学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 王爱梅
导 师: 王志云
学 校: 贵州大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 写作焦虑 合作写作 写作能力
分类号: H319
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2009年
下 载: 88次
引 用: 1次
阅 读: 论文下载




Acknowledgements  3-4
Abstract in English  4-6
Abstract in Chinese  6-8
A List of Tables  8-9
Abbreviation  9-15
Chapter One Introduction  15-19
  1.1 Research Background  15-17
  1.2 Significance of this Study  17-18
  1.3 Organization of the Thesis  18-19
Chapter Two Relevant Literature Review  19-41
  2.1 Research on Cooperative Learning  19-28
    2.1.1 Definitions of CL  19-20
    2.1.2 Elements of Cooperative Learning  20-21
    2.1.3 Types of Cooperative Learning  21-22
    2.1.4 Methods of Cooperative Learning  22-24
    2.1.5 CL and its Positive Effect  24-26
    2.1.6 Empirical Studies on CL  26-28 Empirical Studies on CL abroad  26-27 Empirical Studies on CL in China  27-28
  2.2 Research on Language Anxiety  28-34
    2.2 1 The Definition of Language Anxiety  28
    2.2.2 Language Anxiety and Foreign Language Learning  28-29
    2.2.3 Research on Writing Apprehension  29-34
  2.3 Research on Writing  34-38
    2.3.1 The Definition of Writing  34-35
    2.3.2 The Approaches to Writing Instruction  35
    2.3.3 Pedagogical Approaches to Foreign Language Writing Research  35-38
  2.4 Theoretical Framework for Cooperative Writing  38-39
  2.5 Cooperative Writing in Writing Course  39-40
  2.6 Summary  40-41
Chapter Three Research Design and Methodology  41-63
  3.1 Research Questions  41
  3.2 Research Hypotheses  41
  3.3 Research Subjects and Site Selection  41-43
  3.4 Instruments  43
  3.5 Methodology  43-49
    3.5.1 Experiment  43-47 Pretes to the Experiment  43 The Treatment on the Two Classes  43-46 The post of the experiment  46-47
    3.5.2 Writing-Apprehension Scale  47-49
    3.5.3 Semi-structured Interview  49
  3.6 Procedure for Data Processing  49-52
    3.6.1 Data Collection  49-50
    3.6.2 Data Analysis  50-52
  3.7 The Implementation the Research  52-62
    3.7.1 Pilot Study  52-54 The Implementation of Pilot Study  53 Results of the Pilot Study  53-54
    3.7.2 The Main Study  54-62 The Implementation of the Experiment  54-62 The Implementation of the first Writing Test and the Adjustment  54 the Carrying out of the Writing-Apprehension Scale  54 Preparing Procedure for CW  54-58 Implementation of Cooperative Writing  58-61 Posttest  61-62 The Writing Apprehension Scale and the Interview  62 Administration of the Writing-Apprehension Scale  62 The Conduct of the Interview  62
  3.8 Summary  62-63
Chapter Four Research Results  63-73
  4.1 Results of the Writing Apprehension Scale  63-67
    4.1.1 The Severity of Writing Anxiety in the Two Classes before the Experiment  63-64
    4.1.2 Results between the Two Classes before the Treatment  64-65
    4.1.3 Results between the Two Classes before the Treatment  65-66
    4.1.4 Result of Writing Apprehension from Pretest and Posttest within EC  66-67
  4.2 Results of the Writing Tests  67-69
    4.2.1 Result of the Pretest between EC and CC  67
    4.2.2 The Result of the Posttest between EC and CC  67-68
    4.2.3 Result between the Pretest and Posttest within EC  68-69
  4.3 The Result from Interview  69-71
  4.4 Summary  71-73
Chapter Five Analysis and Discussion  73-79
  5.1 Introduction  73
  5.2 The Analysis and Discussion of the Four Research Questions  73-78
    5.2.1 On the First Research Question  73-75
    5.2.2 Answers to Research Question Two  75-76
    5.2.3 Answers to Research Question Three  76-78
  5.3 Summary  78-79
Chapter Six Conclusion  79-84
  6.1 Findings  79-80
  6.2 Pedagogical Implications  80-81
  6.3 Limitations  81-82
  6.4 Recommendation for Future Research  82-84
Bibliography  84-89
Appendixes  89-103
在读期间公开发表论文  103-104


  1. 基于过程写作的任务设计研究,H319
  2. 中国非英语专业硕士研究生英语写作中的写作障碍和写作焦虑研究,H319
  3. 大学英语分层次教学背景下的写作焦虑实证研究,H319
  4. 韩国高中汉语写作教学研究,H195
  5. 以报刊阅读为载体提高初中学生英语写作能力的实证研究,G633.41
  6. 自我评价学习策略在高中英语写作课中的行动研究,G633.41
  7. 支架式教学法在高中英语写作教学中的应用,G633.41
  8. 建立写作档案袋是促进学生英语写作的有效方法,G633.41
  9. 基于词块意识培养的英语写作能力实证研究,H319
  10. 基于“写长法”的写作教学研究,H319
  11. 培养中学生创新写作能力研究,G633.34
  12. 基于任务型语言教学的大学英语合作学习实证研究,H319
  13. 教师反馈与同伴反馈对大学英语写作的影响,H319
  14. 反思性教学对提高大学生英语写作能力的实证研究,H319
  15. 第二语言写作焦虑及对在线写作表现的影响,H319
  16. 高中学生英语写作困难分析,G633.41
  17. 高中英语写作教师反馈的调查研究,G633.41
  18. 母语思维与外语写作能力的关系,H319
  19. 阅读介入法提高大学英语写作能力的研究,H315
  20. 大学英语四、六级考试写作测试交际性改革建议,H310.4

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