学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 孙丽琴
导 师: 刘春燕
学 校: 江西师范大学
专 业: 课程与教学论
关键词: 合作输出型活动 词汇习得 接受性知识 产出性知识
分类号: H319
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2011年
下 载: 30次
引 用: 0次
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摘要  3-4
Abstract  4-9
Chapter1 Introduction  9-12
  1.1 Background of the study  9-10
  1.2 Aims and significance of the study  10-11
  1.3 Overall structure of this thesis  11-12
Chapter 2 Literature Review  12-27
  2.1 Defining key terms in the present study  12-17
    2.1.1 Input  12
    2.1.2 Output task  12-13
    2.1.3 Knowing a word  13-14
    2.1.4 Receptive &productive word knowledge  14-15
    2.1.5 Intentional vocabulary learning and explicit vocabulary instruction  15
    2.1.6 Noticing, Retrieveal and Generative use of a word  15-17
  2.2 Swain’s Output Hypothesis  17-20
    2.2.1 The origin of the output hypothesis  17-18
    2.2.2 The three functions of the output  18-20
  2.3 Empirical studies on the roles of input and output in vocabulary learning  20-23
  2.4 Collaborative learning  23-25
    2.4.1 Definitions of Collaborative Learning  23-24
    2.4.2 Benifits of collaborative learning  24-25
  2.5 Summary of Limitation of Previous research  25-27
Chapter 3 Research Design  27-33
  3.1 The research questions of the present study  27
  3.2 Subjects  27-28
  3.3 Vocabulary level test  28
  3.4 Materials (target words and reading texts)  28-29
  3.5 Procedure of the Experiment  29-32
  3.6 Data collection and analysis  32-33
Chapter 4 Results and Discussions  33-46
  4.1 Overview  33
  4.2 Result of the vocabulary level test and pretest  33-34
    4.2.1 Results of vocabulary level test  33-34
    4.2.2 Results of pretest  34
  4.3 Results of the four posttests  34-40
    4.3.1 Descriptive statistic of the two posttests  34-36
    4.3.2 Multiple comparisons  36-40 Results of the three groups′receptive word knowledge gains in posttest1  36-37 Results of the three groups′productive word knowledge gains in posttes  37-38 Results of the three groups′receptive word knowledge gains in posttest3  38-39 Results of the three groups′productive word knowledge gains in posttest4  39-40
  4.4 Discussions of the results  40-44
    4.4.1 The gains of each group  41
    4.4.2 Discussions on two hypotheses  41-42
    4.4.3 The output tasks vs. input tasks  42-43
    4.4.4 0utput and vocabulary recognition and production  43-44
  4.5 conditions affecting acquisition of new words in output tasks  44
  4.6 Summary  44-46
Chapter 5 Conclusion  46-51
  5.1 Major Findings  46
  5.2 Implications for language teaching  46-49
  5.3 other suggestions  49-50
  5.4 limitations and recommendations  50-51
References  51-55
Appendices  55-66
Acknowledgements  66-67
Publications  67


  1. 学习策略训练对初中生英语词汇习得的影响,G633.41
  2. 二语词汇习得中的文化因素,H09
  3. 基于语块的非英语专业大学生产出性词汇习得研究,H319
  4. 大学英语听力课堂不同投入量听力任务中词汇附带习得的实证研究,H319
  5. 美国留学生汉语词汇学习策略调查与分析,H195
  6. 农村高中英语词汇习得语境化研究,G633.41
  7. 模态对第二语言词汇习得的影响,H319
  8. 语篇显性/隐性教学对中职学生词汇习得的效应,G633.41
  9. FonF和FonM对第二语言词汇习得的影响,G633.41
  10. 两种认知风格影响下的附带词汇习得研究,H319
  11. 大学英语课堂互动词汇教学模式的实证研究,H319
  12. 英语词汇学与英语词汇习得的关系研究,H319
  13. 二语词汇习得的认知路线,H319.3
  14. 输出对二语词汇习得的影响,H319
  15. 书面输出在大学生英语词汇习得中的作用,H319
  16. The Effects of Metacognitive Strategies on the Width and Depth of Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition,H319
  17. 从模因论角度分析词汇输入方式对高中英语产出性词汇习得的实证研究,H319
  18. 儿童早期词汇习得与概念形成,H193.1
  19. 论语境对高中英语学困生词汇习得的影响,G633.41
  20. 动机取向下二语词汇习得模式的结构研究,H319

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