学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示
作 者: 宋伊雯
导 师: 肖龙福
学 校: 山东师范大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 文化教学 中国文化失语 教学原则 教学策略
分类号: H319.2
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2010年
下 载: 493次
引 用: 4次
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Abstract 7-10 摘要 10-12 Introduction 12-15 Chapter One Literature Review 15-34 1.1 A Review of Researches on Foreign Language Teaching 15-21 1.1.1 A Review of Researches on Foreign Language Teaching Abroad 15-18 1.1.2 A Review of Researches on Foreign Language Teaching in China 18-21 1.2 A Review of Researches on Cultural Teaching 21-30 1.2.1 A Review of Researches on Cultural Teaching Abroad 21-25 The Researches during the Period from the End of 19~(th) Century to the Middle of 20th Century 21-22 The Researches during the Period from the Middle of 20~(th) Century to the End of 20th Century 22-24 The Researches during the Period from the End of 20~(th) Century till Now 24-25 1.2.2 A Review of Researches on Cultural Teaching in China 25-30 The Researches during the Period from the Early 19805 to the Late 1980s 26-27 The Researches during the Period from the Late 19805 to the Late 1990s 27-29 The Researches during the Period from the Late 19905 till Today 29-30 1.3 A Review of Researches on Chinese Culture Aphasia 30-32 1.4 Summary 32-34 Chapter Two Theoretical Background 34-45 2.1 Culture and Language 34-40 2.1.1 Definition of Culture 34-36 2.1.2 Characteristics of Culture 36-38 2.1.3 Relationship between Language and Culture 38-40 2.2 Cross-cultural Communication 40-43 2.2.1 Definition of Cross-cultural Communication 40-42 2.2.2 Principle of Cross-cultural Communication 42-43 2.3 The Role of Home Culture in Foreign Language Teaching 43-45 Chapter Three Methodology 45-49 3.1 Research Questions 45 3.2 Subjects Selection 45-46 3.3 Instruments and their designs 46-47 3.4 Data Collection 47 3.5 Data Analysis 47-49 Chapter Four Results and Discussion 49-58 4.1 The Informants’Performance in the Mastery of Chinese Culture and their English Expression of that 49-51 4.2 The Informants’Attitude towards Adding Chinese Culture to College English Teaching 51-55 4.3 The Cause of the Chinese Culture Aphasia 55-58 Chapter Five The Proposals for Incorporating Chinese Culture into English Teaching in China 58-97 5.1 The Principle of Incorporating Chinese Culture into English Teaching 58-60 5.2 The Contents of the Chinese Culture Curriculum 60-62 5.3 The Means of Incorporating Chinese Culture into English Teaching 62-97 5.3.1 To Prepare the Reasonable Syllabus 62-69 5.3.2 To Improve Teachers’Comprehensive Quality 69-70 5.3.3 To Cultivate Students’Correct Chinese and Western Cultural Values 70-72 5.3.4 To Choose the Appropriate Teaching Materials 72-74 5.3.5 To Use the Effective Teaching Approaches 74-83 5.3.6 To Arrange the Colourful After-class Activities 83-84 5.3.7 To Design the Targeted Tests 84-85 5.3.8 The Lesson Plan of the College English Integrated Course Illustrates the Above-mentioned Teaching Proposals 85-97 Conclusion 97-98 Bibliography 98-103 Appendix I 103-106 Appendix II 106-108 Appendix III 108-109 Appendix IV 109-110 Appendix V 110-113 Appendix VI 113-115 Acknowledgements 115-116 List of Publications 116
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- 高中生物学课堂教学中概念图的应用研究,G633.91
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