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作 者: 李莉
导 师: 金成俊
学 校: 延边大学
专 业: 音乐学
关键词: Korean Chinese folk singer Jojongju music activities singing features
分类号: J607
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2009年
下 载: 11次
引 用: 0次
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Jojongju is a famous singer, who was frist awarded the degree of "social singer" as a Korean-Chinese. The sound, which was already recorded, contained over 50 pieces of song for work, hard luck, specially "(?)" and so on, which is a broad range of formats and a variety of types traditional music. It contributed very much on the preservation, succession, distribution and picking up the traditional music from our nation . By revealing the ballad and first tried to according to the types and classificate what he had singed.In this thesis will take a view of Jojongju’ s life and his artistic way and review the music activity as a farmer in Korea, and as folk artists in China. According to the regional , environment and theme classification he had singed and published literatures. Through his singing tone and his pronunciation , I will have a research on his singing features. Research his credit on the Korean pop, and the impact and position on the korean misical history.Classificate his songs by region, he singed folk songs in many places, there are most ’west road folk songs’ and according to the classification of type, there are many ballads. Although he did not specifically study the sound, but look at the characteristics of his singing, we can know, that he was a private singer, who takes the singing method from Hwanghae and Pyongan, that is , the region of west road as the foundation.


外文摘要  5-6
Abstract  6-7
目录  7-8
正文  8-41
参考文献  41-45
附录:(攻读学位期间发表论文目录)  45


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  7. 中国民族音乐特征提取与分类技术的研究,J607
  8. 当代社会变迁下侗族大歌的传承与保护研究,J607
  9. 资兴瑶族民歌初探,J607
  10. 西北地区花儿会的发展及区域特征(1912-1966),J607
  11. 字字乡音重,声声故土情,J607
  12. 吟诵的音乐性文献及吟诵在学校教育中的传承研究,J607-4
  13. 民族音乐的亲子课程模式探索,J607-4
  14. 乌毛素沙漠中的民族音乐之魂,J607
  15. 从侗族歌师的教唱窥探侗族大歌的演唱特色,J607
  16. 赫哲—那乃跨界民族传统音乐文化变迁研究,J607
  17. 浙江畲族民歌的演唱艺术研究,J607
  18. 辽阳民间鼓乐文化研究,J607
  19. 广西博白客家“做斋”仪式音乐研究,J607
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  21. 广西南丹中堡花苗传统音乐研究,J607

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