学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 宋伊雯
导 师: 肖龙福
学 校: 山东师范大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 文化教学 中国文化失语 教学原则 教学策略
分类号: H319.2
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2010年
下 载: 493次
引 用: 4次
阅 读: 论文下载




Abstract  7-10
摘要  10-12
Introduction  12-15
Chapter One Literature Review  15-34
  1.1 A Review of Researches on Foreign Language Teaching  15-21
    1.1.1 A Review of Researches on Foreign Language Teaching Abroad  15-18
    1.1.2 A Review of Researches on Foreign Language Teaching in China  18-21
  1.2 A Review of Researches on Cultural Teaching  21-30
    1.2.1 A Review of Researches on Cultural Teaching Abroad  21-25 The Researches during the Period from the End of 19~(th) Century to the Middle of 20th Century  21-22 The Researches during the Period from the Middle of 20~(th) Century to the End of 20th Century  22-24 The Researches during the Period from the End of 20~(th) Century till Now  24-25
    1.2.2 A Review of Researches on Cultural Teaching in China  25-30 The Researches during the Period from the Early 19805 to the Late 1980s  26-27 The Researches during the Period from the Late 19805 to the Late 1990s  27-29 The Researches during the Period from the Late 19905 till Today  29-30
  1.3 A Review of Researches on Chinese Culture Aphasia  30-32
  1.4 Summary  32-34
Chapter Two Theoretical Background  34-45
  2.1 Culture and Language  34-40
    2.1.1 Definition of Culture  34-36
    2.1.2 Characteristics of Culture  36-38
    2.1.3 Relationship between Language and Culture  38-40
  2.2 Cross-cultural Communication  40-43
    2.2.1 Definition of Cross-cultural Communication  40-42
    2.2.2 Principle of Cross-cultural Communication  42-43
  2.3 The Role of Home Culture in Foreign Language Teaching  43-45
Chapter Three Methodology  45-49
  3.1 Research Questions  45
  3.2 Subjects Selection  45-46
  3.3 Instruments and their designs  46-47
  3.4 Data Collection  47
  3.5 Data Analysis  47-49
Chapter Four Results and Discussion  49-58
  4.1 The Informants’Performance in the Mastery of Chinese Culture and their English Expression of that  49-51
  4.2 The Informants’Attitude towards Adding Chinese Culture to College English Teaching  51-55
  4.3 The Cause of the Chinese Culture Aphasia  55-58
Chapter Five The Proposals for Incorporating Chinese Culture into English Teaching in China  58-97
  5.1 The Principle of Incorporating Chinese Culture into English Teaching  58-60
  5.2 The Contents of the Chinese Culture Curriculum  60-62
  5.3 The Means of Incorporating Chinese Culture into English Teaching  62-97
    5.3.1 To Prepare the Reasonable Syllabus  62-69
    5.3.2 To Improve Teachers’Comprehensive Quality  69-70
    5.3.3 To Cultivate Students’Correct Chinese and Western Cultural Values  70-72
    5.3.4 To Choose the Appropriate Teaching Materials  72-74
    5.3.5 To Use the Effective Teaching Approaches  74-83
    5.3.6 To Arrange the Colourful After-class Activities  83-84
    5.3.7 To Design the Targeted Tests  84-85
    5.3.8 The Lesson Plan of the College English Integrated Course Illustrates the Above-mentioned Teaching Proposals  85-97
Conclusion  97-98
Bibliography  98-103
Appendix I  103-106
Appendix II  106-108
Appendix III  108-109
Appendix IV  109-110
Appendix V  110-113
Appendix VI  113-115
Acknowledgements  115-116
List of Publications  116


  1. 中职学生数学学习中的非智力因素研究,G633.6
  2. 中学语文口语交际课堂教学研究,G633.3
  3. 基于新课程改革的高中地理概念教学策略研究,G633.55
  4. 初高中化学概念教学衔接的分析及策略研究,G633.8
  5. 高中生物学课堂教学中概念图的应用研究,G633.91
  6. 三位初中英语教师词汇教学策略的案例研究,G633.41
  7. 善用操作性情境创设提高课堂效率,G633.6
  8. 高中历史有效教学实施策略,G633.51
  9. 思想品德教学与初中生社会责任感培养研究,G633.2
  10. 初中语文阅读课堂有效教学策略探究,G633.3
  11. 中俄汉语教学方法比较,H195
  12. 中国古典舞教学剧目创作趋势研究,J722.4
  13. 民俗文化与对外汉语文化课教学,H195
  14. 初中文言文语法教学探究,G633.3
  15. 建构主义理论下高中地理课堂教学设计与实践研究,G633.55
  16. 基于“空间定位”的GIS教学软件开发及应用策略研究,G633.55
  17. 高中化学必修阶段基本概念教学中与义务教育阶段衔接的研究,G633.8
  18. 高三生物复习教学策略的研究,G633.91
  19. 对外汉语教学中文化教学的内容及策略,H195
  20. 多媒体教学在对外汉语教学中的应用,G434
  21. 越南汉语成语教学与学习,H195

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