学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示
作 者: 李正晓
导 师: 杨泓
学 校: 中国社会科学院研究生院
专 业: 考古学与博物馆学
关键词: 佛教造像 中国内地 佛像 博物馆 出版社 早期佛教 文物 故宫博物院 《高僧传》 佛教图像
分类号: K879
类 型: 博士论文
年 份: 2003年
下 载: 1192次
引 用: 6次
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Buddhism was brought into China at about Christian Era. Combined with the Chinese local culture, it became a new Buddhism culture with Chinese characteristic, which is greatly different from the original Indian Buddhism, and influenced the circumjacent countries, such as Korea, Janpan, the so-called Chinese Character Culture Circle countries deeply. As a significant part of Buddhism culture, its statues still leave people many important subjects to research: How were the statues brought into China from India? When were Chinese Buddhism statues produced? How did early statues produce and develop and with what features? Unfortunately, despite some recordation on initial stages Buddhism, people fail to discover sufficient data before the period of Dong Han, which result in the amphibolous state of the above questions.The early Buddhism statues in China with numerous and complicated pictures are unique. That is because the native-born Taoism had been arisen before the Buddhism was brought into China. When Buddhism statues were introduced in, Taoism had been spreaded all over China. Therefore, People believed in and worshiped the gods of both, correspondingly, the Buddhism statues were mixed with other gods and a series of new statues came out, such as Huanglao-Futu,Futu-Laozi (黄老浮屠,浮图老子). Those statues are so different from the original ones and form their own features. No matter from the point of view of archaeology, the history of fine arts or the history of Buddhism, it is significative and estimable to collect and research these statues systematicly.In addition to prologue concerning brief introduction on the thesis above, the thesis includes six chapters setting fifth the following issues:In Chapter one, the dissertation briefly introduces the general content of two main points of emphasis. The author collect the information wildly, divides them according to different regions and periods by typology method and makes historical cognition on it in time and space. The thesis is arranged in time order, ie. according to the partition on different periods in Chinese history. In which the author analyses and studies the Chinese early Buddhism statues and its relevant issues in order to expurgate the illegibility on Chinese early Buddhism statues.In Chapter two, the textual research on recordation of initial stages Buddhism is provided. Consulting the historical record on prevalence of Buddhism, the author discusses the 14 items of recordation of initial stages Buddhism.Chapter three is about the clues to which the statues are made. The author gives a full rangeof analysis on Buddhism statues images, including painting, architecture, sculpture etc.In Chapter four, the author discusses the development on the style of Buddhism pictures of early statues and figures out the rule for the development.Chapter five is about the development of Buddhism and its statues in south and north during the period of Dongjin Sixteen kingdoms times and the lower limit for early Buddhism.In Chapter six, the author gives the dissertation on the characteristic of the early Buddhism statues, the Buddhism boom in Sichuan area, traditional painting & its theme, Hinayana(小乘) , Mahayana (大乘) the spreading route for early Buddhism and its statues etc.
序言 12-14 第一章 问题所在与研究方法 14-18 第二章 有关佛教初传中国的文献记载 18-24 第三章 早期佛教造像线索 24-30 第四章 汉晋时期的佛像 30-54 一、 汉晋时期的“佛道” 30-34 二、 东汉、蜀汉的佛教图像 34-38 三、 图像与年代的提示 38-40 四、 孙吴、西晋的佛教图像 40-50 五、 佛饰魂瓶和佛像镜的分区与分期 50-54 第五章 东晋十六国时期的佛像 54-77 一、 玄佛 55-56 二、 早期金铜佛的分期与发展 56-61 三、 墓葬里的装饰或遗物 61-63 四、 邺--长安佛教的形成 63-66 五、 早期石窟寺与有关造像 66-77 第六章 中国早期佛像的特点与有关问题 77-105 一、 中国早期佛像的特点 77-84 (一) 与道教图像的交融 77-78 (二) “黄老浮屠”与“浮图老子” 78-79 (三) 从说法像到禅定像演变的探源 79-81 (四) 月氏与早期佛教造像 81-82 (五) 西王母与阿弥陀佛 82-84 二、 传播路线考 84-90 (一) 罽宾(犍陀罗)--青海道 85-86 (二) 丝绸之路 86-87 (三) 蜀--身毒道 87-89 (四) 河南道 89-90 三、 中国式佛像 90-92 (一) 传统绘画题材的变化 91 (二) 维摩和七佛 91-92 四、 小乘、大乘与早期佛像 92-105 (一) 小乘 93 (二) 大乘 93-105 结语 105-107 参考文献目录 107-114 插图 114-154
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