学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 李树
导 师: 陈刚
学 校: 浙江大学
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 英汉影片翻译 接受美学 目的论 策略和技巧 充足性 得体性
分类号: H315.9
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2009年
下 载: 480次
引 用: 0次
阅 读: 论文下载




Acknowledgements  8-9
中文摘要  9-10
Abstract  10-11
Chapter 1 Introduction  11-21
  1.1 Necessity of the Research  11-12
  1.2 Literature Review  12-15
  1.3 Research Methodology  15-16
  1.4 Theoretical Framework  16-17
  1.5 Research Questions and Hypotheses  17-19
  1.6 Structure of the Thesis  19-21
Chapter 2 Profile of English Film Titles  21-32
  2.1 Film Genre  21-23
    2.1.1 The Science Fiction or Fantasy Film  22
    2.1.2 The Horror Film/Adventurous Film  22-23
    2.1.3 The Lyric Film  23
    2.1.4 The Comic Film  23
  2.2 Naming Approach of Film Titles  23-25
    2.2.1 Main Character(s)  24
    2.2.2 Plot  24
    2.2.3 Theme  24-25
    2.2.4 Background/Setting  25
    2.2.5 Clue  25
  2.3 Features of Film Titles  25-29
    2.3.1 Linguistic Features  25-26
    2.3.2 Cultural Features  26-28 By Idioms  26-27 By Allusions  27 By Cultural Images  27-28
    2.3.3 Aesthetic Features  28-29
    2.3.4 Commercial Features  29
  2.4 Functions of Film Titles  29-32
    2.4.1 Informative Function  30
    2.4.2 Expressive Function  30-31
    2.4.3 Vocative Function  31-32
Chapter 3 E-C Film Title Translation Based on Reception Aesthetics  32-44
  3.1 An Introduction to Reception Aesthetics  32-34
    3.1.1 Reception Aesthetics as a Subject  32-33
    3.1.2 Horizon of Expectation and Fusion of Horizons  33-34
  3.2 Influence of Reception Aesthetics on Translation  34-37
    3.2.1 Resulting from Gradual Changes of Horizon of Expectation and Individual Differences  35-36
    3.2.2 Focus Turning to the Receptors  36
    3.2.3 Advantages and Disadvantages  36-37
  3.3 Influence of Reception Aesthetics on Film Title Translation  37-44
    3.3.1 Reception Process as an Aesthetic Experience  38
    3.3.2 Aesthetic Object  38-41 Beauty in Rhyme and Form  39-40 Beauty in Atmosphere and Emotion  40-41
    3.3.3 Aesthetic Subject  41-44 The Audience that Should be Regarded as the Subject in the Translation Process with the Complete Aesthetic Experience  41-42 The Translator that Should Take Advantage of the Audience's Dynamic Role and Try to Achieve Fusion of Expectation Horizon with the Audience  42-44
Chapter 4 E-C Film Title Translation Based on Skopostheorie  44-57
  4.1 An Introduction to Skopostheorie  44-51
    4.1.1 The Formation of the Theory  44-45
    4.1.2 The Core of Skopostheorie  45-47
    4.1.3 The Contributions of Skopostheorie  47-49 Preferring Non-linguistic Factors  47-48 Preferring Participants in Translation  48-49 Preferring Cultural Factors  49
    4.1.4 The Significance and Limitations of Skopostheorie  49-51
  4.2 Application of Skopostheorie in Film Title Translation  51-55
    4.2.1 Expected Functions of Film Title Translation  51
    4.2.2 The Procedure of Film Title Translation  51-53
    4.2.3 Advantages of Application of Skopostheorie in Film Title Translation  53-55 Diversified Translation Methods  53 Full Use of a Translator's Subjectivity  53-54 More Commercial Value  54-55
  4.3 Interaction Between the Expected Functions in Film Title Translation  55-57
    4.3.1 Excessive Emphasis on Commercial Value Instead of Its Artistry  55-56
    4.3.2 Only Stress on Artistry Instead of Its Commercial Value  56-57
Chapter 5 Exploring the E-C Film Title Translation:From Theory to Practice  57-79
  5.1 Techniques and Methods Applied in E-C Film Title Translation  57-69
    5.1.1 Transliteration  57-59
    5.1.2 Literal Translation  59-62 Word-for-Word Translation  59-60 Literal Translation with Slight Adaptation in Language Form  60-62
    5.1.3 Liberal Translation  62-66 Techniques of Liberal Translation  62-64 Combined with Literal Translation  64-65 Combined with Transliteration  65-66
    5.1.4 Re-creative Translation  66-69
  5.2 Realization of Adequacy  69-75
    5.2.1 Appropriateness in Genre  69
    5.2.2 Appropriateness in Wording  69-70
    5.2.3 Appropriateness in Culture  70-73 Cultural Compensation  70-71 Cultural Transplantation  71-72 Cultural Mediation  72-73
    5.2.4 Appropriateness in Aesthetics  73-74
    5.2.5 Appropriateness in Commercial Effect  74-75
  5.3 Comparison of the Film Title Translation in the Mainland, Hong Kong andTaiwan  75-79
Chapter 6 Conclusion  79-82
  6.1 Summary and Conclusion of the Research  79-81
  6.2 Limitations and Suggestions of the Research  81-82
Bibliography  82-86
作者简历  86


  1. 接受美文学理论在职业中学语文阅读教学中的应用,G633.3
  2. 接受美学视野下的高职院校审美教育内化问题研究,G718.5
  3. 接受美学视角下苏州古典园林介绍英译之研究,H315.9
  4. 目的论视角下河南自然景观景介的英译,H315.9
  5. 接受美学视野下的语文阅读教学,G633.3
  6. 从接受美学视域看《小不点和安东》的翻译,I046
  7. 文天祥《集杜诗》研究,I207.22
  8. 从功能主义视角看文化翻译策略,H315.9
  9. 翻译目的论视角下的英文电影片名的汉译,H315.9
  10. 接受美学视域下的儿童文学翻译,I046
  11. 功能主义翻译目的论指导下的中式菜名英译,H315.9
  12. 目的论视角下的《唐诗300首》诗名英译分析,H315.9
  13. 从接受美学角度看傅雷翻译思想在《高老头》中的体现,I046
  14. 接受美学视阈下的文学作品篇名翻译,I046
  15. 目的论视角下《汤姆索亚历险记》两个汉译本的对比研究,I046
  16. 接受美学视角下读者主体性对英语习语汉译的影响,H315.9
  17. 接受美学观照下的毛泽东诗词英译研究,I046
  18. Translator\'s Subjectivity Seen from the Perspective of Skopostheorie,H315.9
  19. 目的论视角下的英语影视字幕汉译策略研究,H315.9
  20. 化妆品广告汉译的目的和策略,H059
  21. 文学翻译中译者对读者接受的考虑,I046

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