学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示
作 者: 曹琳婧
导 师: 辛斌
学 校: 南京师范大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 广告文本 互文性 互文技巧
分类号: H05
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2008年
下 载: 404次
引 用: 2次
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摘要 7-8 ABSTRACT 8-10 前言 10-12 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 12-13 Chapter One Introduction 13-20 1.1 Research Aims 13-14 1.2 The Motivation and Significance of the Study 14-15 1.3 The Structure of the Thesis 15-17 1.4 Research Design 17-20 1.4.1 Research Questions 17-18 1.4.2 Research Methodology 18 1.4.3 Data Analysis Procedures 18-20 Chapter Two Theoretical Foundation 20-35 2.1 Historical Review of Intertextuality 20-28 2.1.1 Bakhtin 22-23 2.1.2 Julia Kristeva 23-24 2.1.3 Roland Barthes 24-25 2.1.4 Fairclough 25-26 2.1.5 Jacques Derrida 26-27 2.1.6 Don Fowler 27-28 2.2 Intertextual Study by Other Scholars 28-29 2.3 The Development of the Term "Intertextuality" 29-30 2.4 The Classification of Intertextuality 30-32 2.5 Text and Intertextuality 32-35 Chapter Three The Intertextual Property of Advertising Language 35-51 3.1 A General Study of Advertising 35-42 3.1.1 Definition of Advertising and Text 36-38 3.1.2 Aims of Advertising 38-39 3.1.3 Types of Advertising Language 39-40 3.1.4 Breaking Fantasy of Producing Advertisements with "Originality" 40 3.1.5 Cultural Background Influencing the Advertising Effect 40-42 3.2 Types of Intertextual Techniques Employed in Printed Advertisements 42-49 3.2.1 Quotation 42-44 The Definition of Quotation 42-43 The Application of Quotation in Advertising Language 43-44 3.2.2 Allusion 44-46 The Definition of Allusion 44-45 The Application of Allusion in Advertising Language 45-46 3.2.3 Parody 46-49 The Definition of Parody 46-47 The Application of Parody in Advertising Language 47-49 3.3 Intertextuality Showed in the Image Form of Advertisement 49-51 Chapter Four Application of Intertextual Techniques in Advertisements 51-59 4.1 Other Functions of Intertextuality in Advertising Language 51-56 4.1.1 Employing Intertextual Techniques Effectively 51 4.1.2 Impressing the Customers 51-52 4.1.3 Improving the Aesthetic Effect of the Advertisement 52-54 4.1.4 Contributing to the Transmission of Advertising texts 54-55 4.1.5 Enriching the Varied Expressing Forms of Advertisements 55 4.1.6 Promoting the Integrated Instruction 55-56 4.2 Double Focus of Intertextuality 56-57 4.3 The Relativity of Intertextuality 57-59 Chapter Five Conclusion 59-65 5.1 Summary 59 5.2 Limitation of the Study 59-61 5.3 Enlightenment Elicited by the Use of Intertextual Techniques in Advertisements 61-64 5.3.1 The Re-thought of the Combination of Former Elements 61-62 5.3.2 Paying Close Attention to the Popular Culture 62-63 5.3.3 Awareness of the Phenomenon of the Misunderstanding of Intertextuality 63-64 5.4 Suggestions for Further Study 64-65 Bibliography 65-68
- 基于互文性视角的广告翻译研究,H059
- 基于语料库的上海世博会新闻报道的互文性分析,H052
- 论初中语文互文性阅读教学的构建,G633.3
- 乔伊斯·卡罗尔·欧茨短篇小说中的哥特风格,I712.074
- 戴维·洛奇小说互文性研究,I561.074
- 构建另一个南方,I712.074
- 从《英雄本色》到《无籍者》:电影翻拍作为一种跨文化文本互文实践,J905
- 互文性视角下的辜鸿铭之《中庸》英译文本研究,H315.9
- 模仿与改造,I207.42
- 西川诗歌的互文性特征研究,I207.25
- 从挥之不去的“无聊”之病试观波德莱尔“现代性”之一百五十年,I565
- The Literature of the World An Intertextual Analysis on the Golden Notebook,I561
- 跨文化领域下文学经典文本的颠覆与重构,I106.4
- 从互文性角度看《三国演义》英译本中文化内容的翻译策略,H315.9
- 英汉广告文本互文性的顺应性研究,H052
- 互文性视角下的广告翻译探究,H315.9
- 从林语堂的文化观看其翻译方法的运用,H315.9
- 路遥小说与“十七年”文学,I207.42
- 汤亭亭作品中的后现代主义特征,I712
- 阿特伍德《盲刺客》的互文性,I711.074
- 引文与正文的对话,I561
中图分类: > 语言、文字 > 语言学 > 写作学与修辞学
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