学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示
作 者: 栾尚清
导 师: 杨敏
学 校: 山东师范大学
专 业: 学科教学
关键词: 职业学校 英语教学 形成性评价
分类号: H319.3
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2009年
下 载: 189次
引 用: 0次
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Abstract 8-9 Abstract (Chinese Version) 9-10 Chapter I Introduction 10-14 1.1 Background of the study 10 1.2 The focuses of the study 10-12 1.3 The significance of the study 12 1.4 Outline of the study 12-13 1.5 Summary 13-14 Chapter Ⅱ Literature Review 14-25 2.1 An overview of educational evaluation 14-16 2.1.1 The current studies on educational evaluation in foreign countries 15-16 2.1.2 The current studies on educational evaluation in China 16 2.2 Some definitions of terms concerned 16-21 2.2.1 Distinctions among testing, measurement, assessment, and evaluation 16-17 2.2.2 Summative assessment 17-19 Characteristics of summative assessment 17-18 Reasoning and practice of summative assessment 18-19 2.2.3 Formative assessment 19-21 2.3 Related theories for formative assessment 21-25 2.3.1 Piaget's constructivism 21-22 2.3.2 The theory of Multiple Intelligences 22 2.3.3 Motivation theory 22-23 2.3.4 Bachman's Communicative Language Ability 23-25 Chapter Ⅲ Concepts and Methods of Formative Assessment Adopted in the Research 25-44 3.1 Formative assessment 25-31 3.1.1 Definition of formative assessment 25-26 3.1.2 Ways of formative assessment 26-31 Student self- assessment 26-28 Peer assessment 28-29 Teacher assessment 29-30 Collaborative assessment 30-31 3.2 Formative assessment tools and techniques 31-41 3.2.1 Observation 32-33 3.2.2 Interviews 33 3.2.3 Questionnaires 33-35 3.2.4 Conferences 35-36 3.2.5 Dialogue journals 36-37 3.2.6 Portfolios 37-41 3.3 Learner autonomy 41-44 3.3.1 Definition of learner autonomy 41-44 Chapter Ⅳ The Description of the Research 44-52 4.1 Objectives of the research 44-45 4.2 Research design 45-52 4.2.1 Participants 45-46 4.2.2 Instruments of the experiment 46-52 Two questionnaires (Pre test and post test) 46-47 Making Portfolios 47-49 Making observations 49-50 Interviews 50-52 Chapter Ⅴ Data Analysis and the Conclusions 52-63 5.1 Data collection 52-53 5.2 Data analysis 53-62 5.2.1 The procedure of date analysis 53-57 Similarities of the entrance examination scores of the EC and CC. 53-55 Analysis of the final examination scores of the EC and CC 55-57 5.2.2 Comparison for questionnaire paper I & II (Experiment Class) 57-60 5.2.3 Observe weak students in the class 60-61 5.2.4 Interview students in the middle of experiment 61-62 5.3 Summary 62-63 Chapter Ⅵ Conclusion and Implications 63-69 6.1 Findings 63-64 6.2 Implications for classroom teachers 64-65 6.3 Limitations of the study 65-66 6.4 Suggestions for future research 66-67 6.5 Conclusions 67-69 Appendix 69-73 References 73-78 Acknowledgements 78-79 攻读硕士学位期间发表的学术论文 79
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