学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 任丽丽
导 师: 陈吉荣
学 校: 辽宁师范大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 语内翻译与语际翻译 数字翻译 翻译策略 对比分析
分类号: H315.9
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2013年
下 载: 23次
引 用: 0次
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摘要  5-6
Abstract  6-10
1 Introduction  10-11
  1.1 Research Background  10
  1.2 Research Significance  10
  1.3 Research Methodology  10
  1.4 Research Organization  10-11
2 Literature Review  11-19
  2.1 Research Situation  11-12
    2.1.1 Research situation of theory  11
    2.1.2 Research situation of corpus  11-12
  2.2 Introduction of Corpus  12-14
    2.2.1 Introduction of main ideas and contents of I Ching  12-13
    2.2.2 Introduction of translators and versions  13-14
  2.3 Intralingual and Interlingual Translation  14-19
    2.3.1 The definition of intralingual and interlingual translation  14-15
    2.3.2 The type and characteristics of intralingual translation  15-16
    2.3.3 Interlingual translation selectivity  16-17
    2.3.4 The relationship of interlingual and intralingual translation  17-19
3 The Four Translation Classifications of Figures in Intralingual Translation  19-34
  3.1 The Definition of Four Translation Classifications  19-20
  3.2 The Concrete Manifestation and Analysis of Figures in Each Aspects  20-32
    3.2.1 The word-for-word translation and analysis of figures  20-22
    3.2.2 The explicitness and analysis of figures  22-27
    3.2.3 The implicitness and analysis of figures  27-29
    3.2.4 The conversion and analysis of figures  29-32
  3.3 Summary  32-34
4 The Five Translation Strategies of Figures in Interlingual Translation  34-54
  4.1 The Word-for-word Translation of Figures  34-40
    4.1.1 The word-for–word translation of “one”  34-35
    4.1.2 The word-for –word translation of “three”  35-37
    4.1.3 The word-for–word translation of “seven”  37-39
    4.1.4 The word-for–word translation of “three hundred”  39
    4.1.5 The comparison and analysis of figure’s word-for-word translation  39-40
  4.2 The Explicitness of Figures  40-45
    4.2.1 The explicitness of “one”  40
    4.2.2 The explicitness of “two”  40-41
    4.2.3 The explicitness of “three”  41-42
    4.2.4 The explicitness of “seven”  42-43
    4.2.5 The explicitness of “eight”  43-44
    4.2.6 The explicitness of “ten”  44
    4.2.7 The comparison and analysis of figures’ explicitness  44-45
  4.3 The Implicitness of Figures  45-49
    4.3.1 The implicitness of “one”  45-46
    4.3.2 The implicitness of “two”  46
    4.3.3 The implicitness of “three”  46
    4.3.4 The implicitness of “seven”  46-47
    4.3.5 The implicitness of “eight”  47
    4.3.6 The implicitness of “ten”  47-48
    4.3.7 The implicitness of “three hundred”  48
    4.3.8 The implicitness of “ji”  48
    4.3.9 The comparison and analysis of figures’ implicitness  48-49
  4.4 The Conversion of Figures  49-52
    4.4.1 The conversion of “three”  49-50
    4.4.2 The conversion of “ten”  50-51
    4.4.3 The conversion of “ji”  51-52
    4.4.4 The comparison and analysis of figures’ conversion  52
  4.5 The Combination of Literal Translation and Implicitness of Figures  52-53
  4.6 Summary  53-54
5 The Rules and Forms of Intralingual and Interlingual Translation on the Basis of Comparison  54-72
  5.1 The Overall Comparison of Translation Strategy  54
  5.2 The Contrast of Overall Figures’ Percentages  54-56
    5.2.1 The comparison of word-for-word translation  55
    5.2.2 The comparison of explicitness  55
    5.2.3 The comparison of implicitness  55
    5.2.4 The comparison of conversion  55-56
    5.2.5 Brief analysis and summary  56
  5.3 The Specific and Prominent of Every Translators’ Form  56-64
    5.3.1 The translators’ comparison in intralingual translation  56-59
    5.3.2 The translators’ comparison in interlingual translation  59-64
    5.3.3 The comparison of translation strategies of four texts and six versions  64
  5.4 The Rules and Forms Emerged in Translation Process  64-70
    5.4.1 The rules and forms in intralingual translation  65-67
    5.4.2 The rules and forms in interlingual translation  67-70
  5.5 Summary  70-72
6 Conclusion  72-74
  6.1 Research Findings  72
  6.2 Implications of Research  72-73
  6.3 Limitations and Suggestions of Research  73-74
References  74-76
Acknowledgements  76-77
Appendix  77-102


  1. 云南高原湖泊底泥堆积区生态条件下磷、氮等污染物的转化规律,X131.2
  2. Miccoli手术与开放性甲状腺手术的临床对比分析,R653
  3. 日韩留学生习得汉语量词的偏误分析,H195
  4. 从中介语视角分析高中英语写作中的母语负迁移及应对策略,G633.41
  5. 中国人韩国语学习者副词格助词的偏误分析,H55
  6. 冷锋型和蒙古气旋型沙尘暴过程的对比研究,P445.4
  7. 系统理论视角下对“五四”时期戏剧翻译的研究,I046
  8. 汉英情景喜剧言语行为语用策略对比研究,H313
  9. 面向双语平行语料库的英藏句子结构研究,H214
  10. 商品说明书汉译俄问题研究,H35
  11. 基于互文性视角的广告翻译研究,H059
  12. 高职学校学生英语写作的错误分析,H319
  13. 汉英报刊体育新闻语篇的主位推进模式对比,H315
  14. 城乡高中英语课堂师生互动话语结构的比较研究,G633.41
  15. 对比分析在对外汉语词汇教学中的应用研究,H195
  16. 概念隐喻视角下的汉英动物谚语对比,H313
  17. 俄汉语颜色形容词固定词组对比研究,H136
  18. 接受美学视角下苏州古典园林介绍英译之研究,H315.9
  19. 基于语料库对TAKE用法的比较研究,H319
  20. 目的论视角下河南自然景观景介的英译,H315.9
  21. 高中生英语写作中常见错误成因分析,G633.41

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