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作 者: 张南
导 师: 李燕姝
学 校: 北京语言大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 情景喜剧 文体学 语言学 对话
分类号: J905
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2008年
下 载: 190次
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Acknowledgements 4-5 摘要 5-6 Abstract 6-9 Chapter Ⅰ Introduction 9-10 Chapter Ⅱ Theoretical Framework 10-18 2.1 Style and Stylistics 10-12 2.1.1 Style 10 2.1.2 Stylistics 10-12 2.2 Major levels of stylistic analysis 12-15 2.2.1 Phonological level of linguistic description 12 2.2.2 Graphological level of linguistic description 12-14 2.2.3 Lexical level of linguistic description 14 2.2.4 Syntactic level of linguistic description 14-15 2.3 Pragmatic theories related to the research 15-18 2.3.1 Speech Act Theory developed by J. L. Austin 15-16 2.3.2 Cooperative Principle developed by Paul Grice 16-18 Chapter Ⅲ Review on American sitcoms 18-26 3.1 A general feature of sitcoms 18 3.2 A history of American sitcoms 18-22 3.3 An overview of the sitcom How I Met Your Mother 22-23 3.4 Review on the previous research on American sitcoms 23-25 3.4.1 Previous researches on humor analysis in American sitcoms 23-24 3.4.2 Previous researches on turn-taking in American sitcoms 24-25 3.5 Feasibility of using How I Met Your Mother as a database 25-26 Chapter Ⅳ Linguistic Description and Analysis of the Data 26-67 4.1 Graphological level 26-35 4.1.1 Punctuation-the frequent use of commas 26-28 4.1.2 Printing format 28-32 4.1.3 Unusual features of spelling of words and expressions used in the script 32-35 4.2 Lexical level 35-53 4.2.1 Monosyllabic words 36-37 4.2.2 Most frequently used words 37-43 4.2.3 Catch phrases 43-47 4.2.4 Coined words 47-51 4.2.5 Informal words and expressions 51-53 4.3 Syntactical level 53-61 4.3.1 Frequently used simple sentences 53-56 4.3.2 Active voice 56-57 4.3.3 Sentence fragments 57-61 4.4 Data analysis in terms of pragmatic theories 61-66 4.4.1 Data analysis in terms of Speech Act theory 61-64 4.4.2 Data analysis in terms of Cooperative Principle 64-66 4.5 Summary of the above analysis 66-67 Chapter Ⅴ Conclusion 67-70 5.1 Major findings of this research 67-68 5.2 Limitation of the study 68-69 5.3 Limitation of the study 69-70 References 70-71
- 统计与语言学相结合的词对齐及相关融合策略研究,TP391.2
- 对话教学理论在中等职业学校旅游英语课堂上的应用研究,G633.41
- 当代公共行政的形态与挑战,D035
- 对话理论视域下的高中作文教学研究,G633.34
- 中学文言文古今转换与古今对话教学方式研究,G633.3
- 电视访谈节目主持人语言策略研究,G222.2
- 《唐诗宋词选读》对话教学策略探究,G633.3
- 关于我国情景喜剧传播问题及对策研究,J905
- “同阅一卷书 各自领其奥”,G633.33
- 从及物性角度批评性分析奥巴马访华的报道,H315
- 论标记视角下的风格传递-The Great Gatsby两种译本个案研究,H059
- 政府网络发言人制度的民主价值及路径选择研究,D630.1
- 荒诞中的现实—《房间》的文体分析,I562.073
- 语言经济学相关问题研究,H0-05
- 中日社评文章的衔接对比,H36
- 基于原型范畴理论的德语词义变迁研究,H33
- 基于语料库的英国媒体关于中国制造报道的话语分析,H315
- 刘师培与章太炎“中国人种西来说”再探,K25
- 功能对等理论视角下的《老友记》言语幽默翻译研究,H315.9
- 汉语“比”字句与印尼语“lebih...dari(pada)”结构对比研究,H631.2
- 对广泛接受的法律英语文体特点的证实和质疑,H315
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