学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 戴领
导 师: 彭利元
学 校: 湖南工业大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 语境翻译观 语境分析模式 转换能力 培养
分类号: H059
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2011年
下 载: 31次
引 用: 1次
阅 读: 论文下载




Acknowledgements  5-6
Abstract  6-8
摘要  8-11
Chapter 1 Introduction  11-17
  1.1 Research background  12-15
  1.2 Research objectives  15-16
  1.3 Research hypothesis and methods  16-17
Chapter 2 Literature Review  17-26
  2.1 Research overview on transfer competence  17-22
    2.1.1 Researches of transfer competence in the west  17-21
    2.1.2 Researches of transfer competence at home  21-22
  2.2 Three explanatory models for translation competence  22-26
    2.2.1 Multi-component analysis model  23-24
    2.2.2 Minimalist approach model  24
    2.2.3 Translation competence model based on translation process  24-26
Chapter 3 Contextual Analysis Model of Functionalist Contextual Translation View  26-41
  3.1 Functionalist contextual translation view  26-30
  3.2 Contextual analysis model  30-39
    3.2.1 General introduction  30-32
    3.2.2 Classification of contextual analysis model  32-38 Bottom-up contextual analysis model  32-33 Top-down contextual analysis model  33-38
    3.2.3 Comparison between two models  38-39
  3.3 Summary  39-41
Chapter 4 Top-down Reformulation of Transfer Competence Based on Three Dimensions of Context  41-70
  4.1 Three dimensions of context  41-42
  4.2 Transfer in the translation process  42-44
  4.3 Three sub-competences of transfer competence in top-down contextual analysis model  44-59
    4.3.1 Cultural comparison competence  45-50 Macro aspects for cultural comparison  45-48 Micro aspects for cultural comparison  48-50
    4.3.2 Situational comparison competence  50-54 Theoretical basis for situational comparison  50-51 Example analysis for situational comparison  51-54
    4.3.3 Linguistic comparison competence  54-59 Comparative analysis of sentences  55-57 Comparative analysis of words  57-59
  4.4 Empirical design to test the model  59-70
    4.4.1 Questionnaire design  59-61
    4.4.2 Data analysis through the use of SPSS  61-65
    4.4.3 Case study: application of contextual analysis model in translation teaching  65-70
Chapter 5 Contextual Analysis Model Applied in Translation Teaching  70-75
  5.1 Methods to carry out contextual analysis model in translation teaching  70-72
  5.2 Significance of contextual analysis model in translation teaching  72-75
Chapter 6 Conclusion  75-77
Bibliography  77-82
Appendix Ⅰ Questionnaire  82-83


  1. 学前教育专业教师口语技能培养研究,G652.4
  2. 对农村初级中学学生数学学习兴趣的调查与研究,G633.6
  3. 东莞镇区初中学生作文语言现状调查及对策研究,G633.3
  4. 论中学生法制观念的培养,G631
  5. 探析初中语文教学文本自主学习能力的培养,G633.3
  6. 技师培养方式改革的研究,G719.2
  7. 合作学习对初中英语学困生学习情感影响的研究,G633.41
  8. 云南有色金属矿山细菌多样性初步探究,TD926.4
  9. 模拟土壤环境对土壤可培养细菌多样性的影响,S154.3
  10. 不同培养方法和细胞因子对小鼠生精细胞的增殖分化效应,R329
  11. 盐城市农村实用人才培养研究,D422.6
  12. 高中生化学学习能力现状调查及培养策略的研究,G633.8
  13. 发展服务外包对大学生就业的影响探析,G647.38
  14. 企业技术创新人才培养的哲学思考,F272
  15. 人瘢痕疙瘩成纤维样(间充质)干细胞生物学特性鉴定,R622
  16. 兔脂肪来源干细胞分离培养及富血小板血浆对其增殖的影响,R329
  17. 人皮肤成纤维细胞搅拌培养和保存的初步研究,R329
  18. 低浓度血清法培养纯化新生大鼠雪旺细胞,R329
  19. 脑胶质瘤GST-π和LRP的表达与肿瘤细胞体外药物敏感性研究,R739.4
  20. 应用型本科人才培养的问题与对策研究,G642.0
  21. 高技能人才培养资源整合模式研究,G718.5

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