学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示
作 者: 杨琦
导 师: 周文革
学 校: 湖南科技大学
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 女勇士 流散 文化身份 翻译 差异
分类号: I046
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2011年
下 载: 41次
引 用: 0次
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Acknowledgements 5-6 Abstract 6-8 摘要 8-13 Introduction 13-17 Chapter 1 An Overview of The Woman Warrior 17-25 1.1 A Brief Introduction to Chinese American Literature and Diasporic Background 17-19 1.2 An Brief Survey of The Woman Warrior and Its Translation in China 19-21 1.3 Study of The Woman Warrior at Home and Abroad 21-25 1.3.1 Study of The Woman Warrior in America 21-22 1.3.2 Study of The Woman Warrior in China 22-25 Chapter Ⅱ Translation as the Construction of Cultural Identity in Post-colonial Context 25-35 2.1 Post-colonial Turn in Translation Studies 25-27 2.3 Cultural Identity 27-30 2.3.1 The Definition of Cultural Identity 28-29 2.3.2 The Formation of Cultural Identity 29-30 2.4 Construction of Cultural Identity and Translation in Post-colonial Context 30-34 2.4.1 The Representation of Foreign Cultures 31-32 2.4.2 The Creation of Domestic Subjects 32-33 2.4.3 The Formation of Target Culture 33-34 2.5 Summary 34-35 Chapter Ⅲ Construction of Cultural Identity in The Woman Warrior 35-49 3.1 Cultural Translation as A Writing Technique 35-37 3.2 Motives and Necessities for Kingston’s Cultural Translation 37-42 3.2.1 Diaspora and Cross-boarder 37-38 3.2.2 Westerners’Appeal for Stereotype 38-40 3.2.3 Cultural Translatability 40-42 3.3 Construction of Cultural Identity through Kingston’s Cultural Translation 42-47 3.3.1 Hybridity as the Proper Translation Strategy 42-43 3.3.2 Representation of “Chinese”Culture 43-45 3.3.3 Constructing Dominant American Culture 45-46 3.3.4 Formation of Domestic Subject: A New Image of Chinese Americans 46-47 3.4 Summary 47-49 Chapter Ⅳ Construction of Cultural Identity through E-C Translation of The Woman Warrior 49-75 4.1 The Dilemma Chinese Translators May Face 49-50 4.2 Factors Influencing E-C Translation of The Woman Warrior 50-56 4.2.1 Asymmetrical Power Relations 51-53 4.2.2 Domestic Ideology, Poetics and Patronage 53-55 4.2.3 Translator’s Personal Ideology and Cultural Background 55-56 4.3 Problems Existing in E-C Translation of The Woman Warrior 56-70 4.3.1 Domestication 56-64 4.3.2 Omission 64-65 4.3.3 Mistranslation 65-67 4.3.4 Amplification 67-70 4.4 Construction of Cultural Identity through E-C Translation of The Woman Warri 70-75 4.4.1 Representation of “American”Culture 70-71 4.4.2 Construction of Chinese Culture 71-73 4.4.3 Constructing the Cultural identity of Chinese Translators 73-75 Chapter Ⅴ Translating Ethics Concerning E-C Translation of The Woman Warrior under Cultural Globalization 75-85 5.1 Cultural Globalization and Localization 75-77 5.2 Translation Ethics and Cultural Globalization 77-80 5.2.1 The Implication of Translation Ethics 77-79 5.2.2 Ethics of Difference under Cultural Globalization 79-80 5.3 Chinese Translator’s Ethical Choice of E-C Translation of The Woman Warrior 80-85 5.3.1 Preserving Difference 81-82 5.3.2 Representing Domestic Cultural Identity of Chinese Americans 82-83 5.3.3 Mediating Different Cultures 83-85 Conclusion 85-89 6.1 Major Findings 85-86 6.2 Limitations 86-89 Bibliography 89-93 Appendix (A) 93-94 Appendix (B) 94-97
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