学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示
作 者: 彭铮
导 师: 范武邱
学 校: 中南大学
专 业: 翻译
关键词: 英汉翻译 近十年 词汇 句法 篇章 翻译方法
分类号: H315.9
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2010年
下 载: 50次
引 用: 0次
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摘要 4-6 Abstract 6-11 List of Tables 11-12 List of Abbreviations 12-13 Introduction 13-15 Chapter 1 Changes of Chinese and Its Manifestation 15-21 1.1 A Historical Introduction of Translation in China 15-17 1.2 The Influence of Translation on Chinese 17-19 1.2.1 The Influence of Buddhist Scripture Translation on Chinese 17-18 1.2.2 Vernacular Chinese Revolution 18-19 1.3 The Influence of Translation on Modern Chinese 19-21 Chapter 2 Language Contact and Related Theories 21-29 2.1 Studies on Factors of Language Change 21-22 2.2 Contact- Induced Language Change 22-24 2.3 Definition of Language Contact 24-25 2.4 Types and Outcomes of Language Contact 25-29 2.4.1 Types of Language Contact 26 2.4.2 Outcomes of Language Contact 26-29 Chapter 3 The Lexical Change of Chinese 29-52 3.1 English Loan Words 29-37 3.1.1 Transliteration Words 31-32 3.1.2 Free Translation Words 32-33 3.1.3 Loan Blends 33 3.1.4 Letter Words 33-37 3.2 Affixation 37-49 3.2.1 Disputes on Chinese Affixation 38-39 3.2.2 Development of Chinese Affixation 39-42 3.2.3 Factors Affected Loan Words Affixation 42-46 3.2.4 The Development of Native Affixes 46-49 3.3 Multi-syllabification of Chinese 49-52 Chapter 4 Syntactic and Textual Changes of Chinese 52-86 4.1 Comparative Study on Parataxis and Hypotaxis 52-60 4.2 The Conversion of Word Category 60-68 4.2.1 The Conversion of Noun to Verb and Adjective 60-63 4.2.2 The Interconversion of Verb and Adjective 63-66 4.2.3 The Conversion of Verb and Adjective to Noun 66-68 4.3 Word Order Change 68-71 4.3.1 The Frequent Use of Subject 68-69 4.3.2 Flexible and Variable Changes on Word Order 69-71 4.4 Long and Complicated Sentences 71-73 4.5 The Passive Voice with "Bei" 73-75 4.6 The Increased Use of Conjunctions and Preposition 75-77 4.7 The Use of "Zai" 77-78 4.8 Textual Influence of E-C Translation on Chinese 78-86 4.8.1 The Difference in Thought Patterns 78-80 4.8.2 Increased Use of Subject 80-82 4.8.3 More Texture Cohesive Devices Used 82-86 Chapter 5 The Corresponding E-C Translation Strategies andMethods 86-103 5.1 A Retrospect on Translation Norms 86-89 5.1.1 Ancient Translation Norms 86-87 5.1.2 Translation Norms of Vernacular Chinese Time 87-88 5.1.3 Modern Translation Norms 88-89 5.2 Lexical Translation Methods 89-95 5.2.1 Plural Nouns Translation 90-91 5.2.2 Onomatopoeia Translation 91-92 5.2.3 Conversion 92-93 5.2.4 Context Analysis 93-95 5.3 Syntactical Translation Methods 95-100 5.3.1 Conversion and Literal Translation 95-96 5.3.2 Domesticating Translation 96-98 5.3.3 Cohesion 98-100 5.4 Textual Translation Method 100-103 Conclusion 103-105 Bibliography 105-112 Acknowledgements 112-113 攻读学位期间主要的研究成果 113
- 红安方言语法研究,H146
- 基于句法特征的代词消解方法研究,TP391.1
- 上下文相关的词汇复述研究,TP391.1
- 面向统计机器翻译的解码算法的研究,TP391.2
- 高中男、女生英语词汇学习策略差异及对其英语词汇学习的影响,G633.41
- 词汇自主学习训练对高中生英语词汇能力的影响,G633.41
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- 以形成性评价促进初中生英语核心词汇复用能力提高的行动研究,G633.41
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- 基于框架的词汇教学对高一学生写作中的假朋友现象的影响,G633.41
- 从西方修辞的角度评析新华网对外报道的有效性,H315
- 中学生汉英句法意识在汉英双语语篇阅读中的作用,G633.41
- 英语语音意识,句法意识与工作记忆对英语阅读理解之预测力的动态变化,G633.41
- 运用心智图促进小学高年级学生英语单词记忆,G623.31
- 概念隐喻在高中英语词汇教学中的实证性研究,G633.41
- 高中英语词汇教学现状调查分析,G633.41
- 英汉翻译中逻辑问题的研究,B812
- 汉日两字同形词偏误分析和教学对策,H195
- 语气副词研究综述,H146
- 范畴化理论在大学英语词汇教学中的应用研究,H319
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