学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 陈秀芳
导 师: 刘典忠;徐万治
学 校: 中国石油大学
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 法庭交叉询问 预设 前提触发语 虚假语用预设
分类号: H030
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2007年
下 载: 370次
引 用: 2次
阅 读: 论文下载




Abstract  4-6
摘要  6-11
Introduction  11-15
Chapter One Review of Relevant Literature  15-30
  1.1 Introduction  15
  1.2 Definition of Courtroom Cross-examination  15-17
  1.3 Contextual Features of Courtroom Cross-examination  17-20
    1.3.1 Roles of Participants in Courtroom Cross-examination  17-19
    1.3.2 The Interpersonal Relation Between Participants  19
    1.3.3 The Psychology of Participants in Courtroom Cross-examination  19-20
  1.4 Purpose of Courtroom Cross-examination  20-21
  1.5 Related Research on Courtroom Cross-examination  21-24
  1.6 Critique of the Previous Researches on Courtroom Cross-examination  24-25
  1.7 Overview of the Presupposition Theory  25-28
    1.7.1 Overview of the Theoretical Study  25-27
    1.7.2 Overview of the Practical Study  27-28
  1.8 Critique on the Presupposition Theory  28-29
  1.9 Summary  29-30
Chapter Two Theoretical Framework  30-51
  2.1 Introduction  30
  2.2 Introduction to the Presupposition Theory  30-47
    2.2.1 The Concept of Presupposition  30-33
    2.2.2 Two Approaches to Presupposition  33-43 Semantic presupposition  33-35 Pragmatic presupposition  35-43
    2.2.3 Relation Between Semantic Presupposition and Pragmatic Presupposition  43-44
    2.2.4 Properties or Characteristics of Presupposition  44-47
  2.3 Presupposition and Information Focus  47-49
    2.3.1 The Position of Information Focus  47-48
    2.3.2 Information Focus and Presupposition  48-49
  2.4 Presupposition in This Thesis  49-51
Chapter Three The Strategic Employment of Presupposition in Courtroom Cross-examination  51-81
  3.1 Introduction to Presupposition Triggers  51
  3.2 The Pragmatic Analysis of Presupposition Triggers in the Courtroom Cross-examination  51-69
    3.2.1 Definite Descriptions in Courtroom Cross-examination  51-53
    3.2.2 Factive Verbs in Courtroom Cross-examination  53-55
    3.2.3 Implicative Verbs in Courtroom Cross-examination  55-56
    3.2.4 Change of State Verbs in Courtroom Cross-examination  56-57
    3.2.5 Iteratives in Courtroom Cross-examination  57-58
    3.2.6 Attributive Clauses in Courtroom Cross-examination  58-60
    3.2.7 Adverbial Clauses of Time in Courtroom Cross-examination  60-61
    3.2.8 Adverbial Clauses of Counterfactual Conditionals in Courtroom Cross-examination  61-62
    3.2.9 Cleft and Pseudo-cleft Sentences in Courtroom Cross-examination  62-65
    3.2.10 Comparative Sentences in Courtroom Cross-examination  65-67
    3.2.11 Question Types in Courtroom Cross-examination  67-69
  3.3 The Analysis of Sham Pragmatic Presupposition in Courtroom Cross-examination  69-81
    3.3.1 Definition of Sham Pragmatic Presupposition  69-70
    3.3.2 Two Forms of Sham Pragmatic Presupposition  70-73 Unintentional sham pragmatic presupposition  70-71 Intentional sham pragmatic presupposition  71-73
    3.3.3 Two Ways for the Counsel to Use Sham Pragmatic Presupposition in Courtroom Cross-examination  73-81 The counsel makes use of sham pragmatic presupposition to test the truth of hypothesis  74-77 The counsel can use the witness’s sham pragmatic presupposition as the weapon to make him/her unable to change and quibble.  77-81
Chapter Four The Pragmatic Analysis of Presupposition in the Courtroom Cross-examination of a Case  81-90
  4.1 Introduction  81
  4.2 The Case Analysis  81-86
  4.3 Ways to Distinguish and Break the Presuppositions  86-88
  4.4 Evaluation About the Presupposition Strategy in Courtroom Cross-examination  88-90
Conclusion  90-93
Bibliography  93-99
Acknowledgement  99-100
Resume  100


  1. PMLSM悬浮平台的二阶滑模控制研究,TP273
  2. 大学英语教材中目的语文化预设的评价研究,H319
  3. 对外汉语课堂非预设事件及应对策略探析,H195
  4. 法律庭审互动中语用预设研究,H13
  5. 语用预设与美国情景喜剧《人人都爱雷蒙德》的幽默性,H313
  6. 现代汉语商业营销用语研究,H136
  7. 英语广告语中语用预设的研究,H313
  8. 数学解题教学中的预设与生成研究,G633.6
  9. 论预设在侦查讯问中的应用,D918
  10. 预设在新闻语言中的语用功能分析,H319
  11. 基于事件理论的“都”的量化研究,H146
  12. 汉语疑问词疑问用法的阻隔现象,H146.3
  13. 基于预设的应用研究女性产品中文广告信息,H030
  14. 胶印机印刷压力预调系统的研究,TS827
  15. 说“都”,H146
  16. 文化预设在字幕翻译中的幽默效果迁移,H315.9
  17. 美国企业简介中语用预设及预设触发语的功能分析,H313
  18. 英汉商务文本广告中预设触发语的对比研究,H315
  19. 甲骨文对贞卜辞的语用研究,H13
  20. 论中国文学作品中文化预设的翻译,H315.9
  21. EVEN的预设功能,H314

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