学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示
作 者: 杨斌
导 师: 温晋方
学 校: 广州大学
专 业: 教育
关键词: 中职学生 英语作业量 成绩
分类号: G633.41
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2013年
下 载: 33次
引 用: 0次
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Acknowledgments 5-6 Abstract 6-8 摘要 8-16 Chapter 1 Introduction 16-22 1.1 Background of the research 16-17 1.2 Research purposes 17-18 1.3 Significance of the research 18-20 1.4 Structure of the thesis 20-22 Chapter 2 Literature Review 22-32 2.1 Definitions of assignment 22-23 2.2 Researches on quantity of assignments abroad 23-29 2.3 Researches on quantity of assignments at home 29-31 2.4 Enlightenment of Previous Research 31-32 Chapter 3 Theoretical Basis 32-37 3.1 Physiological theories 32-33 3.2 Thorndike connection theory of learning 33-34 3.3 The forgetting theory of Ebbinghaus 34-37 Chapter 4 Research Methodology 37-43 4.1 Questions 37 4.2 Participants 37-38 4.3 Instruments 38-39 4.4 Assignment strategy 39-40 4.5 Length of the study 40 4.6 Data-collection and Data –analysis 40-41 4.7 The correction of assignments 41-43 Chapter 5 Results and Discussions 43-78 5.1 Assignment efficiency assessment of the subjects 43-46 5.2 Statistics analysis of participants initial academic performance 46-51 5.2.1 Statistics analysis of participants total admission scores of all subjects 46-48 5.2.2 Statistics analysis of admission scores of English 48-50 5.2.3 Statistics analysis on participants pretest scores 50-51 5.3 Influences of the variable of assignment on test scores in the first stage 51-63 5.3.1 Test scores analysis after a 60-minute period 51-53 5.3.2 Test scores analysis after a 70-minute period 53-54 5.3.3 Test scores analysis after a 80-minute period 54-56 5.3.4 Test scores analysis after a 90-minute period 56-57 5.3.5 Test scores analysis after a 100-minute period 57-58 5.3.6 Test scores analysis after a 110-minute period 58-60 5.3.7 Independent samples T-test on the test scores after a 120-minuteperiod 60-61 5.3.8 Analysis on the test scores after a second 120-minute period 61-63 5.4 Influences of the variable of assignment on test scores in the second stage 63-67 5.4.1 Independent samples t-test on the scores after a 130-minutes period 63-64 5.4.2 Analysis on the test scores after a second 130-minute period 64-65 5.4.3 Analysis on the test scores after a third 130-minute period 65-67 5.5 Post-experimental statistics analysis of participants academic performance 67-72 5.5.1 Analysis on the experimental class test scores of the second 52120-minute period and the third 130-minute period 67-69 5.5.2 Independent samples test on the post-test scores between the two classes 69-71 5.5.3 Paired samples test on the pre-test and post-test scores of the experimental class 71-72 5.6 Scores analysis of 2011 PETS level One 72-74 5.7 Correlation between the quantity of assignments and scores 74-78 5.7.1 Trend analysis for achievement and various quantities of assignments 74-76 5.7.2 Correlation analysis 76-78 Chapter 6 Conclusions 78-82 6.1 Major findings 78-79 6.2 Implications of the study 79 6.3 Limitations of the study and suggestions for further research 79-82 References 82-87 Appendices 87-95 AppendixⅠ Comparison Table for Time and Assignment 87-88 AppendixⅡ Periodical Assignment 88-90 Appendix Ⅲ Periodical Paper(Week 10) 90-94 Appendix Ⅳ Pre-test and Post-test scores of the two classes 94-95
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