学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 张丽
导 师: 司联合
学 校: 南京师范大学
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 语用失误 顺应理论 语用能力 问卷调查 高职学生
分类号: H319
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2011年
下 载: 54次
引 用: 1次
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摘要  4-5
Abstract  5-10
Chapter One Introduction  10-14
  1.1 Background of the Study  10-12
  1.2 Significance of the Study  12-13
  1.3 Structure of the Dissertation  13-14
Chapter Two A Review of Literature  14-26
  2.1 Pragmatic Failure  14-18
    2.1.1 Pragma-linguistic Failure  15-16
    2.1.2 Socio-pragmatic Failure  16-17
    2.1.3 Other Definitions of Pragmatic Failure and Limitations  17-18
  2.2 Researches on Pragmatic Failure at Home and Abroad  18-24
    2.2.1 Foreign Research on Pragmatic Failure  19-20
    2.2.2 Domestic Research on Pragmatic Failure  20-24 Pragmatic Failure and Cross- cultural Communication  20-21 Pragmatic Failure and Second Language Acquisition  21-22 Pragmatic Failure and Cognition  22-23 Pragrnatic Failure and Foreign Language Teaching  23-24
  2.3 Inadequacy of Previous Studies  24-25
  2.4 Summary  25-26
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework  26-47
  3.1 Basic Notions  26-27
    3.1.1 Pragmatic Failure  26-27
    3.1.2 Adaptation  27
  3.2 Relevant Theories  27-42
    3.2.1 The Context Theory  27-33 The Notions of Context  28-30 The Dynamic Context  30-31 The Functions of Dynamic Context  31-33
    3.2.2 The Style Theory  33-37 Classification of English Styles  33-35 The Determining Factors of Stylistic Choices  35-37
    3.2.3 Theory of Adaptation  37-42 The Pragmatic Perspective  37-38 The Adaptation Theory  38-42
  3.3 Theoretical Framework for Pragmatic Analysis  42-46
  3.4 Summary  46-47
Chapter Four Research Methodology  47-56
  4.1 Objectives  47
  4.2 Subjects  47-48
  4.3 Instruments  48-51
  4.4 Procedures  51
  4.5 Data Analysis  51-55
  4.6 Summary  55-56
Chapter Five Pragmatic Failure Viewed from the Perspective of Adaptation  56-77
  5.1 Pragmatic Failure and Contextual Correlates of Adaptability  56-70
    5.1.1 Neglect of Adaptation to the Mental World  57-61 Failure to Adapt to the Interpreter's Personality  57-58 Failure to Adapt to the Interpreter's Intention  58-59 Failure to Adapt to the Interpreter's Emotion  59-60 Failure to Adapt to the Interpreter's Value Systems  60-61
    5.1.2 Neglect of Adaptation to the Social World  61-67 Failure to Adapt to the Interpreter's Level of Education  62-63 Failure to Adapt to the Language User's Social Position  63-64 Failure to Adapt to the Relationship with the Interpreter  64-65 Failure to Make Adaptation to the Cultural Conventions  65-67
    5.1.3 Neglect of Adaptation to the Physical World  67-70 Failure to Make Adaptation to the Temporal Reference  68-69 Failure to Make Adaptation to the Spatial Reference  69-70
  5.2 Pragmatic Failure and Structural Objects of Adaptability  70-76
    5.2.1 Failure to Make Adaptation at Vocabulary Level  71-73
    5.2.2 Failure to Make Adaptation at Phrase and Sentence Level  73-75
    5.2.3 Failure to Make Adaptation at Discourse Level  75-76
  5.3 Summary  76-77
Chapter Six Suggestions for Foreign Language Teaching  77-91
  6.1 Importance of Improving Students'Communicative Competence and Pragmatic Competence  77-80
  6.2 Ways of Developing Students'Pragmatic Competence in Foreign Language Teaching  80-90
    6.2.1 Providing Authentic Teaching Materials  80-81
    6.2.2 Teaching Language in Context  81-82
    6.2.3 Integrating Style Knowledge in the Teaching Process  82-84
    6.2.4 Integrating Language Teaching with Culture  84-86
    6.2.5 Teaching Pragmatic Principles for Students  86-89
    6.2.6 Improving the Present Test  89-90
  6.3 Summary  90-91
Chapter Seven Conclusion  91-96
  7.1 Major Findings  91-92
  7.2 Pedagogical Implicatures  92-93
  7.3 Limitations  93-94
  7.4 Suggestions for Further Studies  94-96
Bibliography  96-100
Appendices  100-106
  Appendix 1.Pragmatic Competence Questionnaire  100-104
  Appendix 2.Tables of Pragmatic Competence Statistics  104-106
Acknowledgements  106


  1. 高中英语教学中的跨文化交际语用失误研究,G633.41
  2. 高职学生网络道德失范问题研究,G711
  3. 普通高校教育信息化问题分析及政策研究,G434
  4. 大学生亲社会交换行为问卷编制及其现状研究,B844.1
  5. 高职学生职业道德行为养成教育研究,G711
  6. 增强高职学生社会主义核心价值体系教育实效性研究,G711
  7. 心智游移频率特征研究:问卷开发,B841
  8. 高职学生创业能力考核体系的研究,G647.38
  9. 高职学生英语阅读策略使用研究,H319
  10. 中小型民营企业员工满意度调查研究,F272.92
  11. 俄罗斯留学生汉语语用失误调查分析,H195
  12. 河北北方学院医学ESP教学调查与研究,H319
  13. 小学生文学阅读状况调查研究,G623.2
  14. 语用教学观指导下的语文教学,G633.3
  15. 当代高职院校大学生社会实践现状与对策研究,G712.4
  16. 顺应理论视域下的中文房地产广告语研究,H152
  17. 对外汉语教学中跨文化交际语境下的语用失误研究,H195
  18. 关联—顺应模式下英汉词语文化联想意义的翻译研究,H315.9
  19. 高中生英语作文语用失误研究,G633.41
  20. 模糊限制语在英语新闻中的应用,H315
  21. 中英文广告互译中的语用失误研究及对策,H315.9

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