学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示
作 者: 雷安敏
导 师: 马书红
学 校: 贵州师范大学
专 业: 英语教育
关键词: 建构主义 阅读能力 学习兴趣 阅读策略 图式理论 自主学习能力
分类号: G633.41
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2009年
下 载: 400次
引 用: 0次
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Acknowledgements 3-4 Abstract(English) 4-6 Abstract(Chinese) 6-10 List of Abbreviations 10-11 List of Tables 11-12 Chapter 1 Introduction 12-16 1.1 Background of the Present Study 12-13 1.2 Requirements of Reading Strategies in the Chinese English Course for Senior Middle School 13 1.3 The Objectives and Hypothesis of the Present Study 13-14 1.4 Significance of the Present Study 14-15 1.5 Organization of the Thesis 15-16 Chapter 2 Literature Review 16-32 2.1 Different Views on Reading 16-19 2.1.1 Traditional Views on Reading 16-17 2.1.2 Communicative Views on Reading 17-18 2.1.3 Cognitive Views on Reading 18-19 2.1.4 A Comparison of the Three Different Views on Reading 19 2.2 Review of Current Research on CLT 19-31 2.2.1 Current Research on Constructivism Abroad 19-27 2.2.2 Current Research on Constructivism in FLT in China 27-31 2.3 Summary 31-32 Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework of the Research 32-40 3.1 Constructivism 32-35 3.1.1 Constructivism and its Major Contributors 32-34 3.1.2 Constructivist View of Teachers' Roles 34-35 3.2 Learner Autonomy 35-36 3.2.1 Introduction of Learner Autonomy 35-36 3.2.2 Connection of Constructivist Learning Theory with Learner Autonomy 36 3.3 Schema Theory 36-39 3.3.1 Introduction of Schema Theory 36-38 3.3.2 Schema Theory and Reading Comprehension 38 3.3.3 Schema Theory and Learning Strategy 38-39 3.4 Summary 39-40 Chapter 4 The Study 40-53 4.1 Principles for the Design of Present Study 40 4.2 Research Objective and Hypothesis 40-41 4.3 Participants 41-42 4.4 Research Method and Instrument 42-44 4.4.1 Pre-Experiment Test and Post-Experiment Test 42 4.4.2 Questionnaires 42-43 4.4.3 Interviewing 43 4.4.4 SPSS Software 43-44 4.4.5 Teaching Materials 44 4.5 Experiment Process 44-51 4.5.1 Developing Interests and Positive Attitude 44-46 4.5.2 Training Learning Strategies 46-50 4.5.3 Cultivating Capacity for Autonomy 50-51 4.5.4 Testing Reading Competence 51 4.6 Data Collection and Analysis 51-52 4.7 Summary 52-53 Chapter 5 Data Analysis and Findings 53-60 5.1 Results of Reading Competence Tests 53-55 5.1.1 Statistics of the Two Tests of the Experimental Group and the Control Group 53-54 5.1.2 Discussion 54-55 5.2 Data on the Participants' Interest,Learning Strategies and Capacity for Autonomy in Reading 55-58 5.2.1 Statistics from the Questionnaires of the Experimental Class 55-56 5.2.2.Data from Interview 56-58 5.3 Findings 58-59 5.3.1 Activating Students' interest in Learning 58 5.3.2 Developing Learning Strategy 58-59 5.3.3 Cultivating Capacity for Autonomy 59 5.4 Summary 59-60 Chapter 6 Conclusion 60-63 6.1 Conclusion of the Study 60-61 6.2 Pedagogical Implication of the Study 61-62 6.3 Limitation of the Study 62 6.4 Further Study 62-63 Bibliography 63-69 Appendices 69-86 Appendix 1 Questionnairs on Senior Middle School English Reading(1) 69-72 Appendix 2 Questionnairs on Senior Middle School English Reading(2) 72-73 Appendix 3:Pre-test paper 73-79 Appendix 4:Post-test paper 79-86
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