学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示
作 者: 潘碧莹
导 师: 张树学
学 校: 大连海事大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 情态动词 情态类型 情态表达
分类号: H314
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2011年
下 载: 88次
引 用: 1次
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本文运用语料库对比方法,以Halliday的功能语法理论中的情态理论和Fowler提出的五种情态分类方法为基础,借助Antconc, Visual FoxPro与SPSS软件,对海商法与基于英语本族语者语料库(BROWN语料库)中的情态动词的情态类型与情态值进行分析,旨在探求两个语料的句子中所用情态动词是否有区别,以及产生区别的原因。研究表明,海商法英语所运用的情态动词类型均为表达职责、义务以及要求等意愿的高情态值的情态动词,而一般英语(BROWN语料库)往往使用中等情态值的情态动词。这是因为法律英语的语言比较严谨、准确,这样才会尽量避免引起歧义。通过分析,本论文证明对海商法情态动词情态的研究是有益可行的,它能够有效地减少海商法翻译者与学习者对海商法条款的内容的错误理解而造成的误译。
摘要 5-6 ABSTRACT 6-11 Chapter 1 Introduction 11-16 1.1 Importance of the Modal Verbs and Modality 11-12 1.2 Purpose of the Present Research 12 1.3 Choice of Topic 12-13 1.4 Research Method 13 1.5 Originality of the Research 13-14 1.6 Layout of the Thesis 14-16 Chapter 2 Literature Review 16-32 2.1 Theoretical Background 16-28 2.1.1 Corpus Linguistic and Grammar 16-19 2.1.2 The Features of the Use of Modal Verbs in Legal English 19-21 2.1.3 Definition of Mood,Modality and Modal Verbs 21-23 2.1.4 Modality Theory in Functional Grammar of Halliday 23-26 2.1.5 Modality Expression and Modality Types 26-28 2.2 Previous Studies of Modality on Modal Verbs 28-32 Chapter 3 Research Methodology 32-38 3.1 The Copora Used in Study 32-33 3.2 Software Packages Used in the Study 33-36 3.2.1 AntConc 33-34 3.2.2 Statistical Package for Social Science(SPSS) 34-35 3.2.3 Visual FoxPro 35-36 3.3 Data Collection and Processing Procedures 36-38 3.3.1 Data Collection 36 3.3.2 Processing Procedures 36-38 Chapter 4 Results and Analysis 38-59 4.1 Overall Distribution of MVs in Maritime Law English and BROWN 38-41 4.1.1 Comparison of Word Coverage between the Maritime Law English and BROWN Corpus 38-39 4.1.2 Comparison of Frequency between the Maritime Law English and BROWN Corpus 39-41 4.2 The Analysis of the Results from Modality Types 41-50 4.2.1 The Results of Comparing MVs according to Modalisation 41-42 4.2.2 The Results of Comparing MVs according to Modulation 42-48 4.2.3 The Results of Comparing MVs according to Marginal Modals 48-50 4.3 The Analysis of the Results from Modality Values 50-55 4.3.1 Characteristics of Modal Verbs in Maritime Law English 51-53 4.3.2 Characteristics of Modal Verbs in the BROWN Corpus 53-54 4.3.3 The Results of Comparing the Total Numbers of MVs 54 4.3.4 Results of Tests 54-55 4.4 Testing of Modality Values 55-57 4.5 Limitations of the Modality Studies on Modal Verbs 57-59 Chapter 5 Conclusions 59-62 5.1 Major Findings of the Study 59-60 5.2 Implications 60 5.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research 60-62 5.3.1 The Limitations of the Research 60 5.3.2 Some Suggestions for Future Research 60-62 References 62-67 Appendix 67-74 Appendix1 Types of Modal Verbs 67-68 Appendix2 Frequencies of Modal Verbs in BROWN Corpus 68-70 Appendix3 Frequencies of Modal Verbs in Maritime Law English 70-72 Appendix4 Shall Used in Maritime Law English Articles with the Third Person 72-74 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 74-75 Resume 75-76
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