学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示
作 者: 安冬
导 师: 郝惠珍
学 校: 河北师范大学
专 业: 学科教学
关键词: 词块 高中英语写作 形式/功能结合体 过程写作法
分类号: G633.41
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2010年
下 载: 252次
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Abstract 4-6 摘要 6-11 Chapter One Introduction 11-19 1.1 Research background 11-13 1.2 Research orientation 13-17 1.2.1 Writing requirements in the National English Curriculum 13-15 1.2.2 Problems with writing in senior high schools 15-17 1.2.3 Orientation of the research 17 1.3 Organization of the thesis 17-19 Chapter Two Literature Review 19-42 2.1 Definition of lexical chunks 19-21 2.2 Classification of lexical chunks 21-26 2.3 Lexical chunks and the pragmatic competence 26-29 2.3.1 Functions of lexical chunks 26-27 2.3.2 Competence, performance and pragmatics 27 2.3.3 Pragmatic competence and lexical chunks as form/function composites 27-29 2.4 Lexical chunks in language acquisition 29-31 2.4.1 Lexical chunks in L1 acquisition 29-30 2.4.2 Lexical chunks in L2 acquisition 30 2.4.3 Lexical chunks in written discourse 30-31 2.5 Theoretical bases of lexical chunks 31-35 2.5.1 Lexical chunks and processing constraints 31-33 2.5.2 Corpus evidence for lexical chunks 33-35 2.6 Previous studies of English writing 35-42 2.6.1 Previous studies of English writing abroad 35-38 Principles of language analysis process by Skehan 35-36 Product approach to English writing 36-37 Process approach to English writing 37 Genre-oriented approach to English writing 37-38 2.6.2 Previous studies of English writing in China 38-40 Process of L2 writing 38-39 The Length Approach 39-40 2.6.3 Comment 40-42 Chapter Three Research Design 42-58 3.1 Research procedure 42-43 3.2 Research purpose 43 3.3 Research questions 43-44 3.4 Subjects 44-45 3.5 Instruments 45-47 3.5.1 Questionnaire 45-46 3.5.2 Interview 46 3.5.3 Pre-test, interim-test and post-test 46-47 3.6 Classroom experiments 47-50 3.6.1 Classroom experiment in the EC 47-49 3.6.2 Classroom experiment in the CC 49-50 3.7 Data collection 50-51 3.8 Sample lessons 51-58 3.8.1 A sample reading lesson applying the lexical chunk instruction 51-55 3.8.2 A sample writing lesson applying the lexical chunk instruction 55-58 Chapter Four Results and Data Analysis 58-85 4.1 Results and analysis of the information from the questionnaire 58-64 4.1.1 Results and analysis of the information from the pre-questionnaire 58-60 4.1.2 Results and analysis of the information from the post-questionnaire 60-61 4.1.3 Data comparison 61-64 4.2 Results and analysis of the information from the tests 64-83 4.2.1 Pre-test 64-67 4.2.2 Interim test 67-72 4.2.3 Posttest 72-77 4.2.4 Comparison 77-83 Statistical results of the composition scores 77-80 Statistical results of the number of lexical chunks 80-82 The correlation analysis 82-83 4.3 Results of the interview 83-85 Chapter Five Conclusion 85-89 5.1 Findings 85 5.2 Limitations 85-86 5.3 Conclusion 86-89 References 89-93 Appendices 93-118 Appendix I 93-95 Appendix II 95-98 Appendix III 98-102 Appendix IV 102-105 Appendix V 105-106 Appendix VI 106-107 Appendix VII 107-110 Appendix VIII 110 Appendix IX 110-111 Appendix X 111-113 Appendix XI 113-114 Appendix XII 114-115 Appendix XIII 115-118 Acknowledgements 118-119 攻读学位期间取得的科研成果清单 119
- 过程写作法与中职英语写作教学,G633.41
- 高中英语写作教学存在的问题及对策研究,G633.41
- 修辞格教学与高中英语写作,G633.41
- 过程写作法在高中英语教学中应用的行动研究,G633.41
- 过程写作法在小学高段英语写作教学中应用的实验研究,G623.31
- 基于词汇教学法的词汇笔记本教学模式,H319
- 词块理论在初中英语写作中的应用,G633.41
- 中外英文学术语篇中词块的结构和功能对比研究,H315
- 高中生英语写作中的母语负迁移现象研究,G633.41
- 词块注意对词块输出及写作水平作用的研究,H319
- 基于语料库的EFL学者学术英语论文词块初探,H315
- 词汇法在法律英语词汇学习中的应用研究,H319
- 农村高中英语“过程法”写作教学模式的实证研究,G633.41
- 基于图式理论的高中英语写作教学,G633.41
- 同伴反馈在高中英语写作教学中的运用,G633.41
- 自我评价学习策略在高中英语写作课中的行动研究,G633.41
- 论词块法与写作技能的相关性,H319
- 论词块教学法在中专英语听力教学中的运用,G633.41
- 以动词为中心的词块与二语写作准确性、复杂性、流利性发展的相关性研究,H319
- 基于词块意识培养的英语写作能力实证研究,H319
- 词块对成人英语口熟练程度影响的研究,H319
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