学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 孟志英
导 师: 牛亚军
学 校: 西安电子科技大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 中诗英译 文化意象 语境
分类号: H315.9
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2006年
下 载: 614次
引 用: 1次
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独创性(或创新性)声明  3
关于论文使用授权的说明  3-4
摘 要  4-5
Abstract  5-9
Introduction  9-13
  1. Research Background and Overview of the Thesis  9-11
  2. Organization of the Thesis  11-13
Chapter Ⅰ A Review on Chinese Classical Poetry  13-33
  1.1 The History and the Development of Chinese Classical Poetry  13-16
  1.2 A Comparative Study of Chinese and English Poetry  16-17
    1.2.1 Themes  16
    1.2.2 Grammar  16-17
  1.3 Characteristics of Poetry  17-27
    1.3.1 Vividness  17-19
    1.3.2 Musicality  19-26 Rhythm  19-22 Rhyme  22-25 Parallelism  25-26
    1.3.3 Image—the Soul of Poetry  26-27
  1.4 Contexts and the Understanding of Chinese Classical Poetry  27-29
  1.5 Major Poetry Translation Schools and Their Representatives  29-33
Chapter Ⅱ Cultural Imagery of Chinese Classical Poetry.  33-41
  2.1 Introduction to Imagery  33-35
    2.1.1 Definition of Imagery  33
    2.1.2 The Disputes over the Term “Image”in Western Critical Tradition..  33-34
    2.1.3 The Survey of the Concept of Image in Chinese Literary Theories ..  34-35
  2.2 Imagery and Culture  35-37
  2.3 Categories of Imagery  37-41
    2.3.1 Visual Images  38
    2.3.2 Auditory Images  38-39
    2.3.3 Olfactory Images  39
    2.3.4 Tactile Images  39-40
    2.3.5 Gustatory Images  40-41
Chapter Ⅲ Context Studies  41-49
  3.1 Introduction to Context  41-44
    3.1.1 Definition of Context  41-42
    3.1.2 Classifications of Context  42-44
  3.2 An Overview of Context Studies  44-49
    3.2.1 Text and Context  44-45
    3.2.2 The History and the Findings of Context Studies  45-49
Chapter Ⅳ English Translation of Chinese Classical Poetry  49-71
  4.1 Achievements in English Translation of Chinese Classical Poetry  49-50
  4.2 Translation Principles and Aesthetic Principles  50-58
    4.2.1 Typical Translation Principles (Criteria) and Multi-Principle  (Criterion) Theory  50-52
    4.2.2 Aesthetic Principles in the Translation of Chinese Classical Poetry..  52-53
    4.2.3 The Aesthetic Analysis of a Chinese Classical Poem  53-58 Source Text Analysis  54-55 Translated Text Analysis  55-58
  4.3 The Strategies in Translating Imagery Chinese Classical Poetry  58-62
    4.3.1 Metrical Translation  58-59
    4.3.2 Literal Translation  59-60
    4.3.3 Phonemic Translation  60-61
    4.3.4 Free Translation  61-62
  4.4 Application of Analysis of Contextual Features to Translating Chinese Classical Poetry  62-71
    4.4.1 Different Interpretations and Translations Contextually Acceptable.  63-65
    4.4.2 An Illustration of Analysis of Contextual Features  65-71
Chapter Ⅴ Conclusion  71-73
Acknowledgements  73-75
Bibliography  75-79
Publications  79


  1. 科学语境论浅析,N02
  2. 模糊性问题的语境论解释,N02
  3. 维特根斯坦语境论探究,B521
  4. 加德纳多元智能理论的语境分析及哲学意义,B842.1
  5. 社会科学中的语境问题,C0
  6. 语境认识论初探,N02
  7. 语境论世界观的初探,N02
  8. 语境论真理观探究,N02
  9. 碎片化语境下的消费者信息选择路径研究,G206
  10. 小学语文语境式词语教学探究,G623.2
  11. 浅谈对外汉语教学中语境的运用,H195
  12. 先秦典籍里的酒意象,I206.2
  13. 关联—顺应模式下英汉词语文化联想意义的翻译研究,H315.9
  14. 从语境顺应看《傲慢与偏见》两个中译本,I046
  15. 语用关联理论与大学英语阅读理解,H319
  16. 现代汉语语境的解释功能与对外汉语教学,H195
  17. 高语境文化背景下强关系中的人际传播素质概念建构与测量,G206
  18. 媒介融合视域下的我国网络电视台发展研究,F49
  19. 道歉言语行为俄汉对比研究,H35
  20. 基于动态语境实现主动式WEB访问控制,TP393.08
  21. 从认知语境视角看翻译中多义词的词义选择,H059

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