学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 王亚西
导 师: 王维民
学 校: 西南交通大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 人际意义 喜剧效果 实例分析 情景喜剧
分类号: H315
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2009年
下 载: 111次
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摘要  6-7
Abstract  7-12
Chapter 1 Introduction  12-19
  1.1 General Introduction to Growing Pains and Home with Kids  12-14
  1.2 Materials to be Analyzed and Methodology  14
  1.3 Previous Studies on Growing Pains and Home with Kids  14-16
  1.4 Purposes and Significance of the Study  16-18
  1.5 Framework of the Thesis  18-19
Chapter 2 Literature Review and Theoretical Background  19-38
  2.1 Register Theory  19-21
    2.1.1 The Context of Situation  19-20
    2.1.2 Register Variables  20
    2.1.3 Inspiration for Proposing Three Meta-functions  20-21
  2.2 Components of Interpersonal Meaning  21-27
    2.2.1 Four Speech Roles  21-23
    2.2.2 Mood System  23-24
    2.2.3 Modality System  24-27
  2.3 TV Sitcoms  27-31
    2.3.1 Definition of Situation Comedy  27-28
    2.3.2 Features of Situation Comedy  28-30
    2.3.3 Characters and Their Relations in Situation Comedy  30-31
  2.4 Humor and Its Previous Researches  31-38
    2.4.1 Definition and Nature of Humor  31-33
    2.4.2 Classification of Humor  33-35
    2.4.3 Interpersonal Functions of Linguistic Humor  35-36
    2.4.4 An Interpersonal Approach to Humor Study  36-38
Chapter 3 Humor Analysis of English Sitcom Growing Pains inInterpersonal Perspective  38-60
  3.1 Humor Aroused by Tenor in Register Theory  38-43
    3.1.1 Misuse between Tenor and Field  40-42
    3.1.2 Overlap between Tenor and Mode  42-43
  3.2 Humor Caused by Four Speech Roles  43-46
    3.2.1 Shifting of Speech Roles  43-45
    3.2.2 Shifting of Speech Topics  45-46
  3.3 Humor Produced by Mood System  46-53
    3.3.1 Choice of Clause Types  46-47
    3.3.2 Exclamatory Clauses and Expletives  47-49
    3.3.3 Personal Pronouns and Vocatives  49-51
    3.3.4 Interpersonal Metaphor in Mood System  51-53
  3.4 Humor Created by Modality System  53-60
    3.4.1 Choice of Different Modal Operators (Adjuncts)  53-54
    3.4.2 Indicators of Obligation and Inclination  54-56
    3.4.3 Positive/negative Evaluation and Its Response  56-58
    3.4.4 Interpersonal Metaphor in Modality System  58-60
Chapter 4 Humor Analyzed from Interpersonal Meaning inHome with Kids  60-74
  4.1 Humor Aroused by Tenor in Register Theory  60-64
    4.1.1 Confusing the Tenor  60-61
    4.1.2 Shifting the Field  61-62
    4.1.3 Disconnection between Tenor and Field  62-64
  4.2 Humor Caused by Types of Sentence  64-67
    4.2.1 Repetition of Rhetorical Sentences  64-66
    4.2.2 Special Use of Exclamatory Sentences  66
    4.2.3 Repeated Use of Imperative Sentences  66-67
  4.3 Humor Produced by Mood System  67-70
    4.3.1 Subtle Use of Expletives  67-68
    4.3.2 Strong Commitment in Polarity  68-69
    4.3.3 Misuse of Vocatives  69-70
  4.4 Humor Created by Modality System  70-74
    4.4.1 Flattering to Imply Others' Obligation  70-71
    4.4.2 Misunderstanding Real Inclination  71-74
Chapter 5 Contrastive Study of Humor in Two Sitcoms fromInterpersonal Meaning  74-89
  5.1 Humor Originating from Distinct Cultural Backgrounds  74-82
    5.1.1 Different Motivations  74-75
    5.1.2 Diverse Configurations  75-79
    5.1.3 Various Associations  79-82
  5.2 Sub-classification of Humor in TV Sitcoms  82-83
    5.2.1 Classification of Humor in Growing Pains  82-83
    5.2.2 Classification of Humor in Home with Kids  83
  5.3 Differences in the Way of Realizing Humor  83-86
    5.3.1 Ambiguous Indication of Tenor in Home with Kids  83-84
    5.3.2 Shifting Speech Roles in Growing Pains  84
    5.3.3 Vocatives and Personal Pronouns in Home with Kids  84-85
    5.3.4 Interpersonal Metaphor Used in Growing Pains  85-86
  5.4 Similarities Shared to Produce Humor  86-89
    5.4.1 Incompatibility between Tenor and Field  86
    5.4.2 Subtle Choice of Sentence Types  86-87
    5.4.3 Preferred Exclamatory Mood  87
    5.4.4 Selection of Modal Operators  87-89
Chapter 6 Conclusion  89-91
  6.1 Major Findings and Implications  89-90
  6.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Studies  90-91
Acknowledgements  91-92
Bibliography  92-95
Publications  95-96


  1. 浅析表演手段在小学低年级音乐课堂中的辅助作用,G623.71
  2. 关于我国情景喜剧传播问题及对策研究,J905
  3. 民办职业培训机构的学生就业研究,G717.38
  4. 普通医学英语的人际意义研究,H314
  5. 论沃顿小说《欢乐之家》情态附加语和情态助动词的人际意义,H314
  6. 功能对等理论视角下的《老友记》言语幽默翻译研究,H315.9
  7. 《苔丝》人物话语的人际意义分析,H314
  8. 从系统功能语法角度对中文保险广告的人际意义研究,H152
  9. 卸荷作用下软黏土变形特性试验与数值模拟研究,TU447
  10. 语用预设与美国情景喜剧《人人都爱雷蒙德》的幽默性,H313
  11. 英语公益广告中的评价资源研究,H315
  12. 英语商业社论的人际意义研究,H315
  13. 基于语料库的莎士比亚戏剧汉译本中Lord人际意义显化研究,H315.9
  14. 从叙述视角看自传体小说的人际意义,I106.4
  15. 《简爱》中主位结构的研究,I561
  16. 从系统功能语法角度看宾馆宣传手册的人际意义,C912.3
  17. 面向可拆卸性的绿色产品设计方法研究,J524
  18. 论情景喜剧的审美机制,J905
  19. 审美文化视野下的中国情景喜剧,J905
  20. 奥巴马总统竞选演讲人际意义的评价分析,H311.9
  21. 诺贝尔文学奖获奖演说的人际探讨—评价分析,H019

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