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Numerical and Experimental Study on Vibration Control of Marine Diesel Engin Using MR Dampers
作 者: Muhammad Aslam
导 师: Yao Xiongliang
学 校: 哈尔滨工程大学
专 业: Naval Architecture
关键词: system control vibration Harbin between states model ability force Master design reason isolation foundation Engineers engine general elements machinery range
分类号: U664.121
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2006年
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Ship manufacturers invest considerable effort and money in improving the attenuation of noise radiated by ship into the water. A number of different noise sources contribute to the total acoustic signature on a ship. This dissertation focuses on the problem associated with low order harmonics generated by the diesel engines, transmitted through the engine mounts into the hull, and subsequently radiating into the water. The main intention of the work described here is to experimentally and numerically investigate the use of MR dampers to minimize the vibratory energy of the low speed diesel engine transmitted to the hull. Moreover, properties and control strategies are also investigated to develop a fundamental understanding of MR dampers for the purpose of designing and implementing these "smart" damping devices in vibration control. This dissertation shows the feasibility of using semi-active vibration control to attenuate the vibrations of the diesel engine used onboard ships. It is expected that if the vibrations of the engine to the base are reduced, the vibratory energy transmitted from the engines to the hull and then radiated into the water, would also decrease. To evaluate the feasibility of using a semi-active system, a complete engine foundation was built with the same physical properties and dimensions as a foundation on a real ship. The foundation was equipped with four MR dampers two on each side and six passive wire rope spring isolaters. A test rig, to simulate the excitation force of the diesel engine is arranged in the laboratory at Harbin Engineering University and used for the real-time semi-active control experiments described here. On/Off control strategy is used to control the vibration. Use of MR dampers to control shock is also investigated. MR dampers were used to generate the control forces and accelerometers and force sensors were used to provide controller vibration and error signals respectively and a measure of the control system performance. A reduction in the vibratory force of the engine harmonics transmitted through the MR dampers and wire rope springs will result in a similar reduction in the portion of the acoustic signature attributable to this path. Two different experimental set-ups of the complete engine foundation were evaluated. The first set-up was to evaluate the response of the structure for harmonic force and the second set-up was to evaluate the response of the foundation for transient excitations caused by underwater explosion docking or weapon firing. Simulation results demonstrate that MR dampers used in conjunction with appropriate control strategies are effective and practically implement able in the vibration control applications.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 4-5 ABSTRACT 5-7 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 7-12 CHAPTER 2.0 PROPERTIES OF MAGNETORHEOLOGICAL FLUIDS 12-24 2.1 Magnetorheological Fluids 12-14 2.2 Magnetic Materials for MR fluids 14-15 2.3 Properties of Commercial MR Fluids 15-16 2.4 Rheology of Magnetorheologieal(MR) Fluids 16-17 2.5 MR Devices and MR Fluid Dampers 17-18 2.6 Semi-Active Control Systems 18-21 2.7 Advantages of MR Fluids as Compared to ER Fluids 21-23 2.8 Conclusion 23-24 CHAPTER 3.0 VIBRATION CONTROL STRATEGIES 24-35 3.1 Active Vibration Control 24-25 3.2 Semi-active Control 25-27 3.3 Categories of Control 27-33 3.4 PID Controllers 33 3.5 Conclusion 33-35 CHAPTER 4.0 NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS OF THE FOUNDATION 35-74 4.1 Engine Excitations 35-37 4.2 Theoretical Analysis of the Foundation 37-39 4.3 Wire Rope Spring 39-45 4.4 MR Damper Characteristics 45-50 4.5 Desired Vibration Exciter Characteristics 50-51 4.6 Modeling of the Foundation 51-54 4.7 Numerical Simulations of the Foundation 54-63 4.8 Parametric Study of the Foundation with MR Dampers 63-68 4.9 Control Simulations 68-73 4.10 Conclusion 73-74 CHAPTER 5 EXPERIMENTAL SET UP AND RESULTS FOR VIBRATION RESPONSE 74-116 5.1 Experimental Set Up 74-80 5.2 Data Acquisition and Processing 80-87 5.3 Analysis of Dynamic Performance of the Foundation 87-90 5.4 Transmissibility Analysis 90-95 5.5 Effect of Mass of the Model 95-97 5.6 Effect of Excitation Force 97-99 5.7 Modal Analysis 99-101 5.8 Shock Testing of the Foundation 101-102 5.9 Theoretical Modeling 102-104 5.10 Experimental Set up for Shock Testing 104-106 5.11 Shock Input 106-108 5.12 Experimental Results 108-110 5.13 Vibration Control 110-115 5.14 Conclusion 115-116 CHAPTER 6.0 COMPARISON OF NUMERICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 116-121 6.1 Discussion of the Results 118-121 CHAPTER 7.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 121-127 7.1 Conclusion 121-122 7.2 Recommendations 122-124 7.3 PROPOSED MODEL 124-127 References 127-136 Published Papers 136
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中图分类: > 交通运输 > 水路运输 > 船舶工程 > 船舶机械 > 船舶动力装置 > 内燃机动力装置 > 柴油机
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