学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示
作 者: 彭慧
导 师: 黄崇珍
学 校: 中南民族大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 中国英语 中式英语 母语干扰 文化背景 思维方式
分类号: H310.1
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2010年
下 载: 880次
引 用: 0次
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Acknowledgements 5-6 Abstract 6-8 摘要 8-13 Chapter I Introduction 13-18 1.1 Definition of Chinglish 13-14 1.2 Definition of China English 14-16 1.3 Purpose of research 16 1.4 Layout of thesis 16-18 Chapter 2 Literature Review 18-24 2.1 Related studies abroad 18-20 2.2 Related studies at home 20-24 Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework 24-40 3.1 Second language acquisition 24-35 3.1.1 Contrastive analysis 25-28 3.1.2 Error analysis 28-32 3.1.3 Interlanguage and fossilization 32-35 3.2 Relationship between language, culture and thought 35-40 3.2.1 Language and culture 36-38 3.2.2 Language and thought 38-40 Chapter 4 Linguistic Features of Chinglish and China English 40-69 4.1 Features of Chinglish and China English at the phonological level 40-43 4.1.1 Features of Chinglish at the phonological level 41-42 4.1.2 Features of China English at the phonological level 42-43 4.2 Features of Chinglish and China English at the lexical level 43-53 4.2.1 Features of Chinglish at the lexical level 43-49 The use of unnecessary words 43-46 Ignorance of certain collocation 46-47 Misuse of words 47-48 Improper word order 48-49 4.2.2 Features of China English at the lexical level 49-53 Lexical borrowing 50-51 Hybrid or mixed form 51-52 Semantic shift 52-53 4.3 Features of Chinglish and China English at the syntactic level 53-61 4.3.1 Features of Chinglish at the syntactic level 53-57 Chinglish subject 53-54 Dangling modifiers 54-56 Improper use of pronouns and antecedents 56 The misplacement of phrases and clauses 56-57 4.3.2 Features of China English at the syntactic level 57-61 China English subject 57-59 Use of paralleling verbs 59 Active voice 59-60 Sequence of principal clause and subordinate clause 60-61 4.4 Features of Chinglish and China English at the discourse level 61-67 4.4.1 Features of Chinglish at the discourse level 61-63 Ignorance of cohesive ties 61-62 Misuse of cohesive ties 62-63 4.4.2 Features of China English at the discourse level 63-67 Particular-general pattern 64 Reader-responsible pattern 64-65 Circular structure 65-67 4.5 Summary of linguistic features of Chinglish and China English 67-69 Chapter 5 Causes for Chinglish and China English 69-77 5.1 Interlanguage and fossilization 69-70 5.2 Discrepancy in Chinese and English cultural background 70-73 5.3 Discrepancy in Chinese and English thought patterns 73-76 5.4 Summary of causes for Chinglish and China English 76-77 Chapter 6 Enlightenment from the Contrastive Study 77-82 6.1 Possible solutions to reduce the use of Chinglish 77-80 6.1.1 Improvement of linguistic competence and competence in culture-recognizing 77-79 6.1.2 Employment of contrastive analysis and error analysis 79-80 6.2 Implications for improving students’ability to use China English 80-82 Chapter 7 Conclusion 82-84 References 84-91 Publications 91
- 论我国社会主义发展观演变中的思维方式变革,D61
- 藏汉思维方式与翻译研究,H214
- 对外汉语教学中的课堂活动,H195
- 中国英语学习者与本族语者认识可能性显性表达研究,H319
- 泰山碧霞祠道教音乐研究,J608
- 文本加强对中国英语学习者被动语态学习的影响,H319
- 中德色彩词汇比较,H136
- 文化背景知识对高中生英语阅读的影响调查,G633.41
- 论禅宗思维方式对中国古代书法批评的影响,J292.1
- 英语导游词错误分析:长春某职业学校案例研究,H319
- 中国总理记者招待会口译中的中式英语研究,H310.1
- 交传精力分配模式关照下带有口音发言的英中口译质量改善,H319
- 赣南客家传统采茶戏《睄妹子》的音乐文化考察与研究,J825
- 英语中的法语借词研究,H32
- 中国英语研究,H310.1
- 培养学生英语思维方式,减少中式英语,H315.9
- 关于《政府工作报告》翻译的研究,H315.9
- 汉英翻译中的中式英语现象研究,H315.9
- 汉代尚武精神探究,K234
- 试论西语教学中语言与文化的互动,H34
中图分类: > 语言、文字 > 常用外国语 > 英语 > 非标准英语
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