学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 王莹莹
导 师: 姜孟
学 校: 四川外国语大学
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 外语学术型硕士研宄生 个体培养质量 评估量表
分类号: G643
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2014年
下 载: 1次
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摘要  4-5
Abstract  5-7
Acknowledgments  7-8
Abbreviations  8-16
Chapter One Introduction  16-22
  1.1 Research Background  16-19
  1.2 Research Objectives  19
  1.3 Methods  19-20
  1.4 Significance of the Present Study  20
  1.5 Layout of the Thesis  20-22
Chapter Two Literature Review  22-35
  2.1 Key Term Definition  22-25
    2.1.1 Professional Degree Postgraduates  22
    2.1.2 Academic Degree Postgraduates  22-23
    2.1.3 Postgraduates’ Individual Quality  23-25
  2.2 Previous Studies of Postgraduates’ Individual Quality  25-34
    2.2.1 Previous Studies of Professional Degree Postgraduates’ Individual Quality  25-27
    2.2.2 Previous Studies of Academic Degree Postgraduates’ Individual Quality  27-28
    2.2.3 Previous Studies of the Assessment Scales of Postgraduates’ Individual Quality  28-34
  2.3 Criticism  34-35
Chapter Three The Preliminary Construction of the Assessment Scale of FLADPs’ Individual Quality  35-54
  3.1 The Preliminary Model of FLADPs’ Individual Quality  35-53
    3.1.1 The Construction of FL Basic Abilities  35-37
    3.1.2 The Construction of FL Academic Abilities  37-43
    3.1.3 The Construction of Academic-related Mental Traits  43-46
    3.1.4 The Construction of FLT Competence  46-47
    3.1.5 The Construction of the General Abilities of High-quality Citizens  47
    3.1.6 The Construction of FL Academic Potential Abilities  47-51
    3.1.7 The Construction of Career-fulfillment Abilities  51-53
  3.2 The Preliminary Assessment Scale of FLADPs’ Individual Quality  53-54
Chapter Four The Improvement of the Model and the Scale  54-101
  4.1 Data Collection  54-55
    4.1.1 Subjects  54
    4.1.2 Research Tool  54
    4.1.3 Data Statistics  54-55
  4.2 The Reliability and Validity Analysis of the First-stage Factors  55-85
    4.2.1 The Reliability and Validity Analysis of FL Basic Abilities  56-60
    4.2.2 The Reliability and Validity Analysis of FL Academic Abilities  60-64
    4.2.3 The Reliability and Validity Analysis of Academic-related Mental Traits  64-67
    4.2.4 The Reliability and Validity Analysis of FL Academic Potential Abilities  67-70
    4.2.5 The Reliability and Validity Analysis of Career-fulfillment Ability  70-72
    4.2.6 The Reliability and Validity Analysis of the Whole Scale  72-76
    4.2.7 The Improvement of the First-stage Factors  76-79
    4.2.8 The Reanalysis of the First-stage Factors  79-85
  4.3 The Analysis of the Second-stage Factors  85-92
    4.3.1 The Preliminary Analysis of the Second-stage Factors  85-87
    4.3.2 The Reanalysis of the Second-stage Factors  87-92
    4.3.3 Discussion  92
  4.4 The Analysis of the Third-stage Factors  92-101
    4.4.1 The Reliability Analysis of the Third-stage Factors  92-93
    4.4.2 The Validity Analysis of the Third-stage Factors  93-94
    4.4.3 The Discrimination Analysis of the Third-stage Factors  94-101
    4.4.4 Discussion  101
Chapter Five The Construction of the Final Scale  101-114
  5.1 Data Collection  101-102
    5.1.1 Subjects  101-102
    5.1.2 Research Tool  102
    5.1.3 Data Statistics  102
  5.2 The Reliability Analysis of the Scale  102-106
    5.2.1 The Reliability Analysis of the Whole Scale  102-103
    5.2.2 The Reliability Analysis of the Five Subscales  103-106
    5.2.3 The Reliability Analysis of the Third-stage Factors  106
  5.3 The Validity Analysis of the Scale  106-110
    5.3.1 The Validity Analysis of the Second-stage Factors  107-109
    5.3.2 The Validity Analysis of the Third-stage Factors  109-110
  5.4 The Discrimination Analysis of the Scale  110-111
  5.5 Summary  111-114
Chapter Six Conclusion  114-117
  6.1 Major Findings  114-115
  6.2 Pedagogical Implications  115
  6.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Researches  115-117
References  117-125
Appendix A The Preliminary Model  125-127
Appendix B The Modified Model  127-129
Appendix C The Preliminary Assessment Scale  129-137
Appendix D The Modified Assessment Scale  137-144


  1. 蒙特利尔认知量表在脑小血管病患者认知功能障碍筛查中的作用,R749.1
  2. 首次发病的腔隙性脑梗死认知功能变化的研究,R749.1
  3. 46,XY性别发育异常儿童大脑性别评定的初步研究,R711.1
  4. 蒙特利尔认知评估量表在乌鲁木齐维吾尔族人群中的应用,R741
  5. 老年高干人群轻度认知功能障碍的调查及危险因素分析,R749.1
  6. 颈动脉粥样硬化对缺血性脑血管病患者认知功能及注意网络功能的影响,R543.4
  7. 创伤性脑损伤相关认知功能障碍的神经心理量表和影像学分析,R749.1
  8. 应用蒙特利尔认知量表测查缺血性脑血管病非痴呆患者的初步结果,R749.1
  9. 手术患者压疮危险因素评估的研究,R473.6
  10. 对精神分裂症患者的家庭动力学研究,R749.3
  11. 广东省3-18岁言语残疾患者抽样调查及其语言行为分析,R195
  12. 痉挛性双瘫患儿高危因素、GMFM评估以及SEP检测临床研究,R742.3
  13. 血管性认知障碍的神经心理学及中医证候学研究,R277.7
  14. 护士主导的强化认知干预对卒中后非痴呆认知障碍患者的应用研究,R473.74
  15. 两个观察性疼痛评估量表在老年腹部手术复苏期疼痛评估中的评价与应用,R4
  16. 中国多系统萎缩患者临床特点、血浆alpha-synuclein蛋白表达水平及SNCA基因多态性研究,R741
  17. 血管性认知障碍无痴呆患者SPECT脑血流显像特点,R749.1
  18. 早产儿准备经口喂养评估量表的信效度评价及应用研究,R473.72
  19. 蒙特利尔量表对长沙市老年人轻度认知功能障碍的筛查应用研究,R473.74
  20. 癌因性疲乏自评量表的研制及其信效度研究,R473.73
  21. 慢性脑供血不足患者认知功能障碍的MoCA评估及相关因素分析,R743

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