学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 郑颗颗
导 师: 杨洁
学 校: 长沙理工大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 小说翻译 接受美学 《围城》英译本 期待视野 文本的未定性与意义空白
分类号: I046
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2010年
下 载: 236次
引 用: 0次
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Abstract in Chinese  5-7
Abstract in English  7-12
Introduction  12-22
  Ⅰ On fiction and translation  12-16
    1 The definition of fiction  12-13
    2 A historical retrospect of the study of fictional translation both at home and abroad  13-16
  Ⅱ On the fiction Fortress Besieged and its English version  16-20
    1 Aprofile of Ch'ien Chung-shu and his Fortress Besieged  16-17
    2 A brief introduction to the English version of Fortress Besieged  17-18
    3 Previous researches on the English version of Fortress Besieged at home and abroad  18-20
  Ⅲ Significance and purpose of the present research  20-21
  Ⅳ Structure of the present thesis  21-22
Chapter 1 On Reception Aesthetics  22-31
  1.1 The concept and brief overview of Reception Aesthetics  22-25
  1.2 Major factors of Reception Aesthetics  25-31
    1.2.1 The status and role of reader  25-26
    1.2.2 Indeterminacy of text and vacancy of meaning  26-27
    1.2.3 Horizon of expectations and fusion of horizons  27-29
    1.2.4 The implied reader  29-31
Chapter 2 Close Connection Between Reception Aesthetics and LiteraryTranslation  31-40
  2.1 The concept of literary work  31
  2.2 Process of literary translation from the perspective of Reception Aesthetics  31-32
  2.3 Inspiration of Reception Aesthetics on literary translation  32-35
  2.4 Translation strategies viewed by Reception Aesthetics  35-40
    2.4.1 The foreignizing method at the deep level of culture  36-37
    2.4.2 The domesticating method at the level of written language  37-40
Chapter 3 Research on the English Version of Fortress Besieged in the Light ofReception Aesthetics  40-77
  3.1 Different translation methods to treat culture-loaded words of the original text  40-44
    3.1.1 Adopting transliteration of culture-loaded words to improve the TL readers' "horizon of expectations"  41-42
    3.1.2 Adopting literal translation with annotation of culture-loaded words to fill in the vacancy  42-43
    3.1.3 Adopting free translation with annotation of culture-loaded words to draw the TL text closer to the implied readers  43
    3.1.4 Adopting amplification to make the TL readers achieve the "creative expectations"  43-44
  3.2 Different translation strategies to deal with idioms and proverbs of the original text  44-49
    3.2.1 Adopting foreignzing method to engender appropriate distance between the TL text and the implied readers as well as bring exotic color and language to their minds  44-47
    3.2.2 Adopting domesticating method to define the place of indeterminacy and satisfy "horizon of expectations" of the implied readers  47-49
  3.3 Ways to transfer rhetorical devices of the original text  49-58
    3.3.1 By transferring simile and metaphor to provoke the same or similar associations of the TL readers  49-53
    3.3.2 By transferring humor and satire to merge the TL readers' "horizon of expectations" well with that of the TL text  53-56
    3.3.3 By transferring hyperbole to make "horizon of expectations" of the translation conform to that of the implied readers  56-57
    3.3.4 By transferring synaesthesia to clarify the spot of uncertainty of the statement  57-58
  3.4 Ways to reproduce aesthetic constituents of the original text  58-72
    3.4.1 The representing of the theme of the original text  58-60
    3.4.2 The reproduction of the descriptive techniques of the original text  60-66
    3.4.3 The representation of images and personalities of the main characters  66-72
  3.5 Problems of un-translatability viewed by Reception Aesthetics  72-77
    3.5.1 Un-translatability in fictional translation  72-73
    3.5.2 Resolutions to un-translatability in the process of rendering the fiction Fortress Besieged  73-77
Conclusion  77-79
Bibliography  79-82
Acknowledgements  82-83
Appendix A(攻读学位期间发表论文目录)  83


  1. 接受美文学理论在职业中学语文阅读教学中的应用,G633.3
  2. 接受美学视野下的高职院校审美教育内化问题研究,G718.5
  3. 接受美学视角下苏州古典园林介绍英译之研究,H315.9
  4. 接受美学视野下的语文阅读教学,G633.3
  5. 从接受美学视域看《小不点和安东》的翻译,I046
  6. 文天祥《集杜诗》研究,I207.22
  7. 接受美学视域下的儿童文学翻译,I046
  8. 期待视野理论视角下《茶馆》两个英译本的实证研究,I046
  9. 从接受美学角度看傅雷翻译思想在《高老头》中的体现,I046
  10. 接受美学视阈下的文学作品篇名翻译,I046
  11. 从苏珊·巴斯奈特文化翻译观论文化信息的传译,I046
  12. 接受美学视角下读者主体性对英语习语汉译的影响,H315.9
  13. 从接受理论视角看《聊斋志异》的三个英译本,I046
  14. 接受美学观照下的毛泽东诗词英译研究,I046
  15. 从翻译效度看小说翻译,I046
  16. 期待视野视角下戏剧翻译研究,H059
  17. 文学翻译中译者对读者接受的考虑,I046
  18. 接受美学视角下的约瑟芬·铁伊推理小说,I561
  19. 云南德昂族服饰艺术及其传承研究,J523.5
  20. 从接受美学理论视角探讨对外宣传资料的英译,H315.9
  21. “接受美学”观照下的汉英公示语翻译,H315.9

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