学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 卫青
导 师: 陈光伟
学 校: 广西师范学院
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 语境化 词汇教与学策略 词汇习得 农村高中
分类号: G633.41
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2010年
下 载: 367次
引 用: 1次
阅 读: 论文下载




Acknowledgement  6-7
摘要  7-8
Abstract  8-10
Chapter One Introduction  10-14
  1.1 Background  10-11
  1.2 Significance of the Study  11-12
  1.3 Outline of the Thesis  12-14
Chapter Two Literature Review  14-35
  2.1 Vocabulary Acquisition  14-17
    2.1.1 The Distinction of Acquisition and Learning  14-15
    2.1.2 The Definition of Vocabulary Acquisition  15-17
  2.2 Context Theory  17-35
    2.2.1 Development of Context Theory  17-20
    2.2.2 Classification of Context  20-24 Linguistic Context  20-23 Extra-linguistic Context  23-24
    2.2.3 Lexical Chunk and Context  24-27
    2.2.4 Recitation and Context  27-29
    2.2.5 Role of Context in Vocabulary Acquisition  29-31 Conducive to Determining of Word Meaning  29-30 Conducive to Memorization of Vocabulary  30-31 Conducive to Use of Vocabulary  31 Conducive to Reading Comprehension  31
    2.2.6 Researches on Vocabulary Acquisition in Relation to Context  31-35 Researches Abroad  31-33 Researches in China  33-35
Chapter Three A Survey of the Application of Contextual Strategies  35-50
  3.1 Methodology  35-37
    3.1.1 Purpose  35
    3.1.2 Subjects  35-36
    3.1.3 Instruments  36
    3.1.4 Procedure  36-37
  3.2 Results and Discussion  37-48
    3.2.1 Analysis of Learners’Questionnaire and Interview  37-43 Problems Existing in English Vocabulary Learning  37-38 Ideas about English Vocabulary Teaching  38-39 Ideas about Contextual Vocabulary Learning  39-41 Performance in Applying Context to Vocabulary Learning  41-43
    3.2.2 Analysis of Teachers’Questionnaire and Interview  43-48 Contextual Awareness in Vocabulary Teaching  43-44 Contextual Strategies Used in Presenting Vocabulary  44-46 Contextual Strategies Used in Consolidating Vocabulary  46-47 Factors Influencing the Application of Contextual Strategies  47-48
  3.3 Summary  48-50
Chapter Four Principles and Strategies for Contextualization of English Vocabulary Acquisition  50-70
  4.1 Principles for Teaching and Learning Vocabulary in Context  50-53
    4.1.1 Variety and Authenticity of Context  50-51
    4.1.2 Learner-oriented Process  51
    4.1.3 Repetition  51-52
    4.1.4 Combination of IVA and IVL  52-53
  4.2 Strategies for Teaching and Learning Vocabulary in Context  53-70
    4.2.1 Presenting Vocabulary in Context  54-61 Selecting Reasonable Time to Present Vocabulary  54-55 Focusing on Productive Vocabulary  55 Creating Situational Context  55-57 Training Learners’Ability to Infer Word Meaning  57-59 Emphasizing Cultural Context  59-61
    4.2.2 Consolidating Vocabulary in Context  61-65 Significance for the Use of Vocabulary  61-63 Creating Context for Learners to Practice Newly-learned Vocabulary  63-65
    4.2.3 Reciting Vocabulary in Context  65-70 Significance for the Memorization of Vocabulary  65-66 Memorizing Lexical Chunks as a Whole Unit  66-68 Associating Vocabulary with Its Contextual Knowledge  68-70
Chapter Five Conclusion  70-73
  5.1 Summary  70-71
  5.2 Limitations of the Study  71
  5.3 Suggestions for Further Researches  71-73
Bibliography  73-78
Appendix I Questionnaire for Teachers  78-79
Appendix II Questionnaire for Students  79-81
Appendix III Questions for Interview  81-82
Paper Published During the Study for M. A. Degree  82


  1. 农村高中教师课程观现状调查研究,G632.3
  2. 农村地区高中生英语学习风格的调查研究,G633.41
  3. 农村高中生学习动机与阅读能力的相关性研究,G633.41
  4. 学习策略训练对初中生英语词汇习得的影响,G633.41
  5. 在农村高中生物教学中实施营养健康教育的研究,G633.91
  6. 二语词汇习得中的文化因素,H09
  7. 农村地区高中新手英语教师实践知识的叙事研究,G633.41
  8. 基于语块的非英语专业大学生产出性词汇习得研究,H319
  9. 大学英语听力课堂不同投入量听力任务中词汇附带习得的实证研究,H319
  10. 美国留学生汉语词汇学习策略调查与分析,H195
  11. 农村高中英语“过程法”写作教学模式的实证研究,G633.41
  12. 模态对第二语言词汇习得的影响,H319
  13. 语篇显性/隐性教学对中职学生词汇习得的效应,G633.41
  14. FonF和FonM对第二语言词汇习得的影响,G633.41
  15. 新课程背景下农村高中英语教师教学适应性研究,G633.41
  16. 两种认知风格影响下的附带词汇习得研究,H319
  17. 教育经济视角下农村高中生厌学问题研究,G635.5
  18. 新课改下农村中学生数学学习方式的探究和转变,G633.6
  19. 大学英语课堂互动词汇教学模式的实证研究,H319
  20. 英语词汇学与英语词汇习得的关系研究,H319

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