学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示
作 者: 李坚
导 师: 孙吉胜
学 校: 外交学院
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 公共外交 伊斯兰世界 外交政策 “9·11”事件
分类号: D871.2
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2009年
下 载: 177次
引 用: 0次
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Acknowledgements 3-4 Synopsis 4-5 Chinese Synopsis 5-8 Introduction 8-13 Chapter I U.S. Public Diplomacy in the Islamic World before 9/11 13-28 1.1 The U.S. Communication Efforts during the Gulf Crisis 14-18 1.1.1 The USIA’s Operation in the War 14-16 1.1.2 The VOA’s Propaganda 16-18 1.2 The Decline of U.S. Public Diplomacy in the Clinton Era 18-23 1.2.1 Post-Cold War Adjustment of Public Diplomacy 18-20 1.2.2 The Demise of the USIA 20-23 1.3 New Calls for U.S. Public Diplomacy before 9/11 23-28 1.3.1 Information Revolution and Globalization 23-25 1.3.2 The Spread of Anti-American Resentment in the Islamic World 25-28 Chapter II The Reshaping of U.S. Public Diplomacy in the Islamic World after 9/11 28-46 2.1 Public Diplomacy Resources Augmented 28-32 2.1.1 Financial Resources 29-30 2.1.2 Human Resources 30-32 2.2 Public Diplomacy Structure Underpinned 32-39 2.2.1 State Department Coordination 32-35 2.2.2 White House Leadership 35-37 2.2.3 Congressional Support 37-39 2.3 Public Diplomacy Tools Upgraded 39-46 2.3.1 Information Activities and Cultural Programs 39-41 2.3.2 International Broadcasting 41-43 2.3.3 Special Media Campaigns 43-46 Chapter III The Challenges Facing U.S. Public Diplomacy in the Islamic World after 9/11 46-69 3.1 The Shortcomings of the Public Diplomacy Machine 47-52 3.1.1 Insufficient Budget and Staff 47-49 3.1.2 Inefficient Bureaucratic Structure 49-51 3.1.3 Inadequate Inter-Agency Strategy 51-52 3.2 Challenges for the U.S. Communication Effects in the Islamic World 52-60 3.2.1 The Battle for the Control of Information Flow 53-55 3.2.2 The Myth of the Islamic Public 55-57 3.2.3 The Problem of Communication Style 57-59 3.2.4 The Gap in Cultural Dialogue 59-60 3.3 U.S. Public Diplomacy and Foreign Policy at Odds 60-69 3.3.1 Public Diplomacy at Arm’s Length from Foreign Policy Making 61-63 3.3.2 American Middle East Strategy and Policy 63-65 3.3.3 Inconsistency between Public Diplomacy and Foreign Policy 65-69 Conclusion 69-73 Bibliography 73-80 Books 73-75 Periodicals and Newspapers 75-77 Official Documents 77-79 Websites 79-80
- 互联网公共外交作用研究,D822
- 作为公共外交全新形式的新媒体外交,D80
- 奥巴马政府的东南亚公共外交,D871.2
- 中国对美公共外交评析,D820
- “9·11”事件后美国中亚政策对中国西北地区安全的影响,D836;D820
- 本杰明·迪斯累利帝国外交政策初探,K561
- 普京执政时期外交政策及其对中俄关系的影响,D822.3
- 我国建筑节能法律体系建构研究,D922.6
- 中国在非洲的软实力,D822.3
- 国家品牌化与公共外交齐头并进?,D822
- 软实力与中国周边安全的构建,D820
- 新世纪美国公共外交评析,D871.2
- 贝娜齐尔·布托与巴基斯坦妇女地位的提高,D443.53
- 构建和谐世界中的中国公共外交,D820
- 试论中国公共外交的发展与国家形象的塑造,D820
- 公共外交与中国国家形象的构建,D820
- 和平发展背景下的中国公共外交研究,D820
- 伊斯兰民主研究,B968
- 试析中国对美国的公共外交,D822.3
- 公共外交的“客体”指向法探析,D820
- 中国外交“生长点”及其建构主义解读,D820
中图分类: > 政治、法律 > 外交、国际关系
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