学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示
作 者: 罗丽
导 师: 熊德米
学 校: 西南政法大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 清末社会 法律翻译 西方翻译者 本土翻译者 翻译方法 影响
分类号: H059
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2011年
下 载: 53次
引 用: 0次
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Acknowledgement 4-5 Abstract 5-7 摘要 7-10 CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 10-12 1.1 Significance of This Study 10 1.2 Structure of This Study 10-11 1.3 Research Methodology and Data Collection 11-12 CHAPTER TWO A BRIEF REVIEW ON LEGAL TRANSLATION IN THE LATE QING DYNASTY 12-22 2.1 Social Situation of the Late Qing Dynasty and Its Influences on the Modes of Legal Translation 13-17 2.1.1 Political and Economical Situation and Their Promotion for Legal Translation 13-15 2.1.2 Educational Situation and Its Influences on the Modes of Legal Translation 15-16 2.1.3 Legal Situation and Its Influences on the Modes of Legal Translation 16-17 2.2 Development of Legal Translation in the late Qing Dynasty 17-19 2.2.1 The Beginning of Legal Translation in the Late Qing Dynasty 17-18 2.2.2 Development of Legal Translation in the Late Qing Dynasty 18-19 2.3 The Historical and Practical Significance of Legal Translation in the Late Qing Dynasty 19-22 2.3.1 The Historical Significance of Legal Translation in the Late Qing Dynasty 19-21 2.3.2 The Practical Significance of Legal Translation in the Late Qing Dynasty 21-22 CHAPTER THREE LEGAL TRANSLATION CONDUCTED BY FOREING TRANSLATORS AND ITS SOCIAL INFLUENCES 22-34 3.1 Social Factors that Fostered Legal Translation Conducted by the Foreign Translators 22-24 3.1.1 Political factors 22-23 3.1.2 Educational Factors 23-24 3.2 Explicit Introduction to the Foreign Translators and Translation Works Conducted by Them 24-27 3.2.1 Willian Martin 24-25 3.2.2 John Fryer 25-27 3.3 Translation Methods Adopted by the Foreign Translators 27-28 3.4 Influences of Legal Translation Conducted by Foreign Translators on Socitey of the Late Qing Dynasty and Later Ages 28-34 3.4.1 Influences on Legal Translation in the Late Qing dynasty and Later Ages 28-31 3.4.2 Influences on Legal Development in the Late Qing Dynasty and Later Ages 31-32 3.4.3 Influences on the Other Aspects in the Late Qing Dynasty and Later Ages 32-34 CHAPTER FOUR LEGAL TRANSLATION CONDUCTED BY THE LOCAl TRANSLATORS AND ITS SOCIAL INFLUENCES 34-49 4.1 Social Factors that Fostered Legal Translation Conducted by Local Translators and Its Social Influences 34-38 4.1.1 Political Factors 34-35 4.1.2 Educational Factors 35-38 4.2 Explicit Introduction to Local Translators and Their Translation Works Conducted by Them 38-40 4.2.1 Yan Fu 38-39 4.2.2 Liang Qichao and Other Chinese Students Studying in Japan 39-40 4.3 Translation Methods Adopted by Local Translators 40-41 4.4 Influences of Legal Translation Conducted by Local Translators on Society of the Late Qing Dynasty and Later Ages 41-49 4.4.1 Influences on Legal Translation in the Late Qing Dynasty and Later Ages 41-44 4.4.2 Influences on Legal Development in the Late Qing dynasty and Later Ages 44-47 4.4.3 Influences on the Other Aspects in the Late Qing Dynasty and Later Ages 47-49 CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION 49-51 Bibliography 51-52
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