学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 曹琳婧
导 师: 辛斌
学 校: 南京师范大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 广告文本 互文性 互文技巧
分类号: H05
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2008年
下 载: 404次
引 用: 2次
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摘要  7-8
前言  10-12
Chapter One Introduction  13-20
  1.1 Research Aims  13-14
  1.2 The Motivation and Significance of the Study  14-15
  1.3 The Structure of the Thesis  15-17
  1.4 Research Design  17-20
    1.4.1 Research Questions  17-18
    1.4.2 Research Methodology  18
    1.4.3 Data Analysis Procedures  18-20
Chapter Two Theoretical Foundation  20-35
  2.1 Historical Review of Intertextuality  20-28
    2.1.1 Bakhtin  22-23
    2.1.2 Julia Kristeva  23-24
    2.1.3 Roland Barthes  24-25
    2.1.4 Fairclough  25-26
    2.1.5 Jacques Derrida  26-27
    2.1.6 Don Fowler  27-28
  2.2 Intertextual Study by Other Scholars  28-29
  2.3 The Development of the Term "Intertextuality"  29-30
  2.4 The Classification of Intertextuality  30-32
  2.5 Text and Intertextuality  32-35
Chapter Three The Intertextual Property of Advertising Language  35-51
  3.1 A General Study of Advertising  35-42
    3.1.1 Definition of Advertising and Text  36-38
    3.1.2 Aims of Advertising  38-39
    3.1.3 Types of Advertising Language  39-40
    3.1.4 Breaking Fantasy of Producing Advertisements with "Originality"  40
    3.1.5 Cultural Background Influencing the Advertising Effect  40-42
  3.2 Types of Intertextual Techniques Employed in Printed Advertisements  42-49
    3.2.1 Quotation  42-44 The Definition of Quotation  42-43 The Application of Quotation in Advertising Language  43-44
    3.2.2 Allusion  44-46 The Definition of Allusion  44-45 The Application of Allusion in Advertising Language  45-46
    3.2.3 Parody  46-49 The Definition of Parody  46-47 The Application of Parody in Advertising Language  47-49
  3.3 Intertextuality Showed in the Image Form of Advertisement  49-51
Chapter Four Application of Intertextual Techniques in Advertisements  51-59
  4.1 Other Functions of Intertextuality in Advertising Language  51-56
    4.1.1 Employing Intertextual Techniques Effectively  51
    4.1.2 Impressing the Customers  51-52
    4.1.3 Improving the Aesthetic Effect of the Advertisement  52-54
    4.1.4 Contributing to the Transmission of Advertising texts  54-55
    4.1.5 Enriching the Varied Expressing Forms of Advertisements  55
    4.1.6 Promoting the Integrated Instruction  55-56
  4.2 Double Focus of Intertextuality  56-57
  4.3 The Relativity of Intertextuality  57-59
Chapter Five Conclusion  59-65
  5.1 Summary  59
  5.2 Limitation of the Study  59-61
  5.3 Enlightenment Elicited by the Use of Intertextual Techniques in Advertisements  61-64
    5.3.1 The Re-thought of the Combination of Former Elements  61-62
    5.3.2 Paying Close Attention to the Popular Culture  62-63
    5.3.3 Awareness of the Phenomenon of the Misunderstanding of Intertextuality  63-64
  5.4 Suggestions for Further Study  64-65
Bibliography  65-68


  1. 基于互文性视角的广告翻译研究,H059
  2. 基于语料库的上海世博会新闻报道的互文性分析,H052
  3. 论初中语文互文性阅读教学的构建,G633.3
  4. 乔伊斯·卡罗尔·欧茨短篇小说中的哥特风格,I712.074
  5. 戴维·洛奇小说互文性研究,I561.074
  6. 构建另一个南方,I712.074
  7. 从《英雄本色》到《无籍者》:电影翻拍作为一种跨文化文本互文实践,J905
  8. 互文性视角下的辜鸿铭之《中庸》英译文本研究,H315.9
  9. 模仿与改造,I207.42
  10. 西川诗歌的互文性特征研究,I207.25
  11. 从挥之不去的“无聊”之病试观波德莱尔“现代性”之一百五十年,I565
  12. The Literature of the World An Intertextual Analysis on the Golden Notebook,I561
  13. 跨文化领域下文学经典文本的颠覆与重构,I106.4
  14. 从互文性角度看《三国演义》英译本中文化内容的翻译策略,H315.9
  15. 英汉广告文本互文性的顺应性研究,H052
  16. 互文性视角下的广告翻译探究,H315.9
  17. 从林语堂的文化观看其翻译方法的运用,H315.9
  18. 路遥小说与“十七年”文学,I207.42
  19. 汤亭亭作品中的后现代主义特征,I712
  20. 阿特伍德《盲刺客》的互文性,I711.074
  21. 引文与正文的对话,I561

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