学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 陆洁
导 师: 李平
学 校: 对外经济贸易大学
专 业: 专门用途英语
关键词: 杜威 教育思想 中国教育 影响
分类号: G40-091
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2003年
下 载: 336次
引 用: 0次
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The thesis mainly deals with the influence of Dewey’s educational thinking on China (center on the 1920s). As a world famous western educator, though only stayed in China for more than two years, Dewey visited 14 provinces and cities and delivered more than 200 speeches of different scale to Chinese people. The relationship between Dewey and China, especially his influence on education in China, should be one of the most important questions of studies on Dewey.Since there are not too many related studies on this subject, based on the present studies and other domestic and foreign related materials, the thesis specially analyzed the influence of Dewey’s educational thinking on China. It also pointed out the significance of revaluing and reconsidering Dewey’s educational thinking and the positive meaning of critically absorbing and making use of his educational theories.The thesis first introduced the Pragmatism as a philosophy and its educational implications; then the historical background of the appearance and acceptance of John Dewey’s educational theories and thinking. Thirdly, several major points of his educational thinking that had greatly influenced China.Then, the historical background of China in the 1920s. As to theinfluence on China, the thesis centered on the following parts: 1.the aim/purpose of education 2.the establishment of the Ren Mao School Act (1922). 3.educational theories in China (center on Hu Shi, Tao Xingzhi and Chen Heqin) 4.teaching methods (center on the Project Method and the Dolton Laboratory Plan) 5.the democratic educational movement 6.the curriculum and teaching material 7.the Autonomy Movement in elementary and middle schools.The last part stated the practical and positive significance of revaluing and reconsidering Dewey’s educational thinking for today’s China from two aspects: democracy in education and using knowledge as instrument for individual and social development.


Acknowledgements  4-5
英文摘要  5-8
1. Introduction and Literature Review  8-32
  1.1 Literature Review  8-14
  1.2 The Background of Dewey's Educational Thinking  14-15
  1.3 Major Points of Dewey's Educational Theories  15-32
2. Dewey's Influence on Education in China  32-75
  2.1 Historical Background of China in the 1920s  32-38
  2.2 The Spread of Dewey's Educational Thinking in China  38-39
  2.3 Dewey's Influence on Education in China  39-75
3. Significance of Reconsidering and Revaluing Dewey's Educational Thinking  75-78
  3.1 Democracy in Education  75-76
  3.2 Using Knowledge as Instrument for Individual and Social Development  76-78
4. Conclusion  78-82
References  82-86


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