学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示
作 者: 潘迎春
导 师: 何小凤
学 校: 上海交通大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 写作焦虑 教师反馈 同组互评 带感情的评语 偏客观性评语 写作成绩
分类号: H319
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2007年
下 载: 349次
引 用: 1次
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ABSTRACT 6-8 摘要 8-17 Chapter One Introduction 17-22 1.1 Motivation and aim of the present research 17-20 1.1.1 To call for the attention to students’anxiety and teachers’feedback on writings of EFL students 17-19 1.1.2 To improve students’writing ability by locating the appropriate way of feedback 19 1.1.3 To compare the conflicting findings in the extant literature and figure out a new way of teaching writing with less anxiety 19-20 1.2 Overview of the thesis 20-22 Chapter Two Literature Review 22-40 2.1 Theoretical studies of teaching methodology in writing 22-27 2.1.1 Theories about teaching writing 22-24 2.1.2 Teachers’feedback on students’writings 24-26 Written feedback 24-25 Conferencing feedback, on-line, face to face or by telephone, mobile phone 25-26 2.1.3 Peers’feedback in writing 26-27 2.2 Theoretical studies of anxiety 27-33 2.2.1 Krashen’s Affective Filter Hypothesis 27-28 2.2.2 Definition and classification of anxiety 28-31 2.2.3 Factors that constitute students’anxiety 31-32 2.2.4 The influence of teacher’s feedback on students’anxiety and writing scores 32 2.2.5 Implications for teaching methodology 32-33 2.3 Empirical studies of students’anxiety in EFL 33-40 2.3.1 Existing research in this field 33-36 Studies on harmful anxiety 34-35 Studies on helpful anxiety 35-36 2.3.2 Tools employed to test the scale of anxiety 36-40 The questionnaire of FLCAS and SLWAT 36-38 The questionnaire of FLWAS (translated and amended by the author based on the two above scripts) 38-40 Chapter Three The Conceptual Framework for the Present Study 40-44 3.1 The teachers’feedback scheme and principle 40-41 3.2 General anxiety VS anxiety in EFL writing learning process 41-42 3.3 Three guiding comparative researches in the present research 42-44 Chapter Four Research Methodology 44-54 4.1 Research questions 44 4.2 Instruments 44-47 4.2.1 Writing task 44-45 4.2.2 On-line approach 45 4.2.3 Questionnaire 45-46 4.2.4 Written feedback and conference from the teacher 46 4.2.5 Reflections from the students through interviews, emails, observations 46-47 4.2.6 Computer software 47 4.3 The settings and the subjects 47-51 4.3.1 Experiment One—about teachers’feedback 47-50 4.3.2 Experiment Two—about students’feedback 50-51 4.4 The procedure of data collection 51-54 4.4.1 Data from the questionnaires 51-52 4.4.2 Data from writing tasks 52-54 Scores 52-53 Written version of the feedback, conference, observation and peer review 53-54 Chapter Five Results and Discussion 54-82 5.1 Findings about the change of students’ anxiety from FLWAS 54-65 5.2 Findings about teachers’ feedback from Experiment One 65-75 5.3 Findings about students’ “peers’ feedback” from Experiment Two 75-82 Chapter Six: Conclusions and Implications 82-86 References 86-90 Appendix I. The eight topics in the writing task 90-91 Appendix II. 91-93 The questionnaire of FLWAS 91-92 The questionnaire of FLCAS 92-93 The questionnaire of SLWAT 93 Appendix III. Questionnaire II 93-94 Appendix IV. Grading standard of CET 4 and CET 6 94-95 Appendix V. Peers’ feedback samples 95-99 Appendix VI. Teachers’ feedback samples 99-104
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