学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示
作 者: 杨尹林
导 师: 曾瑜薇
学 校: 湖北工业大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 大学英语读写 合作学习 传统教学方法
分类号: H319
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2009年
下 载: 102次
引 用: 0次
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摘要 4-5 Abstract 5-10 1 Introduction 10-13 1.1 Background of the present study 10-11 1.2 Current situation in the college English reading and writing class 11 1.3 Significance of the research 11-12 1.4 Organization of the thesis 12-13 2 Literature Review 13-23 2.1 Research of cooperative learning at home and abroad 13-15 2.2 Defining literacy and literacy development 15-16 2.3 Defining cooperative learning 16 2.4 Some major cooperative learning methods 16-18 2.4.1 Student Teams-Achievement Divisions 17 2.4.2 JigsawⅠand JigsawⅡ 17 2.4.3 Group Investigation 17-18 2.4.4 Learning Together 18 2.4.5 Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition 18 2.5 Basic elements of cooperative learning 18-21 2.5.1 Positive interdependence 19 2.5.2 Individual accountability 19 2.5.3 Group processing 19-20 2.5.4 Face-to-face promotive interaction 20 2.5.5 Interpersonal and small group skills 20-21 2.6 Advantages of cooperative learning 21-23 2.6.1 Motivating students to learning 21 2.6.2 Raising students’autonomy 21 2.6.3 Creating a positive atmosphere 21-22 2.6.4 Enhancing students’critical thinking 22 2.6.5 Enhancing students’self-esteem 22 2.6.6 Fostering student interactions 22-23 3 Theoretical Basis 23-26 3.1 Social interdependence theory 23-24 3.2 Needs theory 24 3.3 Cognitive development theory 24-26 4 Methodologies 26-37 4.1 Purpose of this experiment 26 4.2 Subjects 26-27 4.3 Instruments and data collection 27-29 4.3.1 Testing 27-28 4.3.2 Questionnaires 28 4.3.3 Interviews 28-29 4.4 Instructional design 29-37 4.4.1 Preparation before forming groups 29 4.4.2 Grouping 29-30 4.4.3 Assigning the roles of the members in the group 30-31 4.4.4 Integrating the use of cooperative learning into teaching English literacy 31-37 5 Findings and Discussion 37-60 5.1 Result of the tests 37-40 5.1.1 Pre-test 37-38 5.1.2 Post-test 38-40 5.2 Result of the questionnaires 40-49 5.2.1 Analysis of result of questionnaireⅠ 40-44 5.2.2 Analysis of result of questionnaire Ⅱ 44-49 5.3 Result of the interviews 49-56 5.3.1 Students’perception about cooperative reading and writing 49-54 Cons and pros of cooperative learning as compared to traditional teaching methods 49-50 Benefits of cooperative reading and writing 50-54 5.3.2 Some suggestions about cooperative reading and writing 54-55 5.3.3 Reasons why some students don’t like CL 55-56 5.3.4 Opinions about reading and writing class from the control group 56 5.4 The role of cooperative learning in college students’literacy development 56-60 6 Conclusions and Suggestions 60-67 6.1 Conclusions 60-62 6.1.1 Effective learning in the cooperative reading and writing class 60 6.1.2 The important finding derived from the experiment 60-61 Change in the teacher’s role 60-61 Change in the students’role 61 6.1.3 The factors influencing cooperative learning 61-62 The choice of learning material 61 The teacher’s competence and concept 61-62 The students’competence and perception 62 6.2 Teaching implications of the study 62-65 6.2.1 Some benefits of CL 62-63 6.2.2 Some problems of CL 63-65 6.3 Suggestions 65-67 References 67-71 Acknowledgements 71-72 Appendices 72-86 Appendix 1 72-73 Appendix 2 73-75 Appendix 3 75-77 Appendix 4 77-78 Appendix 5 78-79 Appendix 6 79-86
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