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作 者: 郑瑞珺
导 师: 李龙泉
学 校: 四川外语学院
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 女性主义翻译观 解构主义 神话 翻译方法
分类号: H059
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2010年
下 载: 187次
引 用: 0次
阅 读: 论文下载




摘要  4-5
Abstract  5-6
Acknowledgements  6-9
Introduction  9-13
Chapter One Feminism and Its Translation Theory  13-24
  1.1 Feminism  13-15
  1.2 Feminist Translation Theory  15-24
    1.2.1 The View Points of Feminist Translation  15-19
    1.2.2 The Influence of Feminist Translation  19-24
Chapter Two Philosophic Groundwork of Feminist Translation Theory and ItsLimitation  24-39
  2.1 The Philosophic Groundwork of Feminist Translation Theory  24-29
    2.1.1 Subversion of Traditional Theory of "Faithfulness"  24-28
    2.1.2 Deconstruction of the Authority of Original Text  28-29
  2.2 Limitations of the Philosophic Groundwork of Feminist Translation Theory  29-39
    2.2.1 Self-Contradiction of Practice and Theory  30-35
    2.2.2 Taking Part for the Whole  35-39
Chapter Three Cultural Source of Feminist Translation Theory and ItsLimitation  39-50
  3.1 Reinterpretation of Myths from the Perspective of Feminist Theory  39-44
    3.1.1 The Myth of Pandora's Box  39-42
    3.1.2 The Myth of the Babel  42-44
  3.2 Limitations of Cultural Origin of Feminist TranslationTheory  44-50
    3.2.1 The Impreciseness of Its Theoretical Foundation  44-46
    3.2.2 Non-Universality of Cultural Origin  46-50 The Cultural Origin of Westerners  46-47 The Cultural Origin and Cultural Tradition of Chinese People  47-50
Chapter Four Feminist Translation Practice and Its Limitation  50-58
  4.1 Feminist Translation in Canada  50-53
    4.1.1 Translation as Political Weapon  50-51
    4.1.2 Gender Awareness and Feminist Writing  51-53
  4.2 The Strategies Adopted by Feminist Translators  53-56
    4.2.1 Supplementing  53-54
    4.2.2 Prefacing and Footnoting  54-55
    4.2.3 Hijacking  55-56
  4.3 The Limitation of Feminist Translation Theory in Practice  56-58
Conclusion  58-60
Works Cited  60-62


  1. 以刘翔的媒介形象为例看新闻传播的神话性,G206
  2. 中产阶级趣味与底层欲望再现修辞,F713.8
  3. 《大唐西域记》藏译方法研究,H214
  4. 翻译目的论视角下的英文电影片名的汉译,H315.9
  5. 文本层叠:拜厄特《占有》中的叙事技巧,I561.074
  6. 基于翻译转换理论的影视翻译方法考察,H059
  7. 期待视野理论视角下《茶馆》两个英译本的实证研究,I046
  8. 文学翻译中的文化移植,I046
  9. 浅析翻译美学理论指导下的科技英语翻译技巧,H315.9
  10. 从跨文化交际的角度看中医术语的英译,H315.9
  11. 论《马戏团之夜》中的魔幻现实主义,I561
  12. 希利斯·米勒解构主义文学思想及其中国接受研究,I712
  13. The Literature of the World An Intertextual Analysis on the Golden Notebook,I561
  14. 雅克·德里达解构符号学与美学研究,B83
  15. 目的、功能与旅游景点名称翻译,H315.9
  16. 试论文化语境下韦努蒂的异化翻译策略,H315.9
  17. 论翻译的不确定性,H059
  18. 设计的派对狂欢,TB47
  19. 语用对等理论视角下汉语商标词英译研究,H315.9
  20. 《语合二卷》与翻译方法研究,H315.9
  21. 从幻想到冥思,I562

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