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作 者: 赖珩莉
导 师: 罗伟
学 校: 江西医学院
专 业: 内科学
关键词: High pressure condition Middle pressure condition Atmospheric pressure condition Human umbilical veinendothelial cells Proliferatio Apoptosis Captopril
分类号: R540.2
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2000年
下 载: 29次
引 用: 0次
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1 Objcctivc Tllere is apparent relatio11ship between vascular endothelialcells aPoptosis and llypertension. The pulPose of this paper was to claritywhether different pressure conditions affect the proliferation andapoptosis of cultured human umbi1ical vein endothelial cells, to observethe protect effects of captopl.i1 on HPC-induced HUVECs apoptosis.2 Mcthods Cells were identified as HUVECs by their growtll pattern andmorphologic features. Experiments were carried out using cel1s from the’ 4 th through 6th passages. HUVECs were exposed to either atmosphere,l20, or l80n1mHg pressure by p1acil1g them in a high-tension voltnleterload with 5%co,/air and maintained in RPMI~ l640 supplemented with2.5%ca1f seruln and substrates lbr up to 1 ~ 2 days. \Ve invested thecha1lges of cel1 viability, lnorpho1ogy, agarose gel electrophoresis ofDNA, and flow cytometric a11a1ysis.3 Results The results indicate that HUVECs pro1iferation is influenced bymiddle pressure condition. high pressure condition stimulate proliferationof HUVECs at 16h, however, at 24h and 48h, cel1 11UInber wassigniticant1y lower. Apoptosis cell was markedly increased under highpressul’e conditiOn; "DNA Ladder" was obviously seen at 48h. HoweveT,middle pressure conditiol1 didn’t induce apoptosis. An increase in ce1lviabi1ity and a decrease in apoptosis cel1s were observed in captopril (10-’’ 10-’mol/L) treated HUVECs by a dose-dependence. "DNA Ladder"disappeared after captopril treatment.4 Conclusions (l ) Harvest and hiaintenance of HUVECs was perfOrmed-by modifled Jaffe’s culture method.(2) Ambient pressure in vitro can influence HUVECsgroWth.(3 ) High pressure condition can induce cultured HUVECsapoptosis by a time-dependence.(4 ) Captopril can decrease or inhibit HUVECs apoptosisand reverse groWth inhibition of cultured HUVECsunder high pressure condition.


中文摘要  2-3
英文摘要  3-4
英文缩略词表  4-5
前言  5-6
材料与方法  6-10
  一、 实验材料  6-7
    (一) 细胞来源  6
    (二) 主要实验试剂、药品  6
    (三) 主要仪器  6-7
  二、 实验方法  7-10
    (一) 细胞的收集、接种、培养  7
    (二) HUVECs的压力培养  7
    (三) HUVECs增殖的实验分组  7-8
    (四) HUVECs凋亡的实验分组  8
    (五) 卡托普利干预作用的实验分组  8
    (六) 观察指标及方法  8-10
    (七) 统计学处理  10
实验结果  10-16
  一、 HUVECs增殖OD值  10
  二、 HUVECs形态学观察  10-11
  三、 DNA凝胶电泳  11
  四、 流式细胞仪  11-16
讨论  16-20
  一、 高压力培养对HUVECs增殖的影响及可能机理  16-18
  二、 高压力培养对HUVECs凋亡的影响及可能机理  18-19
  三、 卡托普列的干预作用及可能机理  19-20
结论  20
致谢  20-21
参考文献  21-25
附图  25-29


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  3. 基质金属蛋白酶-2在大鼠角膜新生血管发生中的调控机制及Captopril抑制新生血管生长的实验研究,R772.2
  4. MMP-2在氧诱导小鼠视网膜新生血管的表达及Captopril抑制鼠视网膜新生血管的实验研究,R774.1
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  9. Toll样受体在先天免疫和细胞损伤中的作用,R392.1
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  15. 对海绵中呋喃萜类化合物的细胞毒和抗氧化活性的研究,R96
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  18. 高敏C反应蛋白与动脉粥样硬化进展关系研究,R543.5
  19. 一、新型紫杉烷类化合物多药耐药逆转活性及机理研究 二、缺血脑组织诱导骨髓基质细胞神经营养因子及生长因子表达的研究及对缺氧损伤的星形胶质细胞的影响,R730.5
  20. 睾丸去神经支配对雄性生殖细胞的影响及其机制,R321.1

中图分类: > 医药、卫生 > 内科学 > 心脏、血管(循环系)疾病
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