学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 蒋贵芹
导 师: 张剑波
学 校: 西南政法大学
专 业: 英汉对比法律语言学
关键词: 衔接 语篇 衔接手段 古语体词 诉讼文书
分类号: D90-055
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2010年
下 载: 103次
引 用: 0次
阅 读: 论文下载




Acknowledgements  4-5
Abstract  5-6
摘要  6-10
Chapter One Introduction  10-14
  1.1 Purpose and significance of the study  11-12
  1.2 Research questions  12
  1.3 Research methodology and data collection  12-13
  1.4 Outline of the study  13-14
Chapter Two Literature Review  14-22
  2.1 Studies on cohesion  14-17
  2.2 Studies on cohesive devices  17-19
  2.3 Studies on characteristics of litigation writing  19-21
  2.4 Studies on cohesive devices in Chinese and English litigation writing  21
  2.5 Summary  21-22
Chapter Three The Cohesive Devices More Frequently Employed in Chinese and English Litigation writing  22-42
  3.1 Theoretical framework  22-24
  3.2 Research procedure  24-25
  3.3 Frequency of cohesive devices in Chinese and English litigation writing  25-38
    3.3.1 Frequency of reference in Chinese and English litigation writing  26-29 Personal reference  26-27 Demonstrative reference  27-28 Comparative reference  28-29
    3.3.2 Frequency of substitution in Chinese and English litigation writing  29-32 Nominal substitution  29-31 Verbal substitution  31 Clausal substitution  31-32
    3.3.3 Frequency of ellipsis in Chinese and English litigation writing  32-34 Nominal ellipsis  32-33 Verbal ellipsis  33 Clausal ellipsis  33-34
    3.3.4 Frequency of conjunction in Chinese and English litigation writing  34-37 Additive conjunction  34-35 Adversative conjunction  35-36 Temporal conjunction  36-37
    3.3.5 Frequency of lexical cohesion in Chinese and English litigation writing  37-38
  3.4 The more frequently employed cohesive devices in Chinese and English litigation writing  38-41
  3.5 Summary  41-42
Chapter Four The Similarities and Discrepancies of the More Frequently Employed Cohesive Devices Between Chinese and English Litigation Writing  42-53
  4.1 Similarities of the more frequently employed cohesive devices between Chinese and English litigation writing  42-47
    4.1.1 Similarities in reference between Chinese and English litigation writing  42-44
    4.1.2 Similarities in nominal substitution between Chinese and English litigation writing  44-45
    4.1.3 Similarities in conjunction between Chinese and English litigation writing  45-46
    4.1.4 Similarities in lexical cohesion between Chinese and English litigation writing  46-47
  4.2 Discrepancies of the more frequently employed cohesive devices between Chinese and English litigation writing  47-52
    4.2.1 Discrepancies in reference between Chinese and English litigation writing  47-50
    4.2.2 Discrepancies in nominal substitution between Chinese and English litigation writing  50
    4.2.3 Discrepancies in conjunction between Chinese and English litigation writing  50-51
    4.2.4 Discrepancies in lexical cohesion between Chinese and English litigation writing  51-52
  4.3 Summary  52-53
Chapter Five Conclusion  53-57
  5.1 Summary of the present study  53-55
  5.2 Possible contributions of the present study  55-56
  5.3 Suggestions for further study  56-57
Bibliography  57-59


  1. 新课程下中小学数学教学衔接与问题表征的研究,G633.6
  2. 初高中化学概念教学衔接的分析及策略研究,G633.8
  3. 文章难易度与主题熟悉度对英语学习者听力影响的个案研究,G633.41
  4. 语篇衔接理论视角下的高中英语阅读教学研究,G633.41
  5. 基于问题解决的物理初高中衔接研究,G633.7
  6. 基于衔接的高中语文小说教学,G633.3
  7. 社区教育与远程教育衔接的可行性研究,G77
  8. 我国高等工程教育与职业技术教育关系研究,G649.2
  9. 教师视角下小学一年级学生入学适应现状研究,G622.0
  10. 高中化学必修阶段基本概念教学中与义务教育阶段衔接的研究,G633.8
  11. 从及物性角度批评性分析奥巴马访华的报道,H315
  12. 大学生英语作文中的衔接和连贯错误分析,H319
  13. 论税收执法程序与税收司法程序的衔接,D922.22
  14. 空间构型对语篇连贯的解释,H05
  15. 基于语料库的中国英语经济新闻报道中概念隐喻的研究,H315
  16. 学校德育衔接问题研究,G41
  17. 语义空间的语篇构型研究,H052
  18. 论民事纠纷多元化调解机制,D926
  19. 中日社评文章的衔接对比,H36
  20. 茶典籍英译中的语篇衔接研究,H315.9
  21. 城乡一体化背景下的道路网规划研究,U412.1

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