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作 者: 吕文静
导 师: 曹进
学 校: 西北师范大学
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 奥巴马演讲辞 系统功能语法 人际功能
分类号: H315
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2010年
下 载: 173次
引 用: 0次
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Abstract 7-8 摘要 8-9 List of Tables and Figures 9-10 Chapter 1 Introduction 10-14 1.1 Research Background 10-11 1.2 Aims and Significance of the Study 11-12 1.3 Structure of the Study 12-14 Chapter 2 Literature Review 14-21 2.1 Introduction 14-17 2.1.1 Halliday’s Interpersonal Function 14 2.1.2 Different Approaches to Interpersonal Function beyond Halliday’s 14-17 2.2 Features of Public Speech 17-18 2.3 Features of Political Speech 18-19 2.4 Previous Studies on Political Public Speech 19 2.5 Summary 19-21 Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework 21-32 3.1 Three Metafunctions of Language 21 3.2 IP Function in Hallidy’s Metaufnctional Theory 21-28 3.2.1 Mood 22-26 Mood Element 23-25 Types of Mood Structure 25-26 3.2.2 Modality 26-28 Types of Modality 26-27 Three Values of Modality 27-28 3.3 Thompson’s Model of Interpersonal System 28-31 3.3.1 Evaluation 29-30 Definition of Evaluation 29 Affect 29-30 Judgment 30 Appreciation 30 Functions of Evaluation 30 3.3.2 Person System 30-31 3.4 Summary 31-32 Chapter 4 Research Design 32-34 4.1 Research Method 32 4.2 Research Questions 32 4.3 Data Collection and Treatment of the Data 32-34 Chapter 5 Data Analysis 34-61 5.1 The Special Carrier for Obama’s Political Speeches—the Internet 34-39 5.1.1 The Spread of Political Mobilization 34-36 5.1.2 The Trivialization of Racial Agenda 36-37 5.1.3 The Resolving of Lack of Funds 37-38 5.1.4 The Interpersonal Function of Internet in Obama’s Presidential Election 38-39 5.2 Analysis in Terms of Mood 39-43 5.2.1 Analysis in Terms of Declarative in Obama’s Political Speeches 40-41 5.2.2 Analysis in Terms of Interrogative in Obama’s Political Speeches 41-42 5.2.3 Analysis in Terms of Imperative in Obama’s Political Speeches 42-43 5.2.4 Summary 43 5.3 Analysis in Terms of Modality System 43-50 5.3.1 Analysis in Terms of the Types of Modality in Obama’s Political Speeches 44-47 5.3.2 Analysis in Terms of the Values of Modality in Obama’s Political Speeches 47-50 5.3.3 Summary 50 5.4 Analysis in Terms of Person System 50-57 5.4.1 The Interpersonal Function Realized by the First Personal Pronouns 52-54 “I”in Obama’s Political Speeches 52-53 “we”in Obama’s Political Speeches 53 The Shift between “I”(me, my) and “we”(our, us) 53-54 5.4.2 The Interpersonal Function Realized by the Second Person Pronouns 54-56 The Direct “you” 55 The Pronoun “you”used as a Detachment 55-56 5.4.3 The Interpersonal Function Realized by the Third Person Pronouns (it/they/them/its/their/theirs 56-57 5.4.4 Summary 57 5.5 Analysis in Terms of Evaluation 57-61 5.5.1 Affect 58-59 5.5.2 Judgment 59 5.5.3 Appreciation 59-60 5.5.4 Summary 60-61 Chapter 6 Conclusion 61-65 6.1 Introduction 61 6.2 Major Findings 61-63 6.2.1 The Interpersonal Function of Internet in Obama’s Political Speeches 61 6.2.2 The Interpersonal Function of Mood in Obama’s Political Speeches 61 6.2.3 The Interpersonal Function of Modality in Obama’s Political Speeches 61-62 6.2.4 The Interpersonal Function of Person System in Obama’s Political Speeches 62 6.2.5 The Interpersonal Function of Evaluation in Obama’s Political Speeches 62-63 6.3 The Implications of the Present Study 63 6.4 The Limitations of This Study 63-65 References 65-69 Acknowledgements 69
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