学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 任桂琴
导 师: 韩玉昌
学 校: 辽宁师范大学
专 业: 发展与教育心理学
关键词: sentence Chinese word lexical access eye tracking method ERP technology
分类号: B842.3
类 型: 博士论文
年 份: 2006年
下 载: 595次
引 用: 3次
阅 读: 论文下载


Cognitive processing of visual word and effects of its context has been the crucial issues in psycholinguistics and cognitive psychology. In order to reveal the characters of behavior and its mechanism of Chinese word recognition in sentence context, methods incorporating eye tracking method and brain event-related potentials technology was used.The first investigation explored the role of orthography and phonology of Chinese word in lexical access when target word was presented separately in high constraint and low constraint sentence using eye tracking method. The results showed that: in different constraint sentence context, target words of different types have a different pattern on first fixation duration, gaze duration and total fixation duration. In addition, word frequency effects were not found in high constraint sentence context whereas the frequency effects were exhibited by gaze duration and total fixation duration in low constraint sentence context. The second investigation used ERP technology to clarify the time course of phonology in lexical access in high constraint sentence context. Three distinct ERP components such as P200, P300, and N400 were elicited in the experiment. The P200 and N400 were observed in response to change of orthography and phonology. Meanwhile, word frequency effects also exhibited on P200 and had a reversed frequency effects on N400. The third investigation conducted two eye tracking experiments to explore the role of sentence context and relative frequency of ambiguous Chinese word during lexical ambiguity resolution. According to the analysis of fixation time on target words and disambiguating information, it was found that: meanings of ambiguous word were accessed in order of their relative frequency in the neutral sentence context. However, in the biased sentence context, effects of relative frequency were not found at early of ambiguous word meaning access. The fourth investigation applied ERP technology to examine the role of sentence context and the time course of activation of different meaning during lexical ambiguity resolution. According to the changes of N400 which was measured to target word, we found that different meanings of ambiguous word were activated at early of lexical access.All of the results suggest that: (1) The constraint of sentence context have impact on the role of orthography and phonology of Chinese word in lexical access. In the higher constraint sentence context, orthography plays a crucial role at early of lexical access whereas both orthography and phonology play an early and dominant role in the lower constraint sentence context. At the later stage of lexical access, phonology facilitates the integrating process. (2) Context interacts with word frequency. The interaction between context and word frequency occurs at post-lexical stage in the higher constraint sentence context whereas the interaction was found at pre-lexical stage in the lower constraint sentence context. (3) Lexical ambiguity resolution is in order of relative frequency in neutral sentence context, however, the process of lexical ambiguity resolution is delayed in the biased sentence context. Both of the different meanings of ambiguous word are activated at the early stage of meaning access and support the modular points of view. (4) Disambiguating information has different


英文摘要  6-8
第一部分 研究综述  8-27
  1 汉语词汇识别的涵义  8-9
  2 词汇识别的心理机制  9-16
    2.1 词的认知模式  9-11
    2.2 词汇通达的理论假设  11-14
    2.3 词汇歧义消解的理论模型  14-16
  3 词汇识别的研究方法  16-20
    3.1 行为实验的研究方法  17-18
    3.2 脑认知的研究方法  18-20
  4 词汇识别的即时加工研究  20-27
    4.1 词汇识别的ERP研究  20-24
    4.2 词汇识别的眼动研究  24-27
第二部分 总体研究设计  27-29
  1 研究的总体思路  27-28
  2 研究的问题  28-29
第三部分 实验研究  29-56
  研究一 汉语词汇通达中形、音作用的眼动研究  29-36
    1 问题的提出  29
    2 实验一 高限制性句子语境中词汇形、音的作用  29-32
    3 实验二 低限制性句子语境中词汇形、音的作用  32-33
    4 讨论  33-35
    5 结论  35-36
  研究二 汉语词汇语音作用的ERP研究  36-44
    1 问题的提出  36
    2 研究方法  36-38
    3 实验结果  38-41
    4 讨论  41-43
    5 结论  43-44
  研究三 汉语词汇歧义消解的眼动研究  44-49
    1 问题的提出  44
    2 实验一 中性句子语境对词汇歧义消解的作用  44-46
    3 实验二 偏向句子语境对词汇歧义消解的作用  46-47
    4 讨论  47-48
    5 结论  48-49
  研究四 汉语词汇歧义消解的ERP研究  49-56
    1 问题的提出  49
    2 研究方法  49-51
    3 实验结果  51-54
    4 讨论  54-55
    5 结论  55-56
第四部分 综合讨论  56-63
  1 语言加工中模块化与交互作用的争论  56-57
  2 汉语词汇识别的影响因素及其认知模型  57-60
    2.1 汉语词汇通达中的特点及其影响因素  57-58
    2.2 汉语词汇歧义消解的特点及影响因素  58
    2.3 关于汉语词汇识别的认知模型  58-60
  3 眼动方法与ERP方法的结合  60-63
    3.1 眼动方法与ERP方法的特点  60-61
    3.2 眼动方法与ERP方法结合的可行性和必要性  61-62
    3.3 眼动方法与ERP方法结合的途径  62-63
第五部分 总结论  63-64
参考文献  64-75
附录  75-87
  附录一  75-78
  附录二  78-81
  附录三  81-83
  附录四  83-87
后记  87-89
学位论文独创性声明  89
学位论文版权的使用授权书  89


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