学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示
作 者: 刘笑歌
导 师: 钟庆龙
学 校: 河南科技大学
专 业: 外国语言学与应用语言学
关键词: 旅游景点公示语 汉英翻译 功能翻译理论 规范化
分类号: H315.9
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2010年
下 载: 476次
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摘要 2-4 Abstract 4-9 Chapter One Introduction 9-13 1.1 Significance of the study 9-10 1.1.1 Theoretical significance 9-10 1.1.2 Practical significance 10 1.2 Necessity of the study 10-11 1.3 The object and methodology 11 1.4 The purpose 11 1.5 Structure of the thesis 11-13 Chapter Two Literature Review 13-31 2.1 Pragmatic translation 13-16 2.1.1 Definition of pragmatic translation 13 2.1.2 Classification of pragmatic translation 13-14 2.1.3 Characteristics of pragmatic translation 14-15 2.1.4 The criterion of pragmatic translation 15-16 2.2.Tourism text and tourism translation 16-22 2.2.1 Tourism text 16-18 2.2.2 Tourism translation 18-19 2.2.3 Translation skills on tourism translation 19-22 2.3 Studies on signs 22-28 2.3.1 Definitions of signs 22-24 2.3.2 The differences between Chinese and English signs and the principles of translation 24-26 2.3.3 The standardization of the translation of signs 26-27 2.3.4 Previous studies on signs 27-28 2.3.5 Studies on signs in Henan tourist sites 28 2.4 Culture and translation 28-31 Chapter Three Theoretical Framework 31-42 3.1.E ugene A. Nida: the theory of functional equivalence 32-33 3.2 German Functionalist Translation School 33-41 3.2.1 The Theoretical basis of functionalism 33-35 3.2.2.K atharina Reiss’s Text-Typology 35-37 3.2.3 Hans J. Vermeer’s Skopostheorie 37-39 3.2.4 Justa Holz Manttari’s Translational Action 39-40 3.2.5 Christiane Nord: Function and Loyalty 40-41 3.3 Peter Newmark: Language function and translating strategies 41-42 Chapter Four The Present Condition Analysis 42-79 4.1 Case Studies 42-71 4.1.1 Names of Tourist Spots or Ancillary Facilities 42-49 4.1.2 Slogans 49-50 4.1.3 Billboards of Commercial Facilities 50-51 4.1.4 Indicators,notices and warnings 51-60 4.1.5 Introduction of tourist sites 60-71 4.2 Analysis of mistakes 71-73 4.2.1 Spelling mistakes 71 4.2.2 The wrong use of punctuation marks 71 4.2.3 Chinglish 71 4.2.4 Non-standard translation 71-72 4.2.5 Grammatical mistakes 72 4.2.6 Disunity of place names 72 4.2.7 The superabundance of information 72 4.2.8 The deficiency of information 72 4.2.9 Mistakes of proper nouns 72 4.2.10 Deviation of the original texts 72-73 4.2.11 Unsuitable choice of words or phrases 73 4.2.12 Wrong written form 73 4.2.13 Literal translation 73 4.3 Discussion on translation skills 73-79 4.3.1 Amplificaiton 73-74 4.3.2 Omission 74-76 4.3.3 Annotation 76 4.3.4 Revision 76-79 Chapter Five Conclusions 79-84 5.1 The cause of mistakes 79-80 5.1.1 The low language proficiency of the translators 79 5.1.2 The sign makers’ignorance of English 79 5.1.3 The lack of professional supervision mechanism 79-80 5.2 Main points on C-E translation of signs 80-81 5.2.1 Intercultural awareness should be kept in mind 80 5.2.2 Pay attention to the reader’s response 80 5.2.3 Analyze the context and choose proper translation skills 80-81 5.2.4 Use simple words and correspond with the international standards 81 5.3 Suggestions on standardization of signs in tourist sites 81-84 5.3.1 The government and other related department should attach much attention to the translation of signs 81-82 5.3.2 Improve the translator’s quality 82-83 5.3.3 Invite foreign experts to participate in the process of translating and hear the foreign tourists'opinion 83 5.3.4 Pay attention to the whole process of the translation 83 5.3.5 The practice of translation should be combined with theory 83-84 References 84-87 Appendix 87-101 Acknowledgements 101-102 攻读硕士学位期间的研究成果 102
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