学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示
作 者: 宁博
导 师: 唐德根
学 校: 湘潭大学
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 跨文化交际 交际模式 顺应—关联模式 跨文化交际能力
分类号: C912.3
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2009年
下 载: 153次
引 用: 0次
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Chinese Abstract 4-5 English Abstract 5-9 Introduction 9-13 0.1 Literature Review of Models of Communication 9-11 0.2 Significance and Originality of this Research 11-12 0.3 Organization of the Thesis 12-13 Chapter 1 Adaptation-Relevance Model and Intercultural Communication 13-21 1.1 Communication as a Relevance-oriented Process 15-17 1.2 Dynamic Interadaptation between Linguistic and Contextual Choices in Intercultural Communication 17-18 1.3 Presumption of Relevance: Deciding Choices of a Particular Utterance in the Communication Process 18-19 1.4 Adaptation and Relevance: Deciding Choices of Communication Strategies 19-21 Chapter 2 Adaptation and Relevance Governing the Production and Interpretation of Utterance in Three Different Worlds 21-46 2.1 Adaptation and Relevance in Communicators’Mental World 22-30 2.1.1 Communicators’Adaptation and Relevance Motivated by Cognitive Elements 22-27 2.1.2 Communicators’Adaptation and Relevance Motivated by Emotive Elements 27-30 2.2 Adaptation and Relevance in Communicators’Social World 30-41 2.2.1 Social Relationship:High Power Distance and Low Power Distance 31-34 2.2.2 Cultural Values:Individualism and Collectivism 34-38 2.2.3 Social Conventions: Habits and Customs 38-41 2.3 Adaptation and Relevance in Communicators’Physical World 41-46 2.3.1 Temporal Reference and Dynamics of Adaptation-Relevance 41-43 2.3.2 Spatial Reference and Dynamics of Adaptation-Relevance 43-46 Chapter 3 Positive Functions of Adaptation-Relevance Model in Intercultural Communication 46-54 3.1 Improving Communicators’Adaptation Competence 46-50 3.1.1 Motivating Communicators to Exhibit Their Own Cultures 47-48 3.1.2 Inspiring Communicators to Learn from Other Cultures 48-50 3.2 Improving Communicators’Relevance Competence 50-52 3.3 Enhancing Communicators’Intercultural Communicative Competence 52-54 Conclusion 54-56 References 56-61 Acknowledgements 61-62 Informative Chinese Abstract 62-65 Résuméand Publications since Entering the Program 65
- 高中英语教学中的跨文化交际语用失误研究,G633.41
- 汉英委婉语比较与对外汉语委婉语教学,H195
- 跨文化交际视域下的语言世界图景,H35
- 英语专业大学生跨文化交际能力情感层面研究,H319
- 中国博士生跨文化交际能力研究,H319
- 论即时聊天软件对大学生跨文化交际能力的影响,H319
- 中外跨文化能力和跨文化交际能力研究综述(2001-2010),H319
- 大学生跨文化交际能力和英语学习动机的相关性研究,H319
- 母语文化背景语料的介入对英语学习的作用,H319.1
- 中西面子观的差异与语用策略,H030
- 跨文化视角下《水浒传》中粗俗语的翻译研究,I046
- 从跨文化交际的角度看中医术语的英译,H315.9
- 影视欣赏对中国大学生跨文化交际能力的提高,H319
- 中德色彩词汇比较,H136
- 口译中的跨文化语用失误及其翻译策略,H059
- 交际文化习得途径对比研究,H09
- 中美合资企业人力资源管理之文化差异分析,G04
- 跨文化交际中的文化定型及其对中国大学英语教学的启示,H319
- 跨文化交际与中韩/韩中旅游翻译,H55
- 英汉死亡委婉语文化内涵对比研究,H313
- 词汇语用充实的顺应—关联性研究,H030
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