学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示
作 者: 董琳
导 师: 刘升民
学 校: 武汉理工大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 文化 文化导入 文化意识 交际能力
分类号: G633.41
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2010年
下 载: 217次
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摘要 4-5 Abstract 5-8 Introduction 8-10 Chapter Ⅰ Literature Review on Language, Culture and Culture Introduction 10-31 1.1 Language and Culture 10-14 1.1.1 Language 10-12 1.1.2 Culture 12-14 1.2 Relationships between Language and Culture 14-17 1.2.1 Language is a Part of Culture 15 1.2.2 Language is the Carrier of Culture 15-16 1.2.3 The Inflection of Culture on Language 16-17 1.3 Culture Introduction 17-26 1.3.1 Elaboration of Culture Introduction at Home and Abroad 18-20 1.3.2 The Function of Native Culture in the Culture Introduction of Target Language 20-22 1.3.3 Importance of Culture Introduction in the Fundamental Period of English Teaching 22-24 1.3.4 Necessity of Culture Introduction 24-25 1.3.5 Principles of Culture Introduction in Junior Middle School 25-26 1.4 Functions of Culture Introduction in the Cultivation of Intercultural Communication Competence (ICC) 26-31 1.4.1 ICC 26-27 1.4.2 The Relationships among Culture Knowledge, Linguistic Competence and Communicative Competence 27-29 1.4.3 The Functions of Culture Introduction in the Cultivation of ICC 29-31 Chapter Ⅱ Empirical Study of the Situation of Culture Introduction in Junior MiddleSchool 31-48 2.1 The first part of the study 31-41 2.1.1 The Aims of the First Part of the Study 31 2.1.2 Subjects 31-32 2.1.3 The Design of the Questionnaire 32 2.1.4 Data Collection of the Questionnaire 32 2.1.5 The Analysis of the Data 32-38 2.1.6 The Enlightenment of Questionnaire Survey 38-41 2.2 The Second Part of the Empirical Study 41-48 2.2.1 The Aim of the Second Part of the Study 41 2.2.2 Design of This Part 41-42 2.2.3 The Results and Analysis 42-44 2.2.4 The Reflections of the Results 44-48 Chapter Ⅲ Existing problems and Possible solutions 48-50 3.1 Existing Problems 48 3.2 Possible Solutions 48-50 Chapter Ⅳ Conclusions 50-53 4.1 Summary 50-51 4.2 Significance 51-52 4.3 Limitations and Suggestions 52-53 Acknowledgements 53-54 Bibliography 54-56 Appendix 56
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