学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 袁晓庆
导 师: 郝玫
学 校: 太原理工大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 三本院校学生 动机强度 情感 动机 外语教学
分类号: H319
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2009年
下 载: 63次
引 用: 0次
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摘要  4-10
Chapter One Introduction  10-14
  1.1 Research Background  10
  1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Thesis  10-11
  1.3 The Necessity of the Research  11-14
    1.3.1 Definition of “San Ben”Students  11-12
    1.3.2 The Current English Learning Problems of “San Ben”Students in TYUT  12-14
Chapter Two Literature Review  14-40
  2.1 Affective Factors Affecting English Teaching and Learning  14-33
    2.1.1 Motivation  14-16
    2.1.2 Research Review of Motivation at Home and Abroad  16-21 Research Review of Motivation at Home  17-18 Research Review of Motivation Abroad  18-21
    2.1.3 Main Theories on Motivation from Different Psychological Perspectives.  21-26 Behavioristic Perspective on Motivation  21-22 Humanistic Perspective on Motivation  22-23 Cognitive Perspective on Motivation  23-24 Attribution Theory  24-25 Self-efficacy  25-26
    2.1.4 D?rnyei’s Three-level Motivation Framework  26-28
    2.1.5 Keller’s Motivation System for Instructional Design  28-29
    2.1.6 Attitude  29-31
    2.1.7 Anxiety  31-33
  2.2 Autonomous Learning  33-34
  2.3 Relationship between Motivation and Autonomous Learning  34-35
  2.4 Characteristics of the Model--Positive Affective Environment for FL Learning  35-38
  2.5 Summary  38-40
Chapter3 Classroom Management of Positive Affective Environment for FL Learning  40-58
  3.1 Overview  40
  3.2 Metacognitive Management  40-48
    3.2.1 Preparing for the Students’Autonomous Learning  41-42
    3.2.2 Training on the Metacognitive Strategy Awareness  42
    3.2.3 Goal Setting  42-43
    3.2.4 Learning Plan  43-45 Constructing Learner Profiles  43-45 Making Reasonable Short-term Goals  45
    3.2.5 Self-assessment  45-48
  3.3 Positive Affective Management  48-56
    3.3.1 Establishing Students’Positive Attitude towards English Learning  48-51
    3.3.2 Enhancing Self-confidence and Overcoming Anxiety  51-55 Teaching Students Oral English Strategies  51 Creating Cooperative Classroom Atmosphere  51-54 Giving Positive Feedback to Students  54-55
    3.3.3 Striving for a Harmonious and Affective Teacher-Student Relationship  55-56 Developing a Personal Relationship with Students  55 Showing Sincere Love to Students  55-56 Being Impartial toward Students  56
  3.4 Summary  56-58
Chapter4 Methodology of the Study on English Learning Motivation of “San Ben”Students  58-68
  4.1 Overview  58
  4.2 Quantitative Research  58-60
    4.2.1 Purpose  58
    4.2.2 Subjects  58-59
    4.2.3 Instrument  59-60 Questionnaire Description  59-60 Administering the Questionnaire  60
  4.3 The Case Study of Four Demotivated Students  60-67
    4.3.1 Purpose  61
    4.3.2 Subjects  61-64
    4.3.3 Data Collection: Interview, Observation and Dairy  64-67 Procedures of Interview  64-65 Observation and Diary  65-67
  4.4 Summary  67-68
Chapter5 Findings and Discussions  68-100
  5.1 Overview  68
  5.2 Findings from the Quantitative Research  68-82
    5.2.1 General Description of the Results  68-70 Results of the Pretest  68-69 Results of the Posttest  69-70 Analysis of the Change of the Students’English Learning Motivation  70
    5.2.2 General Findings on the Motivational Intensity  70-72
    5.2.3 General Findings on students’attitude towards English learning  72-73
    5.2.4 General Findings on Teacher-Student relationship  73-74
    5.2.5 General Findings on Teacher Expectancy Effect  74-76
    5.2.7 General Findings on Attribution  76-77
    5.2.8 The Comparative Analysis on the Results of Pre-test and Post-test  77-81 Analysis of the Changes of Motivational Intensity.  77-78 Analysis of Attitude Change  78-79 Analysis of Change of Teacher-Student Relationship  79 Analysis of the Change of Teacher Expectancy Effect  79-80 Analysis of Self-efficiency Change  80-81 Analysis of Attribution Change  81
    5.2.9 Summary of the Quantitative Result  81-82
  5.3 Findings from the Four Demotivated Students  82-98
    5.3.1 Findings from the Interview  82-87 General Findings  82-83 Findings on Affective Factors  83-87
    5.3.2 Findings from Diary and Observation  87-98 Findings on language level  87-89 Findings on leaner level  89-96 Findings on the learning situational level  96-98
  5.4 Summary of the Qualitative Result  98-100
Chapter Six Conclusion  100-104
  6.1 Overview  100
  6.2 Major Findings  100-101
  6.3 Pedagogical Implications  101
  6.4 Limitations of the Study  101-102
  6.5 Suggestions for Future Study  102-104
APPENDIX  108-110


  1. 基于消费者情感需求的女性内衣设计研究,TS941.713.3
  2. 万科模式的居住小区设计研究,TU984.12
  3. 高光谱图像空—谱协同超分辨处理研究,TN911.73
  4. 高效精确字符串匹配算法的研究与实现,TP391.41
  5. 互联网上旅游评论的情感分析及其有用性研究,TP391.1
  6. 女性内衣品牌服务接触对顾客忠诚的影响,F274
  7. 农村高中生学习动机与阅读能力的相关性研究,G633.41
  8. 合作学习对初中英语学困生学习情感影响的研究,G633.41
  9. 小学英语教学中促进学生课堂参与的策略研究,G623.31
  10. 中职幼师口语课教师示范的“表演”问题研究,G633.41
  11. 基督徒的社会支持:结构与测量,B84-05
  12. 高校成人大学生心理压力、社会支持与学习倦怠的关系研究,G724
  13. 陕西省女子足球队现状分析与对策研究,G843
  14. 经典国货胶鞋的再设计研究,TS943.2
  15. 小学语文教材风波修辞析,G623.2
  16. 基于电子海图的海上溢油预测系统的设计与实现,X55
  17. 济南市高职院校男生大众健美操学习动机的研究,G831.3
  18. 基于多重分形的语音情感识别研究,TN912.34
  19. 语音情感识别的特征选择与特征产生,TP18
  20. 中断范式下的前瞻记忆研究,B842.3
  21. 认知情感化设计的哲学探讨,B842

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