Limitations of the Study 80 6.3 Suggestions for Further Research 80-82 Bibliography 82-85 Publication 85
- 文学语言的模糊修辞研究,H05
- 形式、意义、运用相结合的高中英语语法教学研究,G633.41
- 《水浒传》、《西游记》、《金瓶梅》、《红楼梦》语气词比较研究,H146
- 从语境顺应看《傲慢与偏见》两个中译本,I046
- 《老友记》中口语标记语的关联视角研究,H313
- 论话语标记语语用功能在英译汉中的再现,H315.9
- 小说风格翻译的顺应性研究,H315.9
- 俄语空间范畴及其在存在句中的运用,H35
- 以“转移”为中心研究中国人在日语方面的误用,H36
- 从Lefevere的操纵理论评《傲慢与偏见》的两个中文译本,H315.9
- 接续助词“けれども”的语用功能,H36
- 英汉广告文本互文性的顺应性研究,H052
- 冷笑话的语言学分析,H05
- 现代汉语中字母词的语用分析,H136
- 中国英语专业研究生活话语标记语Well,So,Like,You Know的习得研究,H319
- 从语用角度分析广告英语中的模糊限制语,H315
- 隐喻认知理论和中国经典诗词意境的跨域产生,H15
- 乌鲁木齐市维吾尔族城市居民语言选择调查研究,H102
- Verbal Irony: A Relevance Theory Perspective,H05
- 对PETS口试中的话语标记语的语用分析,H313
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