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作 者: 周云
导 师: 刘金才
学 校: 河北大学
专 业: 日语语言文学
关键词: Gundam works conflicts of civilization anti-elite principle environmental ethics sci-fi animation
分类号: H36
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2011年
下 载: 43次
引 用: 0次
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The serials of Mobile suit Gundam are the typical works of Japanese Sci-fi animation. Because it is rich in concepts and entertainment, this serials is popular and successful all over the world, which lasts for 30 years. It can be said that Gundam works are both successful in industry and culture. Industry is restricted by national policies, which means the success in industry is limited to one country while culture can be passed to the world as human’s common fortunes. But most researches about the success of Gundam works are from the vision of cultural industry. There are few researches started from cultural aspect. So in order to find the reasons of Gundam works’success in cultural aspect, this essay explains the works from theoretical vision making use of the theories which are conflicts of civilization of American thinker Samuel.P.Huntington, materialistic history vision of Marxism and environmental ethics and the way of cultural text. Specifically, this essay starts with the historic development of Gundam works and analyses the specific content and characters centered on three concepts reflected by the works which are conflicts of civilization, anti-elite principle and new environmental ethics. Then it researches on how the three concepts make Gundam works get success, which is out of the industry aspect restricted by policy to clarify that the true reason of Gundam works’success is in cultural aspect. Through this research it can make Gundam works’cultural value clear and offer a new vision to the research of it, which can also give a good inspiration to the development of animation in our country.



  1. 環境倫理の日本における践行への考察,H36
  2. 论日语词汇的消极表达,H36
  3. 日语委婉语的认知理论研究,H36
  4. 从“和”意识看中日委婉表达,H36
  5. 论日本电影中文配音翻译中台词的信息增加,H36
  6. 对「だから」话题展开功能的考察,H36
  7. 论日语谓语与人称主语的限定关系,H36
  8. 日本语能力试验(2级)における教材の适用性,H36
  9. 日本语学习における教室不安と成绩の关系に对する研究,H36
  10. 复合动词中“掛ける”的意义分析,H36
  11. 中日四字成语比较研究,H36
  12. 汉日量词对比,H36
  13. 礼貌原则下中日称呼语对比研究,H36
  14. 委婉语中、英、日语语用比较研究,H313;H36
  15. 基于HSK词汇大纲甲级词的汉日同形词对比分析,H36
  16. “(?)”的语用研究,H36
  17. 日语道歉表达研究,H36
  18. 汉语存在句与日语存在句的比较研究,H36
  19. 汉语和日语中的同形字比较研究,H36
  20. 从川端康成文学中看日语色彩词和感情词的对照以《雷国》为中心,H36
  21. 《古事记》中的敬语研究,H36

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