学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示
作 者: 宇文喆萍
导 师: 郑丽华
学 校: 河北师范大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 学习动机 学习策略 预测力 新课程标准 高中生
分类号: G633.41
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2010年
下 载: 345次
引 用: 0次
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随着高中英语新课程标准在全国的实施,高中生的学习策略问题成为学术界和教育界研究的热点,但有关英语学习动机和学习策略关系的研究数量还不多,既有研究的深度也不够。本研究以高中英语新课程标准对英语学习策略的划分为依据,旨在探讨高中生英语学习动机对英语学习策略选择的影响及新课标理念下高中英语教学思路和途径。论文以有关学习动机和学习策略的研究为基础,遵循新课程标准对学习策略的划分标准,运用定量研究方法,结合新课程标准的要求和程晓堂等人提出的英语学习策略思路,设计了本研究中的英语学习策略调查问卷。学习动机问卷采用台湾博士论文改编(Gardner, Schmidt)的动机问卷并结合中国高中生实际情况做了修改。通过实证分析,本研究得出的一些初步结果如下:1)高中生既有外在动机,也有内在动机和成就动机,但成就动机占优势;学生整体学习动机强度处于中等水平。女生动机强度和各项动机水平均高于男生并在动机强度、内在动机及成就动机上有显著性差异。文科学生英语学习动机水平高于理科学生。并在内在动机、成就动机和动机强度上呈显著性差异。男女生和文理科学生在外在动机上没有显著性差异。2)高中生整体学习策略使用频率呈中等水平,最常使用的是情感策略,其次是资源策略,认知策略和调控策略,最不常使用的是交际策略。女生在各项策略使用频率上均高于男生,受文理科男女生比例差异影响,文科学生各项策略使用频率均高于理科生并在情感策略、认知策略和调控策略上呈现显著性差异。3)动机强度、动机类型和学习策略使用频率之间呈正相关。学习策略使用频率可能和动机强度之间存在一种循环关系;动机强度对学习策略选择的预测力强于动机类型。以上研究发现,对于改进指定界定的英语学习和教学策略具有直接的指示作用,对于调整和完善英语学习和教学思路也具有启示意义。当然,限于学习本身以及学习动机和教学策略本身所具有的动态性与发展性,在本研究中难免会存在一些不足之处,有关结论也还需在进一步深化研究中得以验证和完善。
Abstract 5-7 摘要 7-14 Chapter 1 Introduction 14-19 1.1 Background of the Study 14-16 1.2 Significance of the Current Study 16-17 1.3 Statement of the Research Questions 17-18 1.4 Organization of the Thesis 18-19 Chapter 2 Literature Review 19-36 2.1 Language Learning Motivation 19-24 2.1.1 Definitions of Motivation 19-20 2.1.2 Classifications of Motivation 20-23 Integrative Motivation and Instrumental Motivation 20-21 Intrinsic Motivation and Extrinsic Motivation 21-22 Achievement Motivation 22-23 Motivational Intensity 23 2.1.3 Recent Studies on EFL Learners’Motivation 23-24 2.2 Language Learning Strategies 24-32 2.2.1 Definitions of Language Learning Strategies 25 2.2.2 Classifications of Language Learning Strategies 25-31 O’Malley and Chamot’s Classification 26 Oxford’s Classification 26-27 Cohen’s Classification 27-28 Classification of Language Learning Strategies by Chinese Researchers 28-30 Classification of Language Learning Strategies in New English Curriculum Standards 30-31 2.2.3 Factors Affecting the Choice of Language Learning Strategies 31-32 2.3 Recent Studies on the Relationship between Language Learning Motivation and Language Learning Strategies 32-36 2.3.1 Recent Studies on the Relationship between Language Learning Motivation and Language Learning Strategies abroad 33-34 2.3.2 Recent Studies on the Link between English Learning Motivation and Learning Strategies in China 34-36 Chapter 3 Methodology 36-43 3.1 Restatement of the Research Questions 36 3.2 Participants 36-37 3.3 Instruments 37-40 3.3.1 Questionnaire on English Learning Motivation 38-39 3.3.2 Questionnaire on English Learning Strategies 39-40 3.4 Pilot Study 40-41 3.5 Data Collection 41-42 3.6 Data Analysis 42 3.7 Summary 42-43 Chapter 4 Results and Discussion 43-71 4.1 Research Question One 43-49 4.1.1 High School Students’Motivation Types 43-45 4.1.2 Correlation between High School Students’Motivational Intensity and Motivation Types 45-47 4.1.3 Differences in English Learning Motivation with Regard to Gender 47-48 4.1.4 Differences in English Learning Motivation with Regard to Specialty 48-49 4.2 Research Question Two 49-55 4.2.1 Overall Employment of Learning Strategies by High School Students In this section, a panorama of English learning strategies employed by high school 49-52 4.2.2 Differences in English Learning Strategies by Gender 52-54 4.2.3 Differences in English Learning Strategies with Regard to Specialty 54-55 4.3 Research Question Three 55-70 4.3.1 Correlation between English Learning Motivation and English Learning Strategies 56-58 4.3.2 Group Differences of Motivational Intensity on English Learning Strategies 58-62 Three Levels of Motivational Intensity 58-59 Descriptive Statistic of English Learning Strategy Use Regarding Different Levels of Motivational Intensity 59-60 Differences in the Use of English Learning Strategies with Regard to Three Different Levels of Motivational Intensity 60-62 4.3.3 The Effects of English Learning Motivation on the Use of English Learning Strategies 62-68 The Effects on Cognitive Strategies 62-64 The Effects on Affective Strategies 64-65 The Effects on Regulating Strategies 65-66 The Effects on Communicative Strategies 66-67 The Effects on Resource Strategies 67-68 4.3.4 Summary of English Learning Motivation on the Use of English Learning Strategies 68-70 4.4 Summary 70-71 Chapter 5 Conclusions, Implications and Limitations 71-76 5.1 Conclusions 71-72 5.2 Pedagogical Implications of the Study 72-75 5.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research 75-76 Bibliography 76-85 AppendixⅠ高中生英语学习动机调查问卷 85-87 AppendixⅡ高中生英语学习策略调查问卷 87-89 Acknowledgment 89-90 Appendix Ⅲ Academic Achievements 90
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- 英语教与学的环境下高中生多元智能发展的个案研究,G633.41
- 高中生身体意象的认知干预研究,B842.1
- 高中生化学学习能力现状调查及培养策略的研究,G633.8
- 济南市高职院校男生大众健美操学习动机的研究,G831.3
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- 高中生的教师期望知觉、学业情绪与学业成绩的关系研究,B842
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- 学习动机类型对足球基础教学质量影响的实验研究,G843-4
- 高中生历史自主学习能力的调查分析,G633.51
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