学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示
作 者: 李杰
导 师: 马铁川
学 校: 华北电力大学(北京)
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 及物性 语气 情态 主位 语类 语步
分类号: H314
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2011年
下 载: 143次
引 用: 0次
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摘要 5-6 Abstract 6-14 Chapter 1 Introduction 14-18 1.1 Background of the research 14-16 1.2 Purpose of the study 16 1.3 Arrangement of the thesis 16-17 1.4 Significance of the analysis 17-18 Chapter2 Literature Review 18-24 2.1 Previous studies on discourse analysis 18-20 2.1.1 Discourse analysis in western countries 18-19 2.1.2 Discourse analysis in contemporary China 19-20 2.2 Previous studies on genre and genre analysis 20-22 2.2.1 Definition of genre 20-21 2.2.2 Overview of genre analysis 21-22 2.3 The Current Research on English scenic spot introduction words 22-24 Chapter3 Theoretical framework 24-33 3.1 Halliday's systemic functional grammar 24-30 3.1.1 Ideational metafunction 24-25 Transitivity system 24-25 Voice analysis 25 3.1.2 Interpersonal metafunction 25-26 Mood system 25-26 Modality 26 3.1.3 Textual metafunction 26-30 Thematic structure 27-28 Cohesive system 28-30 3.2 Theory of generic study 30-33 3.2.1 Swales' Create A Research Space Model 30-31 3.2.2 Bhatia's seven-step move model 31-32 3.2.3 Hasan's Notion of Generic Structure Potential 32-33 Chapter 4 Functional feature of English scenic spot introduction words 33-55 4.1 Overview of English scenic spot introduction words 33 4.2 Methodology of data collection and analysis 33-34 4.3 Functional feature of English scenic spot introduction words 34-54 4.3.1 The feature of ideational function in English scenic spot introduction words 34-43 Transitivity in English scenic spot introduction words 36-41 Voice analysis in English scenic spot introduction words 41-43 4.3.2 The feature of interpersonal function in English scenic spot introduction words 43-47 Mood in English scenic spot introduction words 44-45 Modality in English scenic spot introduction words 45-47 4.3.3 The feature of textual function in English scenic spot introduction words 47-52 Thematic structure in English scenic spot introduction words 47-49 Cohesive system in English scenic spot introduction words 49-52 4.3.4 The Corresponding Relationship between Metafunctions and Register 52-54 4.4 Summary of functional analysis 54-55 Chapter5 Genre-Based Analysis of English scenic spot introduction words 55-64 5.1 Overview 55 5.2 Analysis of a sampled text 55-62 5.3 GSP of English scenic spot introduction words 62-63 5.4 Summary of generic analysis 63-64 Chapter6 Conclusion 64-70 6.1 Some important findings 64-67 6.2 Implications 67-69 6.2.1 Implications on English scenic spot introduction words teaching 67-68 6.2.2 Implications on other kinds of genre teaching 68 6.2.3 Implications on English scenic spot introduction words writing 68-69 6.3 Limitations 69-70 Bibliography 70-72 Appendix 72-79 Papers Published in the Period of M.A. Education 79-80 Acknowledgements 80
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