学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示
作 者: 郑瑞珺
导 师: 李龙泉
学 校: 四川外语学院
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 女性主义翻译观 解构主义 神话 翻译方法
分类号: H059
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2010年
下 载: 187次
引 用: 0次
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摘要 4-5 Abstract 5-6 Acknowledgements 6-9 Introduction 9-13 Chapter One Feminism and Its Translation Theory 13-24 1.1 Feminism 13-15 1.2 Feminist Translation Theory 15-24 1.2.1 The View Points of Feminist Translation 15-19 1.2.2 The Influence of Feminist Translation 19-24 Chapter Two Philosophic Groundwork of Feminist Translation Theory and ItsLimitation 24-39 2.1 The Philosophic Groundwork of Feminist Translation Theory 24-29 2.1.1 Subversion of Traditional Theory of "Faithfulness" 24-28 2.1.2 Deconstruction of the Authority of Original Text 28-29 2.2 Limitations of the Philosophic Groundwork of Feminist Translation Theory 29-39 2.2.1 Self-Contradiction of Practice and Theory 30-35 2.2.2 Taking Part for the Whole 35-39 Chapter Three Cultural Source of Feminist Translation Theory and ItsLimitation 39-50 3.1 Reinterpretation of Myths from the Perspective of Feminist Theory 39-44 3.1.1 The Myth of Pandora's Box 39-42 3.1.2 The Myth of the Babel 42-44 3.2 Limitations of Cultural Origin of Feminist TranslationTheory 44-50 3.2.1 The Impreciseness of Its Theoretical Foundation 44-46 3.2.2 Non-Universality of Cultural Origin 46-50 The Cultural Origin of Westerners 46-47 The Cultural Origin and Cultural Tradition of Chinese People 47-50 Chapter Four Feminist Translation Practice and Its Limitation 50-58 4.1 Feminist Translation in Canada 50-53 4.1.1 Translation as Political Weapon 50-51 4.1.2 Gender Awareness and Feminist Writing 51-53 4.2 The Strategies Adopted by Feminist Translators 53-56 4.2.1 Supplementing 53-54 4.2.2 Prefacing and Footnoting 54-55 4.2.3 Hijacking 55-56 4.3 The Limitation of Feminist Translation Theory in Practice 56-58 Conclusion 58-60 Works Cited 60-62
- 以刘翔的媒介形象为例看新闻传播的神话性,G206
- 中产阶级趣味与底层欲望再现修辞,F713.8
- 《大唐西域记》藏译方法研究,H214
- 翻译目的论视角下的英文电影片名的汉译,H315.9
- 文本层叠:拜厄特《占有》中的叙事技巧,I561.074
- 基于翻译转换理论的影视翻译方法考察,H059
- 期待视野理论视角下《茶馆》两个英译本的实证研究,I046
- 文学翻译中的文化移植,I046
- 浅析翻译美学理论指导下的科技英语翻译技巧,H315.9
- 从跨文化交际的角度看中医术语的英译,H315.9
- 论《马戏团之夜》中的魔幻现实主义,I561
- 希利斯·米勒解构主义文学思想及其中国接受研究,I712
- The Literature of the World An Intertextual Analysis on the Golden Notebook,I561
- 雅克·德里达解构符号学与美学研究,B83
- 目的、功能与旅游景点名称翻译,H315.9
- 试论文化语境下韦努蒂的异化翻译策略,H315.9
- 论翻译的不确定性,H059
- 设计的派对狂欢,TB47
- 语用对等理论视角下汉语商标词英译研究,H315.9
- 《语合二卷》与翻译方法研究,H315.9
- 从幻想到冥思,I562
中图分类: > 语言、文字 > 语言学 > 翻译学
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