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作 者: 林玩凤
导 师: 伍小龙
学 校: 华南师范大学
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 林译小说 改写 翻译文学 文化价值 《黑奴吁天录》
分类号: I046
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2007年
下 载: 205次
引 用: 0次
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Acknowledgments  6-8
Abstract in Chinese  8-9
Abstract in English  9-10
Chapter One Introduction  10-25
  1.1 A Brief Introduction of Lin Shu and his Translation  11-14
    1.1.1 An Overview  11
    1.1.2 The Influence of Lin Shu's Translation  11-14
  1.2 The Condemnation on Lin Shu during the New Culture Movement  14-16
  1.3 The Rediscovery of the Value of Lin Shu's Translations  16-23
    1.3.1 The Confirmation of the Contribution of Lin Shu's Translation  17-20 Earlier Comments  17-19 Recent Comments  19-20
    1.3.2 The Confirmation of the Literary Value of Lin Shu's Translations  20-23
  1.4 The Proposition and Framework of the Research  23-25
Chapter Two Theoretical Framework  25-42
  2.1 Toury's Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS)  26-32
    2.1.1 Translations as Facts of a Target Culture  27-29
    2.1.2 The Nature and Role of Norms in Translation  29-31
    2.1.3 Implication for the Study of Lin Shu's Translations  31-32
  2.2 System, Rewriting, Ideology and Poetics  32-38
    2.2.1 Lefevere's Theroy of System  32-34
    2.2.2 Rewriting, Ideology and Poetics  34-37
    2.2.3 Clarification and Implication of Lefevere's Theory  37-38
  2.3 The Study of Translated Literature  38-41
  2.4 Towards a New Approach of Evaluating Lin Shu's Translations  41-42
Chapter Three Re-evaluating Lin Shu's Cultural Significance  42-65
  3.1 Lin Shu's Ideology about Literature and Culture  43-47
    3.1.1 Lin Shu's Literary Life in the Early Years  43-45
    3.1.2 Lin Shu's Patriotism  45-47
  3.2 Lin Shu's Defense of Classical Chinese and Traditional Culture  47-54
    3.2.1 Lin Shu's Protest against the Abolition of Classical Chinese and Traditional Culture  48-51
    3.2.2 Re-evaluating Lin Shu's Struggle  51-52
    3.2.3 Re-evaluating Lin Shu's Cultural Significance  52-54
  3.3 Re-evaluating the Contribution of Lin Shu's Translation  54-64
    3.3.1 The Rise of the Position of Fiction and Lin Shu's Contribution  54-57
    3.3.2 Lin Shu's Intention to Develop Chinese Literature and Culture  57-59
    3.3.3 Re-evaluating the Contribution of Lin Shu's Translation  59-61
    3.3.4 Lin Shu's Strategy of Consolidating the Position of Chinese Literature and Culture  61-64
  3.4 Summary  64-65
Chapter Four Liu Shu's Cultural Significance as Seen in Heinu Yutian Lu  65-79
  4.1 A Brief Introduction of Heinu Yutian Lu and its Source Text  66-71
    4.1.1 The Story of Uncle Tom's Cabin  66-68
    4.1.2 The Background of the Translation  68-69
    4.1.3 The Impact of the Translation  69-70
    4.1.4 Studying Heinu Yutian Lu from Fresh Perspectives  70-71
  4.2 Literary Analysis of Heinu Yutian Lu  71-78
    4.2.1 Lin Shu's Skillful Use of the Classical Language  71-75 Choice of Words  71-73 Description of Characters  73-74 Emotional Effect of the Novel  74-75
    4.2.2 The Manifestation of Confucian Concepts and Chinese Cultural Images  75-78
  4.3 Summary  78-79
Chapter Five Conclusion  79-82
References  82-90


  1. 基于社会网络视角的台湾文化创意产业研究,G124
  2. 新世纪好莱坞影片对我国电影的启示,J905
  3. 通识教育的文化透视,G642
  4. 中日两国大学生主题类虚拟社区参与动机的比较研究,G206
  5. 从新闻叙事话语角度看翻译中的意识形态操纵,H059
  6. 大众文化对当代大学生价值取向的影响及对策,G641
  7. 简论意识形态对新闻翻译策略的操控,H059
  8. 以笔墨寄情 写宏伟华章,J212
  9. 试论古诗英译的“种子”变异,I046
  10. 在汉语口语课上泰国学生倾向听说法的原因分析,H195
  11. 翻译目的与译者伦理,H059
  12. 消费文化影响下的群体手机使用情况分析,C912
  13. 基于自动机的RFID复合事件查询优化方法研究,TP391.44
  14. 中美汽车广告文化价值观对比研究,G04
  15. 儒风飞扬 家国共存,J905
  16. 中美文化价值观在电影《卧虎藏龙》中的融合,J905
  17. 霍克斯英译本《柳毅传书》中的操纵性,H315.9
  18. 从读者期待视野看林纾《黑奴吁天录》的翻译,I046
  19. 诗性智慧视野下翻译文学中译者主体性研究,I046
  20. 赞助人操纵下中国对外新闻翻译中的改写,H059
  21. 文化全球化语境下对改写理论的再思考,H030

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